HP Femslash Minifest Fic: bluelight (Ginny/Luna, Teen)

Mar 22, 2019 08:34

Title: bluelight
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: Teen
Word Count: ~1,550
Content/Warnings: Hogwarts 7th Year, camping, pining, forced proximity
Summary: Ginny knew this camping trip would be special.
Notes: Written for the
hpfemslash-minifest March 2019 trope: Forced Proximity.

Thanks to the lovely
nerdherderette for giving this a once-over!

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pairing: ginny/luna, era: hogwarts, no repost, my fanfic, trope: forced proximity, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: femslash, rating: pg-13

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