Food! Glorious Food! (I can't remember the rest (OLIVER! - 8yrs old))

Nov 01, 2005 08:35

Yesterday was the best day ever. OK so there was that one time... Anyway, I came home from school and my new flash drive was there. It's tiny. I'd post pictures, but nobody seems that interested. Panera was awesome. I think the entire night, we had maybe 10 orders, no kidding (I worked 5-9). Closing was awesome. Because we had absolutely no orders, we preclosed like crazy, I was out of there by 9:45, out being defined as in my car driving away. My manager was also really cool. We ran out of our cherry bagels, so he made some more. When they were done, he pulled them out of the oven grabbed one, and brought it to us. It was so soft and warm. It literally melted in my mouth. I can still taste it. He also made us pizza, what better place to make pizza than Panera. He got one some dough from the awesome assortment of Panera dough (Panera is a bead store, so where could you get better dough). He then put some of the dipping sauce that looks like tomato sauce (marinara?). Add roasted tomatoes, fresh basil and other herbs, bacon, asiago parmesan cheese. Baked in an oven with love, and care. Watched over diligently for the precise moment of tastiness. It was incredible. He called it the Tom Otto pizza (That' really his name, but he puns off of it so much I sometimes believe he changed his name, just so he could make puns). I think that's about it. Except that now my flash drive is being stupid (It worked yesterday, but now it says it just 244MB). I dunno.
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