A Survey On A Stupid Trend Of Black Hip-Hop Guys

Dec 21, 2004 23:29

"Ignorance Is Bliss"

The Dark Gentleman Handbook chapter 2 verse 4

Hello ladies and gentleman of the night. The dark gentelman here with an excellent goblet of sweet red wine. Ready to explain this survey that I have conducted for the past few weeks.

For what I about to say, is about the sadness of the poverty black culture, and the dark survey that it follows. More stupid shit to continue.

Survey Number One:

If there is any self-respecting black male or woman out there reading this entry and does not follow the stupid trend of rap music, then this should sound familiar.

I was just walking through the mall and around my hometown of Petersburg, when someone, a black male, had the fucking nerve to say. "What up my nigga" why do you wear that stuff for, hahaha.

Before I destroyed him with a crowbar. The very question came to my mind. Why the fuck do black people, (I know not all, just enough to fuck things up) call each other this for, but when a white person says it, it's racisim?

So, I asked around and the results were truly fucking saddening. One person says, because it's a figure of speech, even my mother said this, in which made me give up on black people in general as we speak.

A few people said that because it is our culture, correction, their culture, because I know that I am damned by black people, but they can have their fucking culture.

To be fair, I have meet other people of different cultures and races that actually agree with me. Of all my friends, only 20 percent are black, everyone else is white, korean, spanish, german, and muslum. So the conclusion is made. People are just fucking stupid. Period.

That word means so much of negativity that only assholes would actually use it to each other and laugh at it. When I see this shit happens, I sunk my head down in shame of them.

I have the honor of emailing and speaking to an elder goth that is in Europe and yes, is black. In her entry, It at www.morbidoutlook.com, look under the article, Goths Of Color, states the defiant truth that she hates that word and I myself, do not like that word as well.

As someone told me before, yes, I live in a bad city at the some of the bad parts. Proff, live in petersburg and walk outside and see the dumb jackasses standing outside at the cornor at three in the fucking morning while it's 30 degrees outside. Again, stupid shit.

Oh, dont even get me started with the ghetto, hip-hop girls. Oh man, they worse than the fucking men and before I get a lot of damn notes of woman supporters, this question is truly going to take some time to solve so here goes.

Women, Why the fuck do you date these assclowns that you know are fucking stupid and dress like fucking dumbasses.(I know that everyone has his/her style, but there is nothing about style when a damn man/woman sags their pants and having their shit showing and talking in broken language. Gnant is not a fucking word, nor is playa.) Lately, I been seeing a lot of young white men doing this shit as well. There is only two states that has thugs in it and that is New York and California.

Women again... ( I know, I know) Why do you have sex with these people? Proff, single parents. When has it became popular for young girls to have kids at the damn age of 16? The answer, bad parenting, stupid shit on BET and television. Oh another thing, boycott BET, there is nothing educational about it.

Survey, number 3. (You going to love this one)

More dumb shit that these hip-hop guys like to do that women love so much. Guy's that wear pink shirts, with a diamond plated cross, and faded ass jeans, with $500.00 shoes. (This alone, is why I want to super kick these fuckers)

Only an asshole like Russel Simmons, would someone would do something so fucking stupid as to copyright the color pink and the words, baby phat. (again, broken language).

Another grop of assholes are following. Fifty Cent, Ja Rule, Benoyce Knowles, Usher, P. Diddy, (Anytime you fucking Jeniffer Lopez and you call the wrong name out, you deserve to be an asshole) since I tried, mostly everyone that sings hip-hop and R@B. Especially Eminim (If I mispled his name, I dont care, it not an name to begin with, it's M@Ms, the fucking chocolate candy for nuts sake.) and 2 pac, and the notorious big, jay-z, and as I stated, everyone that does hip-hop, and r@b.

Survey number four, the sports trend (only in America)

Just when you thought that the average dumbasses were around, now, we got celebrity sports assholes. Oh yes, Mike Tyson, Kobe Bryant, Rae Caruth(Ray Caruth was the player of the Carolnia Panthers that had his wife and kid killed. On a sad note, his wife was beautiful before she passed and the kid, surving the attempted murder, has ceberal palsy. After I read details about it, I was ashmed to be black on that day. Still am in a way.)

NBA and NFL players that makes millions and millions of dollars for one fucking season and then, they take drugs or get injured and collect so much moeny. All the while, doing stupid shit with it that any person that uses their brian would not do and that would be the following.
Buy expensive rims
Buy expensive cars
Buy expensive houses
Buy expensive jewerly
Buy expensive speakers
Buy expensive drugs
Buy expensive shoes
Be with dumb women that only want them for their money.

Oh, since we on sports, lets bring up another. Boxing. Oh yes, for a large amount of money, you get to beat the shit or get the shit beaten out of you in front of celebrities in vegas that would laugh at your ass on national television.

Another sport, tennis,
Ah, tennis, several years ago, when Arthur Ashe made it possible for the light of inspiration to glow on the black culture, now we have venus and serena williams that are showing their body parts for money. Ah, is it america great?

Disclaimer: I know that Arthur Ashe had AIDS, quit your bitching. To me, he was a great man that gave many hope and just like any wise man trying to expalin something to an a idiot, the message never got thought.

Speaking of which, what the fuck is these tennis women and men doing sleeping around with everyone?

Survey number five, actors (Halle Berry)

When for attention, certain black actors just cannot seem to do things right. For example, Hallie Berry, Ice Cube, whoever decided to make Soul Food, and any other so called black comedy, in which is a racist statement. Such is biology.

Side Note: Halle Berry should be clothesline from hell for making the movie, Catwoman. by the way, eating her out is very optional and for her to give an optional blow job.

Stay tuned as I will expain my version of the four commandants. Yes, thats right, it's the ten commandants dark style.

Robert, The Dark Gentleman, (By the way, since I by society supposed to be label black, so I am ethnic goth)
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