
Nov 21, 2007 11:41

Who: Andra & Lauren SASS'N'CLASS FTW
What: BFF Chit Chat because Tori and I are clearly insane and have way too much crack going on
Where: Grrrryffindor Common Room!
When: September 12th, 8pm
Warnings: Girliness? XD
Open to: Lauren!

Oh Lauren, what have you gotten yourself into this time? )

andra owen

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sheisavixen November 21 2007, 22:20:46 UTC
Homework? What was that?!?!

Okay, okay. So she too had a large pile of homework that she needed to accomplish, but Lauren tried not to focus on that too much. Oh, she would when she needed to, when there was no time left to finish it, but in the mean time? She would much rather be bouncing about, hopping from one scene to the next as she tried to entertain herself and talk with people.

This was how she happened upon the common room, she was going to see if there were any exciting happenings going on. Sadly, it seemed to be pretty dead -- in the sense that people were just doing their homework. LAME! She had been about to turn around and head back out into the halls of the castle, when she did a double take as she noticed very familiar brown hair.

She was oddly REALLY happy to see her best friend. Probably having to do with the fact that they haven't been threaded with together for well over a year! We fail. "You are such a nerd," Lauren drawled in a teasing tone, a smile of endearment plastered on her face as she watched her friend ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 00:20:22 UTC
Oh, Andra wished she could be as dismissive about homework as her darling friend. It certainly would have made that infamous seventh year a fair bet more enjoyable!

She looked up with a lopsided smile, then made a grabby hand before patting the couch next to her; it had been far too long since she and Lauren had giggled and talked about nothing in particular, and the distraction from work was more than welcome ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 04:40:12 UTC
Being able to dismiss ones work was an art form that Lauren had come to perfect during her first few years at Hogwarts. How? She wasn't quite sure. But the funny thing was, that she still ended up with decent marks. She wasn't a poor student by any means... well, she possibly could be better if she focused more on the work, but when it came down to it, her ability to be dismissive probably just came down to the fact that she didn't much care about her grades ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 04:54:06 UTC
Andra tucked her legs underneath her, shifting to get comfortable as her friend joined her on the couch. And when Lauren attempted to make a serious diagnosis of the rune situation, she couldn't help but lean forward and study it a bit harder ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 05:03:40 UTC
Was this girl for real? Lauren made quite the comical expression, she was sure, as Andra read out what she had -- her brow raising along with the right side of her top lip. It was... well, what in the world was that supposed to mean?!? Either the teacher was having a laugh, or Andra wasn't very good in that class ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 05:11:44 UTC
Sadly, Andra just wasn't very good. She'd only barely managed to scrape into the class after their OWLs last year, and it was only because she'd spent the entire night before cramming for nothing but Runes. Nearly everything else (that mattered to her, anyway) she knew like the back of her hand.

"I like it," she replied, lighting up a little in her geeky sort of way. "I just have to work at it, that's all. ... I hope." She laughed, then waved her hand to dismiss the unpleasant talk of schoolwork, when there was catching up and possible gossipping to be had.

"Oh?" she asked, giving her friend a disbelieving look. "Hmm, riiight. Locked away in our dorm, I definitely believe that one." She winked, then shook her head and listened more seriously when Lauren explained that she'd been bouncing about to see how everyone was ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 05:24:19 UTC
Lauren shrugged, more than happy to move on from school talk. Plus, she wasn't about to debate with her friend about a class that clearly FAILED at being interesting. If Andra liked it, that was good for her... she just didn't have to agree. Simple as that. Plus she was just too cute when she got all geeky, so how could you argue with that ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 05:38:31 UTC
Andra laughed lightly, shaking her head at her friend. Even after seven years, Lauren still made the effort to meet first years and be kind to them, and probably made them all feel so comfortable and at ease in their new home-away-from-home. Andra didn't think she did it as an act of goodwill, but moreso because she genuinely enjoyed chatting with them and making them less afraid to be away from their familes, but it was a really awesome thing regardless.

"It is crazy!" she agreed, sitting up a bit straighter. "And it's crazy to not see the old seventh years, I keep thinking I'm going to run into one of them in the common room, or the hallways... Seniority is strange." She shook her head, frowning just a bit; it was hard to get used to the fact that they had one year left, and then poof! Out into the real world ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 05:49:30 UTC
Nah. It wasn't out of goodwill that she greeted and entertained the younger years. She knew it was a nice thing to do, and that some of the students would do the same thing just to look good in others eyes. But that wasn't Lauren's motivation at all. She got to know the first years because she genuinely cared. They were fun ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 05:58:33 UTC
Andra laughed loudly when Lauren pointed out the fact that her list of missed faces were all quite handsome and of the male persuasion; it wasn't really a surprise, but it made her giggle regardless. Dear Lauren! Ever the flirt!

