For writcraft: What I Do to You (Draco/Harry, Explicit)

Mar 19, 2019 08:24

Happy half-birthday
writcraft! You are one of my very favourite people and I cannot tell you how glad I am to have had the chance to get to know you over the past several years. You are so funny, kind, talented, wicked smart, and a truly wonderful friend. As a token of my sincere affection, I thought I'd gift you this little fucked-up bit of angst, because what better way to show somebody you care than to hurt the characters we both adore? Apparently I'm incapable of gifting somebody a normal fic, but given your love of darker themes, I really hope this hits the spot! Thank you for being an amazing human being and for always being around when I need a friend. ♥

Title: What I Do to You
Pairing: Draco/Harry, background Ron/Hermione, mentions of past Harry/Ginny
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~9,200
Content/Warnings: Alternating POV, Post-Second War with Voldemort, Auror Training, fucked-up Harry, issues of self-worth, some suicide ideation, PTSD, Harry and Draco are not dealing with their issues well (especially Harry), unhealthy coping mechanisms, Christmas (but not really in a happy way), hate!sex, semi-public!sex, floor!sex, consent issues/dubious consent, anal sex, rough sex, face-fucking, open/ambiguous/angsty ending
Summary: These days, apathy fogs Harry's mind. Malfoy's the only one who makes Harry feel anything at all. Harry doesn't really care that the feelings aren't good ones. He deserves it.
Read on AO3

Notes: Thank you so much to the brilliant
firethesound for reacting with enthusiastic grabby hands when I sent her the warnings for this fic and shamelessly begged politely asked if she'd be willing to beta it for me. And thank you as well to the equally brilliant
birdsofshore for brit-picking and flailing. ♥

This fic was heavily inspired by Season 6 Buffy and her relationship with Spike. As such, the title for this fic is inspired by the below dialogue:

Spike: Do you even like me?

Buffy: Sometimes.

Spike: But you like what I do to you.

[Spike holds up a pair of handcuffs.]

Spike: Do you trust me?

Buffy: Never.

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: post-hogwarts, kink: public!sex, fandom: harry potter, birthdays, gift!fic, trope: auror training, pairing: draco/harry, trope: ambiguous/open ending, kink: dub-con, kink: rough sex, rating: nc-17, kink: face-fucking, kink: floor!sex, kink: hate!sex

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