Oct 27, 2009 06:02
High: 94.8 Low 62.4 Rain 0.04 A little rain.
First:: We are done giving extra water to the strawberries. David is giving extra watering time to the ground covers I just planted. We checked all the sprayers in the P orchard and the Pomegranate grove, and made adjustments.
Morning: Weeded, fertilized, and reseeded the 9 circle plots in the C4 garden. There are 36 subplots. Germination from September 1 and October 1 seeding was less than spectacular in most of the subplots, but some I added seed if I still had some left. I transplanted the nasturtium that I started on the lanai rather than reseeding. Only 33 out of 119 had germinated on the lanai, so I put the tray back on the the lawn in case there is more germination. Came in around 11:45.
Afternoon: Once the fog burned off, it was pretty hot, and I didn't want to work outside. I organized my herbs for seeding on the lanai. Also checked the status of the back orders from MVS. 3 of the 4 should have arrived at the PO, they were sent out on the 16th. Checked on the status of the Eucalyptus seed I ordered on the 25th. They should be shipped on Monday Oct 26, but I did not see a tracking number filled out on ebay. So, I will need to prepare for and find space for 10 new trays, 7 trays of herbs and mints, 2 trays of canna from MVS, and 1 tray of eucalyptus. Also, checked on the status of the new cell phone I bought on Friday Oct 23. It has arrived in Tampa, but won't be delivered until Wednesday the 28th.
Evening: Began spraying insecticide in the veggie garden and the P orchard. I decided not to spray anymore Sevin in the C4 garden because it takes 14 days for most of the stuff there before you can harvest. I will have to get something milder. The sprayer wasn't working very well, and it started to drizzle, so I'll finish spraying on Wednesday, with a new sprayer. The watermelon plants are mostly gone. I left a few with a live vine supporting a watermelon, but no leaves. It appears that most of those vines have died as well.
Last: Watered the lanai trays.
insecticide spray,