Of course, this year maybe Andra would need to take a few notes from her friend; she needed to snag herself at least one guy in the safe waters of Hogwarts before ever attempting to be available after school! Oh, the woes of a mostly private seventeen year old. Hrmph.

As Lauren clutched her arm and playfully pleaded for Andra to join her in denial, she laughed once again before patting the back of her hand lightly. "No worries! I shall happily go frolicking with you about in Denialand, but be warned that when spring rolls around? I am totally going to have to drag myself out and start studying."

Okay, so that made her sound like a really uptight, class-A nerd. But in all, her agreeing to live in denial for something like five months was a huge change in attitude. Not studying obsessively? Enjoying ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:05:36 UTC
She may miss these older boys, but there were always others around to flirt with, eh? Though she had some weird mentality that it wasn't as fun to flirt with blokes that were her age. And younger boys were out of the picture entirely. Still... just because there weren't older students, didn't mean there weren't men around...

Which brought her thoughts back to something(rather, someone) who she probably shouldn't be thinking about!!

She'd have to possibly get the nerve to ask Andra about her dilemma.

"Fine," Lauren sighed exasperatedly, dramatically rolling her eyes practically all the way to the back of her head, "If you must leave me then, do so. Though I suppose I might just have to follow you, for once, and try my hand at being a nerd. Wouldn't want to fail my NEWTs and end up back here for another year, would I? No. No, definitely not." How dreadful that would be, though she supposed it would save her the trouble of worrying about her future ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 06:12:04 UTC
Andra grinned, then gave a nod of approval. "I think that would be a wise idea," she replied, poking her friend lightly in the ribs. "I mean, if I'm going to be shirking my homework and trying to have fun, then it's only fair!" Of course... that wasn't to say that she wouldn't probably still sneak away and do something geeky like read up on a Potions text just for fun. But then again, who was to say that Lauren wouldn't slip away from studying to go make out with someone?

It was all fair game!

And speaking of Potions! Andra's ears perked up as Lauren mentioned Professor York, and at her words she gave a slight start. He had been talking to Lauren? About Potions? She hated it, but she couldn't help that tiny pang of jealousy in the pit of her stomach -- not because she didn't think Lauren deserved it, Merlin no! If they had anything in common, it was a knack at Potions. But it was a little disheartening, since she had tried to talk to Professor York before about career options regarding Potions ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:25:45 UTC

Lauren was glad that they could come to this agreement, both knowing that as much as they might follow the other... they'd still likely fall back into their old habits. It would be amazing, though she wasn't looking forward to all the studying. But still, amazing because she'd be doing it all with Andra.

"Then it's a deal," She held out her hand, balling her palm minus the pinky in order for her friend to hook hers around it, "Pinky swear?" She knew it was a silly, childish thing to do... but she also knew that they had one year left of acting as immature as they pleased, so she was going to soak it up!

If Lauren had know at all how Andra felt about the Potions track, how she would feel a bit jealous at hearing she spoke to the Professor about it, she would not have mentioned it. Or at least not like that. She knew that Potions was her friend's favorite class and all, they had had more than a few conversations dancing around the topic, but still! Perhaps her head wasn't all together there at the moment anyway, since she ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 06:32:39 UTC
((LOL Frederick is terribly upset that Lauren cannot remember when they spoke. Or else he's very pleased that she's that discombobulated. XDDD ( ... )


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:42:00 UTC
((HAHA *DIES* Let's just say that she's a bit too twitterpated and lost track of time?? >.>))

Lauren, as mentioned already, was determined to act as immaturely as she could since it was the last year that they would have as an excuse to be immature. But that didn't mean that she'd stop once out of school.

No, Andra's thinking was right -- though they'd somehow have to be mature once they entered the 'real world', Lauren was sure that they would forever hold onto their giggly, silly, over-the-top-crazy antics when in the each others company. She would see to it.

Damn her for showing SIGNS. If anyone was to read her properly, Andra was the safest bet since she knew her FAR too well.

"I'm-- No. No, I'm not exactly contemplating it. Or at least I don't think so. Or... well, I hadn't until he mentioned that it would be a good idea. It's--" She cut herself off again, scratching the back of her head, because honestly! How does one broach this subject? "I don't really know what to say. I'm... well, all I can say is that... if it means ( ... )


andraleigh November 23 2007, 06:49:27 UTC
Okay. ... What?

Andra watched Lauren, and found herself at a complete and total loss. It wasn't the fact that her words and actions and mannerisms hinted at some sort of crush on the professor -- that was far from shocking to Andra. Lauren was a go-getter, a playful and beautiful girl who loved boys as much as any other girl loved clothes and makeup and ... unicorns when they were four. That was not what had Andra perplexed ( ... )


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