Fic: Decisions, SGA fic, Rodney POV, G

Dec 12, 2010 23:58

Title: Decisions
Character/Pairing: McKay POV, mention of McKay/Keller, possible McKay/Sheppard
Word count/Rating: 688 words, Rated G
Summary: Rodney's trapped in a tunnel and there are decisions to be made.
A/N: For melonbutterfly  at the sgoc  who loves Rodney and drama. I hope you like it! Many thanks to jaydblu  for looking the fic over for me ♥.

When the dust settles, Rodney doesn't know if he's the luckiest man alive or the total opposite. The tunnel caved before AND behind him, leaving Rodney in a small dusty space with a pocket of air that is bound to run out soon. After he gets the control of his breathing back - aka he's not coughing out his lungs - Rodney cries out, clutching his mag light.

"John? Jennifer? Can you ear me?" he yells, just this side of panic.

Oh, god, what if they are dead? There are no sounds, from either sides and Rodney is rooted to the spot, hands clenching in fists. He should move, dig, try something... but his mind is stuck. On which side?

Jennifer, his girlfriend, the woman he might want to spend his life with was right in front of him; she might need help this very second. She's a tough cookie but small, too... and those are big fucking rocks. But John was walking on his six, the stupid jokes ending suddenly when there was a very slight shower or rumbles and a big vibration and John pushed Rodney forward, out of danger and the mountain fell down. The rocks on that side are just as huge and unforgiving.

Rodney's mind blanks and he's digging, pulling, pushing and cursing, uttering vague threats to possible deities above, whatever they might be. He's not even conscious of the time that passes, only that he's not sure he'll be able to breathe until he knows, until he's sure. Then Rodney hears a faint noise and sees that the rock he's been working on is wobbling a little, loosened from both sides it seems. He's got no voice to call with anymore, so Rodney just uses an oblong rock as a makeshift pike-ax, hammering and hammering some more at the week spots. The boulder finally tips and moves a couple of inches, revealing a dusty and bloody John.

"Oh thank god, you're alive," Rodney says, falling on his ass as if he's a marionette and he just had his strings cut off.

John snorts.

"Yeah, but I'm not out yet. A little help, here, buddy?"

Rodney crawls back to the big rock and together they manage to push it out of the way enough so John can slither through the opening, ending up in a heap by Rodney's side.

"Are you ok? Nothing broken?" Rodney says, skimming his hands on John's arms and legs in the low light given by the flashlight he jammed on the wall, looking for unnatural angles and pointy bits.

"I'm going to be bruised as hell but I'm fine," John says. "What about you?"

"I didn't even get a rock on my head, thanks to you," Rodney says. "I'm just worried that I'll die asphyxiated instead."

"Jennifer? Teyla?" John asks, trying to crane his head to look towards where the tunnel was leading before it traitorously fell down.

Rodney didn't want to think of that. He takes a moment to take deep breaths to avoid hyperventilating and therefore deplete their oxygen this much faster.

"I don't know. Oh, god, I don't know," Rodney says, taking his rock and his flashlight to the other side of their holding cell and he starts digging and clawing at the rubble once more. Two minutes later, John's by his side, and they're working together.

"You should have tried to get out," John says, and he sounds angry but also confused and frayed. "Why did you come for me?"

Rodney knows that John has a martyr complex mixed with a belief he's not worth saving but now is not the place and time to discuss it.

"I needed your help to get out! I had to dig you up first," Rodney says, which is mostly true.

He'll need to talk to John about this again, one day, but first they have to get out of this hell hole and Rodney's got a perfectly nice relationship to end.

When making his decision, Rodney had known all too well whom he was not ready to live without and it's time to do something about it.

The End

fic, sga fic: rodney, sga

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