Fic: "Caged", Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, rated G

Dec 14, 2010 20:01

Title: Caged
Character/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, light Ronon/Lorne
Word count/Rating: 400 words, Rated G
Summary: Yes, they are in a cage. If Rodney would just stop whining, it wouldn't be so bad.
A/N: For ru_salki99  at the sgoc  who wanted fluff, McShep style. I hope you like it! Many thanks to jaydblu  for looking the fic over for me ♥.

"I can't believe this."

Maybe if John doesn't speak, he will shut up.

"No, seriously, why do the most ridiculous things always happen to me?" Rodney continues to whine.

"Hey, I'm stuck here too!" John protests.

"That doesn't make it more believable!"


"Left to spend the night in a cage! It's torture!" Rodney says.

"I'll tell you what is torture: being stuck in a cage with you when you're like this," John says, temper flaring.

"Or being stuck beside you! Shut up, McKay!" Ronon shouts from the cage he shares with Lorne five feet from them.

"I am sorry that I'm so inconvenient!" Rodney yells right back and John sees that he's making his you-really-really-hurt-my-feelings-but-I-don't-want-it-to-show face.


With a weary sigh, John sits down (he can't even stretch his legs completely, stupid cage) and taps the floor in front of him.

"Come here," he says.

Rodney puffs, not looking at him and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I don't know. It could be torture," he says.

"I told you to come here, McKay. Sit down a little," John says.

He knows that Rodney wants to, and after two minutes he finally relents and sits leaving a good six inches between them, which is almost an exploit with how small this thing is.

"Come on," John cajoles, tugging on Rodney's shirt until he scoots closer. Once he's close enough, John hauls him in until Rodney's back rests against his chest.

Rodney's still tense, but he seems to be mellowing a little.

"I'm sorry," John whispers in Rodney's ear, before putting a small kiss on his neck.

"I hate these situations," Rodney whispers back, sounding miserable.

"I know," John says, hugging him. "We've just got to spend the night, then Teyla's going to come back and get us."

"But it's going to get cold!" Rodney says.

"I'll keep you warm," John says in his ear again, sneaking a hand under his shirt.

Rodney gulps and throws a look towards the other cage.

"They can't see," John assures. "And I'm pretty sure that Ronon's going to finally make his move, so..."

Rodney twists to look at him.

"Ronon? With Lorne?" he says, disbelievingly.

John grins.

"Yeah. So don't worry, okay?"

Rodney nods, so trusting, and John leans down to kiss him sweetly.

There are definitely worse tortures than being stuck in a cage with Rodney.


sga fic: john/rodney, fic, sga

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