Dec 24, 2004 07:10
"In life, we embrace the dark night"
The Dark Gentelmans handbook, chapter 2, verse 5
Hello again my friends. The dark gentleman here with another goblet of red wine. Today's subject is a very interesting one that was inspired from reading a book by George Carlin. Most of the things he said I agree with. Especially the ten commandants. The commandants were supposed to be handwritten by god with a Moses on a montaintop where no one was around. So here goes.
Question #1
Why are there ten?
Simple, because ten sounds offical, it sounds important. You got the top ten, ten most wanted, the big ten, shit like that. So in point, the commandants was a marking conclusion. End of story.
So, we are going to break down the commandants, the ones that I think that need to be so.
Thou shall not have any other gods before me
Thou shall not use thy name in vain
Thou shall have the sabbath and keep it holy.
My response: The first three, just pure fucking stupid. Why you ask, simple. Since by reading the commandants prove that there are actually other gods out there and by believing in the other ones instead of the christian god, you are commended to hell. (Actual people that use their brain know that there is no such thing as hell) So case in point, bullshit.
Thou shall not steal
Thou shall not commit adultury
My response: These two speak of the same act, dishonesty. So, lets combine these two and lets call it. Thou shall not be dishonest.
Thou shall not covert thy neighbors wife
My response: Why not, coveting takes place in the mind, and one should not outlaw thinking about someone's wife. If the wife goods beautiful, damn right I going to think about her, esepecially when I alone. Period.
Thou shall not covert thy neighbors good.
My response: This is just plain fucking stupid, covering create jobs, if you neighbor has toliet paper, you going to get some too. Leave it alone.
Thou shall not kill.
My response: Murder, but when given some though, most religions give murder a defiant lower level of importance. Proff, all the killing of history to place of religion and more people have been killed in the name of god than any other reason.
The world trade center, The Inquistion, The wars of today, and state executions are done by religious people that say they take their beliefs seriously, but in reality, they dont. This is proff that all religions do not take thou shall not kill seriously, epecially that stupid shit, Pat Robertson.
Oh by the way, Anyone that watches the 700 club, boycott it and stand against Pat Bitch Robertson.
Thou shall respect thy mothter and father
My Response: This commandant forces one to respect their father and mother and that should not be the case. It shall be earned given on the parents or authority performance. Respect is earned, not given to. Some parents deserve respect, most dont, end of story.
I know I missed some, again, quit your bitching.
Since we on religion, there is no true religion, nor is there any supreme being that live in the sky and demands to be loved or cast the ones that choose not to belive in hell, where is suposed to be in the center of the earth.
There is something that I do belive in through because I am entiled to it. That would be nature, why, because it is happens to be true, at least to me in everyday life where it rains and shit like that.
For example, assholes that mass cut trees. Trees help us breathe jackass, it a proven fact, just as plants that are our vegetation. Sure, we eat meat because we have to in order to surive and because I know that many of you are unware or reality. So, here is a rule that I was taught when I was a kid that existed since the earth was created. Survial of the fittest.
So here is my revised list of the four commandants.
1. Thou shall always be faithful and hontest
2. Thou shall be encourage to be a lady and a gentelman
3. Thou shall good and live an honest life
My last one is for there consertatives that trying to force their religion in the courts and the dumb ass george bush. That's it, no more watching elections for me, from here on, I don't give a damn who the president is, it all the same dumb shit.
4. Thou shall keep thy religion to thyself
The four commandants for your viewing pleausre.
They should put this in the new version of the bible.