Fic: "the sun slew the shadows well", SG-1, Sam Carter, Rated G

Dec 16, 2010 12:29

Title: the sun slew the shadows well
Character/Pairing: Samantha Carter, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c
Word count/Rating: 1151 words, Rated G
Summary: Sam, a desert planet and a DHD out of commission.
A/N: For iwishiwerekerry  at the sgoc  who enjoys reading Sam getting whumped. I hope you like it! I'm using it for hc_bingo : heat stroke, too. Many thanks to jaydblu  for looking the fic over for me ♥

If she had any moisture left in her body, Sam thinks she would cry. The DHD is as good as dead, not reacting even a tiny bit to her desperate attempts to fix it in the last hour or so. She burnt her hands on the metal and that's about all. The DHD is also a very bad shelter from the sun, which is too high in the sky for the structure to give any shadow.

All that is left to do is to stay here and hope the SGC will send help before she fries to a crisp. The heat is implacable, the sun unforgiving and Sam knows she's already burned, even with the sun block that was supposedly SPF-100. Her face feels hot, her hands are a red and angry color and she doesn't even dare to look at her shoulders. She'd been too cocky, thinking that she could fix the DHD easily, and had taken off the special gear since it made her sweat like a pig.

She's not sweating anymore, and Sam knows that it is really really bad. In fact she's nauseous and her pulse seems way too fast, enough to make her dizzy. No one is made for this climate, and they've underestimated how fast the temperature would rise when it changed from night to day. Of course they hadn't planned to stay that long, just an in-and-out mission where she'd install some new solar power cells for testing while Daniel explored the caverns that SG-8 had found. But then half of SG-8 had managed to get stuck when some gallery collapsed, and she had rushed to the gate to try to get some help only to realize that the DHD is not reacting at all.

Worse? Something on this planet blocks all radio signals when the wind picks up like right now. Sam has seen the gate engage thirty minutes ago, only to shut off after two. Most probably the SGC sent a radio signal, but not only she could not hear it, she couldn't reply either so the SGC most certainly hadn't heard her SOS. Next it's a flying probe that whizzes over her head: the problem is that as soon as the device has passed completely through the event horizon, it can't send any signal back anymore. It will eventually crash, its data with it, and be as useful as a doorstop.

Sam's only chance is a living team with hopefully water and a chance for her to rest and start working again in better conditions. Even a rolling MALP with equipment would be welcome. It takes maybe fifteen minutes, long dry minutes that Sam doesn't have to spare, before the chevrons start lighting up again. She holds her breath, mesmerized by the puddle - she'd give anything for water right now - and yes, that's someone coming through. It's Jack and Teal'c and even more soldiers and Sam is so relieved she sags against the DHD.

She's not even sure she can make a sound or wave to get their attention but fortunately Jack sees her and jogs over. He's got a bandana over his mouth and his aviators shield his eyes under the cap, but Sam can read the worry in his body language none the less.

"Carter!" he says, dropping to his knees beside her. "Shit."

The fact he doesn't even try a joke tells Sam how bad she must look. She'd tell him so but her throat is parched and her tongue stuck to her palate. Thankfully, Teal'c is now by her side too, tipping a canteen; Sam tries to take big gulps, she wants it so much.

"Easy, easy," Jack soothes, a hand caressing her hair back and it seems cold against her forehead. She rolls into the touch, seeking more. "Why didn't you dial home instead of working on your tan?"

"Broken," she croaks, trying to get more water but Teal'c is cutting her off. Rationally she knows she should take it little by little, but right now she doesn't give a fuck. "I can... fix."

"I do not see DanielJackson," Teal'c says.

"Caves. Cave in, need help," she says and it's exhausting. Her eyes flutter close.

"Hey hey, stay with me here," Jack says and she'd try if her eyes weren't so heavy.

She can hear Teal'c and Jack talk, though by then she can't follow, and she might black out but feels that she's being moved which forces her to try and pull out of her head. When she does manage to open her eyes again there's green over her head. Sam's perplexed, because there should not be any green. Green dies here. Something in her expression must give her confusion away.

"It's okay, I put up a tent over us, since for one I'm not tempted by the lobster look. Not that it isn't interesting on you," Jack says. He's taken his glasses and bandanna off in the shadow of the tent. "Here, take another sip."

Sam drinks, grateful.

"Radio won't work," she says, past the metric ton of sand that seems in her throat.

"We guessed that. Hammond wasn't too happy about letting us come, but you know me," he says.

He would never leave her - leave them - behind, she knows that.

"Thank you," she says.

"We've got to get you out of here. What is it with you and extreme weather, anyway?" Jack says and then there is pure bliss, too big to comprehend until she does: there's water on her face, soaking her hair. She loves it, but they must keep every drop.

"Careful, we need it," Sam says.

"We should be out of here soon, Sergeant Williams is working on the DHD," Jack says.

Oh, yes, Williams is not half bad, Sam is glad that Jack brought him along. She dares to think that she might make it, after all.

"How about you take a little vacation when we get back, huh?" Jack asks. "And not one of those lame ones where you lock yourself in your lab."

Sam manages to smile, though her parched lips crack.

"Okay. Somewhere cold and damp," she says.

"England it is," Jack says and Sam laughs even if it hurts.

There's movement to her right and she sees a soldier pulling the tent's flap aside.

"Williams says he's going to be able to dial, Sir," he says.

"Ok, great, let's do that," Jack says and he's gathering Sam up in his arms.

She'd protest, but she also knows that she'd be unable to walk right now, as week as a newborn kitten. There is nothing left to do but hang on and let it happen.

"Thanks," she murmurs, because this was way too close.

"Don't mention it. Let's get you home now," Jack says before stepping through the ring.

The bitter cold of the wormhole is more than welcome.

The End

Title from:

When tomorrow comes

The sun rised,
The sun fell,
The sun slew the shadows well,
The sun rises,
The sun falls,
The sun banishes the shadows on the walls,
The sun will rise,
The sun will fall,
The sun will die after shadows grow tall,
A new day has been aroused,
Yet not all has even stirred,
Noise, by sleep, has been doused,
As nothing can be heard,
When tomorrow comes…

- Reed Schneider

sg1 fic: sam, fic, hc_bingo, sg1

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