2nd half of the quiz...

Sep 19, 2004 21:45

O p p o s i t e S e x
. What do you notice first: Personality, conceitedness,assholeness
. Last person you slow danced with: H at camp awww
. Worst question to ask: how far have you gone- hate that question with a passion...honestly how does that answer affect who you are as a person?
. Makes you laugh the most: idk people
. Makes you smile: idk
. Who do you have a crush on: shut up
. Who has a crush on you: fuck you

D o Y o u E v e r
. Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: nah
. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: yeah
. Wish you were younger: yeah a lot...who doesnt wanna have tea parties and play house and play with barbies anymore...?
. Cried because someone said something to you?: yeah a lot of times

N u m b e r
. Of times I have had my heart broken: idk
. Of hearts I have broken: 1
. Of guys/girls I've kissed: 6 guys
. Of continents I have lived in: One
. Of tight friends: like 6
. Of CDs I own: A lot...mostly burned
. Of scars on my body: A lot

F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s
. Do you like fillings these out?: depends on the mood
. Gold or silver: Silver
. What was the last film you saw at the movies?: the exorcist
. Favorite cartoon/anime?: tom and jerry...
. What did you have for breakfast this morning?: an egg mcmuffin
. Who would you love being locked in a room with?: ummm..whut
. Could you live without your computer?: probably
. Would you color your hair?: ofcourse
. Could you ever get off the computer?: yeah...does sleep count?
. Habla espanol?: Non. je parle francais monsieur hahahah.
. How many people are on your buddy list?: max-200
. Drink Alcohol?: umm....next question please...
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