
Nov 21, 2007 11:41

Who: Andra & Lauren SASS'N'CLASS FTW
What: BFF Chit Chat because Tori and I are clearly insane and have way too much crack going on
Where: Grrrryffindor Common Room!
When: September 12th, 8pm
Warnings: Girliness? XD
Open to: Lauren!

Oh Lauren, what have you gotten yourself into this time? )

andra owen

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sheisavixen November 23 2007, 05:49:30 UTC
Nah. It wasn't out of goodwill that she greeted and entertained the younger years. She knew it was a nice thing to do, and that some of the students would do the same thing just to look good in others eyes. But that wasn't Lauren's motivation at all. She got to know the first years because she genuinely cared. They were fun!

And yes, she did enjoy chatting away with them. Basically, she treated them the way that a specific fifth year had treated her when she was a first year. Because of the kindness shown to her, she thought it was only right that she spread it along to the next person.

"I know, me too! I keep thinking that I'll see James or Darin or Bry or..." Here she paused, laughing almost to herself, "Notice how I only name off the boys." She rolled her eyes as she sighed. How pathetic she was.

Lauren clutched at her friend's arm, "Please join me! It's not so fun all by my lonesome!" Now she pouted, thinking about how being in denial probably wasn't healthy for either of them in the long run... but it was better than thinking about the future! Which was scary business and she'd like to ignore it, thanks.

Of course, then Andra had to bring up Newts. Which... yeah, that made her shudder. She couldn't even say anything about it, because NEWTs was something she was not looking forward to. At all.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 05:58:33 UTC
Andra laughed loudly when Lauren pointed out the fact that her list of missed faces were all quite handsome and of the male persuasion; it wasn't really a surprise, but it made her giggle regardless. Dear Lauren! Ever the flirt!

Of course, this year maybe Andra would need to take a few notes from her friend; she needed to snag herself at least one guy in the safe waters of Hogwarts before ever attempting to be available after school! Oh, the woes of a mostly private seventeen year old. Hrmph.

As Lauren clutched her arm and playfully pleaded for Andra to join her in denial, she laughed once again before patting the back of her hand lightly. "No worries! I shall happily go frolicking with you about in Denialand, but be warned that when spring rolls around? I am totally going to have to drag myself out and start studying."

Okay, so that made her sound like a really uptight, class-A nerd. But in all, her agreeing to live in denial for something like five months was a huge change in attitude. Not studying obsessively? Enjoying her classmates' reign at the top of the totem pole? Sounded like a plan to her!

Long live denial!


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:05:36 UTC
She may miss these older boys, but there were always others around to flirt with, eh? Though she had some weird mentality that it wasn't as fun to flirt with blokes that were her age. And younger boys were out of the picture entirely. Still... just because there weren't older students, didn't mean there weren't men around...

Which brought her thoughts back to something(rather, someone) who she probably shouldn't be thinking about!!

She'd have to possibly get the nerve to ask Andra about her dilemma.

"Fine," Lauren sighed exasperatedly, dramatically rolling her eyes practically all the way to the back of her head, "If you must leave me then, do so. Though I suppose I might just have to follow you, for once, and try my hand at being a nerd. Wouldn't want to fail my NEWTs and end up back here for another year, would I? No. No, definitely not." How dreadful that would be, though she supposed it would save her the trouble of worrying about her future...

No. Lauren could never seriously consider failing her last year of school just to come back. That would be weird and far too pathetic for even her. She could do this growing up thing, just you wait and see.

"Actually..." Here was a good window of opportunity, an easy way to bring up the subject, "I was talking to Professor York just yesterday and... he was saying something about going into the field of Potions somehow..."


andraleigh November 23 2007, 06:12:04 UTC
Andra grinned, then gave a nod of approval. "I think that would be a wise idea," she replied, poking her friend lightly in the ribs. "I mean, if I'm going to be shirking my homework and trying to have fun, then it's only fair!" Of course... that wasn't to say that she wouldn't probably still sneak away and do something geeky like read up on a Potions text just for fun. But then again, who was to say that Lauren wouldn't slip away from studying to go make out with someone?

