Jul 13, 2006 01:29
So I just finished scanning through the personals on match.com again for the 10 millionth time and this time, just like allllllllllllllllll the others, I came up empty handed. Not to say I have not had some good dates and even met some wonderful women using my online personal, but dammit what a waste of time. So now that I am done reviewing my "matches" I have to ask myself a few questions:
1. If one goes through over 200 pictures and profiles of possible matches and still comes out at the end feeling like they wasted their time, are they (A) to picky (B) Unlucky or (C) to damned tired of it all to care anymore.
2. If I have passed over certain profiles more than once or twice or even 10 times then how many times have I been passed over?
3. Are there really perfect matches for any of us?
and lastly...........
4. What the hell is wrong with spending ones life with ones self? Why does society feel the need to put such pressures on its enhabitants that it requires each of us to marry and reproduce and if we dont then we are socially strange, unacceptable, weird etc. Maybe I will be alone the rest of my life and maybe I wont be, but dammit, im tired of worrying about it anymore.
Seems like my standards have gone from Jennifer Connelly look alike to someone who will just believe in me except my imperfections. But then, we all want that right?
So on a photographic note, I finished printing all the (non-coffee table book) photos from my week on the coast tonight. Took me an hour to clean up the bathroom this time around too as I spilled the developer all over the tile YIPE!
However, I came out of the whole days printing with some really nice artsy fartsy landscape and archetectual pieces. I plan to focus on getting the doors all done for the cofffee table book when I can afford to buy some more Forte warmtone matte or Ilford Matte. I will post up some of the image scans when I get up tomorrow, er today really, damned insomniac that I am.
Oh And...........
I will NEVER again use Foma OR arista papers, what a waste O cash that was! Nor will I buy Fortepan 400 ever again either.
Okay Jeff now sleeps, Goodnite, so long, farewell, Goood byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye.