More Depressing Thoughts

Oct 27, 2005 19:17

I have a lot of time to think about things at Panera. It's just me and the cream cheese. Nobody ever bothers me. It would get very boring except for the fact that the cream cheese talks to me. We have very enlightening conversations: I learn what it is like to be cream cheese, and the cream cheese, it likes to be called Creamy, learns what it's like to be human. But in the process of telling Creamy stuff, it spurs me into thinking about things, most of the time they are rather depressing, I think this is a runon sentence. Lets say that we, the geeky/nerdy people get a professional degree, say a doctor, lawyer, dentist, plumber, etc. say that at the height of our career, we make $200,000, which I would consider the average for a professional degree. Most would consider that a decent living, and we spend probably 8-12 years in college, earning our degree. Then look at the preps/jocks. THey can drop our of high school, and because they are good looking, make over a million, at the least. Tom Cruise makes around $25,000,000 per movie. Does he even have a high school diploma? What is it with this world, that this kind of thing can happen. He I go, ranting, but it'll all be good. On a completely random note, I last my flash drive, or rather, it was stolen. I had it plugged in the back of a school library computer, before school started. I suddenly realized that I hadn't heard the bell. It was almost 8:00, I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the library, forgetting my flash drive. I came back about 15 min later, realizing i had left it. I was already gone. Mr. Otte hadn't seen it and we looked everywhere. So i decided it was time to get a new one. I had a 256 meg, which is decent, but I wanted something bigger. I've seen people brag about their 1 gig stick, even the non-nerdy people (dare I say preps?), as long as they had enough money to buy it. I had had enough, so i bought a new one last night. It's 4 gig. I hope that will be enough room. It's almost a DVD, but rewritable and smaller. It only set me back $150, which if you think about it, is an incredible deal. And I can keep it for college. I think I'll have a hard time filling it up. But I don't think very many preps will have that capacity for while. It is my mark as a nerd, when I must have a higher capacity flash drive that the preps. I might even make it a couple of partitions, I could install knoppix on it. I should probably get of my fat rear and go back to work, so, until next time...
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