It was all fair game!

And speaking of Potions! Andra's ears perked up as Lauren mentioned Professor York, and at her words she gave a slight start. He had been talking to Lauren? About Potions? She hated it, but she couldn't help that tiny pang of jealousy in the pit of her stomach -- not because she didn't think Lauren deserved it, Merlin no! If they had anything in common, it was a knack at Potions. But it was a little disheartening, since she had tried to talk to Professor York before about career options regarding Potions.

Maybe she was trying too hard? Maybe he thought she was brownnosing? Whatever, now was not the time!! "Really?" she asked, smiling wide and never once letting on how she felt on the inside. "That's pretty awesome, what did he suggest? What did you say?? Wait, when did you talk to him?"

Her head tilted at that last question, having wondered if her friend dared to venture down and seek a meeting with the man! Definitely surprising!


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:25:45 UTC

Lauren was glad that they could come to this agreement, both knowing that as much as they might follow the other... they'd still likely fall back into their old habits. It would be amazing, though she wasn't looking forward to all the studying. But still, amazing because she'd be doing it all with Andra.

"Then it's a deal," She held out her hand, balling her palm minus the pinky in order for her friend to hook hers around it, "Pinky swear?" She knew it was a silly, childish thing to do... but she also knew that they had one year left of acting as immature as they pleased, so she was going to soak it up!

If Lauren had know at all how Andra felt about the Potions track, how she would feel a bit jealous at hearing she spoke to the Professor about it, she would not have mentioned it. Or at least not like that. She knew that Potions was her friend's favorite class and all, they had had more than a few conversations dancing around the topic, but still! Perhaps her head wasn't all together there at the moment anyway, since she wasn't so much wanting to talk about Potions as much as she wanted to talk about the Professor.

She laughed when her friend started to ask all the questions, "I talked to him yest--" Pause. "Wait! What am I thinking, I talked to him today! Wow. That was today?" Lauren paused again, wondering how it had already seemed like so much time had gone by since she had spent that hour with Professor York. That or Tori just fails at keeping up with dates.

"Anyway, he started talking to me in the hall today, then asked if I wanted to help him out with things in the class..." Wow, who knew she would get so nervous talking about him, she thought as she bit her lip, "As for what he suggested, um... teaching and... you know, brewing obviously, and I think he said hospital work? And something else I can't remember." Shrug. She wasn't too bothered by it just yet, like her friend was.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 06:32:39 UTC
((LOL Frederick is terribly upset that Lauren cannot remember when they spoke. Or else he's very pleased that she's that discombobulated. XDDD))

"Pinky swear," Andra repeated, grinning a wide, silly smile as she hooked her pinky around Lauren's and gave their joined fingers a firm shake. She was not above acting immature for the last year that they had left! There was a likely chance that once the year was over, they'd be forced into acting civilized and mature whenever they saw one another...

Nah!! She was sure they'd still be silly. Somehow.

"Today?" Andra repeated, laughing as she witnessed how much difficulty her friend had with recalling her days. She'd been about to ask what she helped him with (as Professor York really seemed kind of reclusive), when she saw the tell-tale lip biting.


"Yeah?" she asked, not paying much mind to what Lauren was saying as she was now preoccupied with whatever had her friend nervous. "I mean, are you considering it? You look kind of... I don't even know, honestly. I don't think I've ever seen you look so... contemplative?" She wasn't even sure if that was the word she was looking for, but it didn't add up.

Lauren, her darling friend who had been discussing living in denial for the rest of the year, contemplating career paths? Definitely not.


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:42:00 UTC
((HAHA *DIES* Let's just say that she's a bit too twitterpated and lost track of time?? >.>))

Lauren, as mentioned already, was determined to act as immaturely as she could since it was the last year that they would have as an excuse to be immature. But that didn't mean that she'd stop once out of school.

No, Andra's thinking was right -- though they'd somehow have to be mature once they entered the 'real world', Lauren was sure that they would forever hold onto their giggly, silly, over-the-top-crazy antics when in the each others company. She would see to it.

Damn her for showing SIGNS. If anyone was to read her properly, Andra was the safest bet since she knew her FAR too well.

"I'm-- No. No, I'm not exactly contemplating it. Or at least I don't think so. Or... well, I hadn't until he mentioned that it would be a good idea. It's--" She cut herself off again, scratching the back of her head, because honestly! How does one broach this subject? "I don't really know what to say. I'm... well, all I can say is that... if it means spending more time with him? Then yes, I am considering it..."

Lauren cast her eyes down to examine her nails, her cheeks feeling slightly hot. This was really embarrassing for her, apparently. She was almost ashamed to discuss it, because she wasn't sure how Andra would respond! Or what she would think! Hell, she didn't even know what to think herself, so it was an overall awkward situation to be in. She suddenly wished she'd never brought the subject up in the first place.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 06:49:27 UTC
Okay. ... What?

Andra watched Lauren, and found herself at a complete and total loss. It wasn't the fact that her words and actions and mannerisms hinted at some sort of crush on the professor -- that was far from shocking to Andra. Lauren was a go-getter, a playful and beautiful girl who loved boys as much as any other girl loved clothes and makeup and ... unicorns when they were four. That was not what had Andra perplexed.

What had her confused and befuddled was the way it was delivered; the way Lauren wasn't meeting her gaze, and how her cheeks were actually pink. This was not something she'd seen before! She was more accustomed to Lauren confessing her weekly desire for this guy or that Auror, so on and so forth -- no shame, no hesitation, and by far, no blushing.

Her mouth opened once, then closed again. What in the world could she say in response to this? The good news was that there wasn't any of that buzzing in the back of her mind, nagging her to point out how very wrong any sort of improper relations between a teacher and a student were. Yet.

"I..." she finally started, finding the simple act of speaking somewhat difficult. "Wow."

There was a pause, followed by, "Are you saying... I mean, I'm not judging, you know me. But I'm just making sure that I'm sort of... deciphering this right. And that you aren't like my crappy runes that make no sense.... Is there crushing going on here?"


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 06:59:23 UTC
It was on a rare, EXTREMELY RARE, occasion when Lauren would find herself blushing. This was one of those times, and oh how she loathed it! Blushing was a weakness in her mind because it showed your feelings right out there for the whole world to see!

Thankfully it was Andra. The one person she KNEW wouldn't make fun of her for it or hold it against her, though if her friend decided to tease her about it later, she wouldn't hold any grudges. As... come on, how many times had Lauren made fun of Andra blushing? More than she'd care to admit.

She let her blue-green eyes drift upwards, back to the girl sitting next to her as she smiled timidly. This was odd not only for Andra, but Lauren as well! She wasn't USED to acting or behaving or feeling this way. It drove her bonkers. This was why she didn't bother with this bollocks any other time. Simply stating that she had a crush or was interested in a random bloke who caught her eye was much simpler than actually feeling somewhat invested from the get-go.

Why was Frederick having such a big impact on her?!?!?

Sigh. "Yes, you are correct. Or... well, I hate admitting it, Andra, I really do. But there's just something about him, and I can't begin to tell you what. It's just... spending time with him today was... I don't know, it was refreshing and fun and he's so cute>," She now bit her lip again, but more so to stop herself from smiling so brightly. "But it's one of those things, you know? He's forbidden fruit, so it doesn't even matter. Probably just another one of my flavors of the week, I'm sure it'll pass quickly so don't mind me." Or at least she hoped it would pass quickly.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 07:04:21 UTC
Something in the way Lauren smiled so brightly made Andra's heart break just a little. Sure, she'd seen the guys come and go, but seeing her friend this... caught up? Was that what it was? She wasn't sure, but she knew one thing:

It obviously couldn't end well. Hell, it couldn't even really start, so that meant it was doomed before it had a chance to begin and end! Definitely not good.

"Honey," Andra said softly, shaking her head as she leaned a little closer; it felt like they shouldn't have even been talking about it in the open. Like it wasn't right -- when they were twelve and 'in love' with a professor, that was okay. They were young and silly and nothing could come of it. But... well, they were older now. Young women. Legal. And that made it some sort of uncomfortable taboo.

"Maybe it's because he's forbidden fruit," she offered, nodding slowly. "One of those things where you want what you can't have?" She hoped that was the case, because if Lauren was digging on Professor York for any reason besides a really cute arse and a charming wit... they were in trouble.

"Though... he's a hottie," she added, unable to stop her grin as she gazed at her friend somewhat slyly. "I totally don't hold it against you!"


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 07:12:08 UTC
Her face fell, but not because she was hurt by what Andra was saying, but because she knew it was true and that she was utterly pathetic!

"I know!!" She pouted and moaned, collapsing onto the other girl as she leaned against her, "I know, and you're probably one hundred percent right. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. It's horrible. And it's only been... well, today wasn't the first time we've interacted more than just in class, but it's utterly foolish of me!"

Why had he made such an impact on her? Seriously! It had been that morning! She'd seen the guy every week(minus the holidays, obviously) for the last six years, going on seven... and it was only now that she was feeling this way? Of course she had found him all too charming and attractive before, but with the one-on-one time they'd been having, it was difficult for her to dismiss how appealing he was.

"I am I so... god, Andra, I'm a horrible person! I'm probably only interested in him because he's off limits! That's horrible!" She sat up straighter now, brushing the hair out of her face as she drew her conclusions, "Why can't I be a normal girl? Why can't I just like normal boys my own age? Why do I find something that I can't have so damn interesting?!?

Please insert a flail here, as Lauren was becoming far too frustrated with herself. For the first time, she almost wished she was someone else.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 07:17:32 UTC
Andra laughed, but it wasn't a condescending laugh or even a giggle. It was more of an 'Aww' that morphed into a light chuckle as she patted Lauren's back gently. "No, you aren't a horrible person!" she argued, shaking her head defiantly. "Everyone has a bit of that in them, that desire for things that they can't have. It's absolutely normal."

Hey, she'd felt that way before. There wasn't anything wrong with it, she supposed one just had to know when to give up it. After all, a girl can dream all day long, but if the other person isn't--

"Hey," she interrupted her thoughts, looking to Lauren a bit more seriously. "He doesn't... I mean, he hasn't said anything to you to make you feel like this has he?" She was slightly torn -- part of her would have been thrilled for her friend if she thought a respectable professor was interested in her, and part of her would have wanted to kick the creep in the wizarding family jewels.

She frowned while thinking of this, then shook it off and put a hand on her shoulder. "And Lauren. You're perfectly normal. I mean, come on! Look at your record, you've liked plenty of boys our age. Just not... hardcore. This isn't... I mean, this isn't hardcore. Right? Like you said, it's probably just going to pass!"


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 07:25:48 UTC
She sighed heavily and began to chew on her lip nervously, shaking her head as Andra said that she wasn't horrible and that everyone dabbled in this sort of thing once in awhile. It was normal, even. That was good to hear even if she wasn't positive whether it was true or not. She was really appreciative that Andra was being so sweet and comforting, though, as being a spaz like this wasn't something she did often.

And then the best friend brought up the other half...

"That's just it!!" She flailed again, her hands flying through the air as she turned herself fully around to face the other girl, her voice coming down a few notches as she finally realized where exactly they were. The last thing she needed was for others to over hear this conversation. "I don't know what he's thinking! He's... he's very confusing, Andra. Very, very confusing. He's got the whole shy thing going, right? And then... out of no where he's all flirty and charming and funny and amazing! But then, like... I'll say something in reply to a flirty comment? Then he'll shut down. It drives me crazy!"

This was good. This ranting she was doing. It was nice to have an outlet to all the thoughts that had been whirling in her mind that day.

Quickly she added, "But he hasn't actually said anything, so I have no idea. Maybe that's why I'm so stuck on him all of a sudden, too, because I'm not sure what his game is."

Another huge sigh. It seemed she would likely be doing a lot of that, "But yes, it's nothing huge... I don't think. I mean, I can't let it be huge, so it's not going to be. I don't do huge. So it stops. Here and now? It's gonna end. After this conversation I'm not going to think about it. Yep." Sad how she thought she could actually accomplish this.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 07:32:12 UTC
Andra actually gave a little jump of surprise as her friend rounded on her and flailed her hands. She could almost hear the swift whistling noise as her actions cut through the air around them, and it made her lean back just a touch until she was sure she was out of range.

What Lauren said made Andra bite her own lip lightly, frowning as she brought a hand up to rest against her cheek. This was by no means Andra's area of expertise -- flirting and socializing with the menfolk, that was all Lauren. But the way people acted in general, she could deal with that. She could figure something out and be helpful to her friend.

She didn't want to say it aloud and encourage more of this confusion, but what Lauren told her sounded an awful lot like he was distancing himself when things got too close. And the only reasons for someone to do something like that were either because they didn't want the other person to take them seriously, or they were serious but couldn't allow anything to come of it...

I.E., Professor-Student thing.

"Well," Andra replied, nodding once in a confident manner, "we at least know what it's not. He isn't just being charming and funny and flirty with you because he enjoys playing with you. If that were the case, why would he just shut down all of a sudden? I'd say that if he puts a stop to it after one time, then he's trying to send you the message that he's only being friendly... But if he keeps up the game..."

Bugger, this was confusing. And she wasn't even the one in this mess!! "Well, YES. That sounds like a grand idea, just... stop thinking about it."


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 07:40:29 UTC
((haha. so i'm just thinking about it and... WHY DO WE ALWAYS PLAY STAR-STRUCK COUPLES?!? audrey/preston pre-engagement? Yeah, totally. *dies*))

It was silly that she hadn't thought of it herself, as Lauren was quite good at figuring people out. Watching their quirks and habits. She generally didn't have to be told something because her instinctive people reading skills were good enough that she could guess. And more often than not, she was right on the money.

But with Professor York, it all got muddled up! Her confusion in the matter -- both in regards to him and his feelings, as well as her own -- messed with her mind. Those instincts weren't quite as helpful as they might have been if she were the one outside looking in, as Andra was now.

"You're right. You're always right." She nodded once, now taking to biting her nails. Or at least chewing on them lightly, as it helped to be doing something with her hands, "He's not the type to play games. That I'm sure of."

The rest of what Andra said was right, as well, though Lauren wasn't as willing to agree with it. Was it selfish of her to want to wish that he wanted to be more than friends? Ew. It almost made her sick to think of that, but there it was.

"Thanks, friend..." She finally agreed, taking the girl's hand and squeezing it lightly, "What would I do without you? It will definitely be easier to get it out of my mind now that I've talked to you. I'm sorry to put you through my freak out!"


andraleigh November 23 2007, 07:48:00 UTC
((...HAHA IDK?! Because we are clearly CRACKTASTIC? :D))

Andra shook her head while patting Lauren's hand gently. "No thanks necessary," she replied, firmly setting her jaw in a stubborn fashion. "That's what friends are for, right? Sneaking out to eat food at two a.m., distracting from homework, witnessing freak outs... it's all part of the code or something."

She smiled warmly, then wriggled her toes down into the space between their two cushions. "But..."

Well, Lauren had said she wouldn't think about it anymore. And Andra had encouraged that course of action... But there were a couple of things she just had to say or else she'd positively explode.

"Okay so, say he wasn't playing games and he was just trying to keep himself at a distance, right? What would you do? I mean, it's not right -- I'm definitely not condoning anything that could get you or him into big trouble, but... just... let's pretend we're twelve again and can fantasize about whatever we want without consequences, okay? What if?"

She had to know; it would drive her crazy if she left this conversation still wondering what exactly her friend felt and/or wanted from their professor. She held up her hands in a surrender, then gave Lauren her trademark crooked smile. "I promise I'll drop it after you answer."


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