Sep 19, 2004 09:50
. Name: Kim
. Single or Taken: single
. Sex: Female.
. Birthday: september 6
. Siblings: kristin
. Hair color: blonde :-/
. Eye color: Blue.
. Shoe size: 8 - 8 1/2
. Height: 5'4.5
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
. Who are your best friends?: Annie trish jen alexia angie jordan michele meg
. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no! shutup
F a s h i o n S t u f f
. Where is your favorite place to shop: forever 21,charlotte rousse, h&m
. Any tattoos or piercings: 2 on the ear "lobe" and 1 cartilage
S p e c i f i c s
. Do you do drugs?: No. ick
. What kind of shampoo do you use?: some shit for greasy hair cuz im a dirtbag...i like my conditioner tho(pantene wooot)
. What are you most scared of?: relationships.....dark forests alone eeeeeek
. Who is the last person that called you?: mark
. Where do you want to get married?: in a pretty garden
. How many buddies are online right now?: 49 cuz its morning
. What would you change about yourself?: everything. nuf said
F a v o r i t e s
. Color: green and purple
. Food: woah food thats a toughie...waffles comes pretty damn close though
. Boys names: Aidan,Taylor,Keiran
. Girls names: thats too hard.
. Subjects in school: Art and math
. Animals: cows and dogs
. Sports: and hockey
H a v e Y o u E v e r
. Given anyone a bath?: my puppy
. Smoked?: Nope.
. Bungee jumped?: i wish
. Made yourself throw up?: when i was sick?
. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yeah hahahaha
. Pictured your crush naked?: uhhhhh nope...?
. Actually seen your crush naked?: not that i know of...
. Cried when someone died?: yes.
. Fallen for your best friend?: nope
. Been rejected?: i've never asked anyone out
. Rejected someone?: i guess
. Used someone?: i dont think so?
. Done something you regret?: soooooo many things
L a s t P e r s o n
. You touched: jen or trisha? idk giving them a hug goodbye??who knows...
. Hugged: jen or trisha
. You IMed: zabella
. You yelled at: my mom
A r e Y o u
. Understanding: depends
. Open-minded: nope
. Arrogant: not at all
. Insecure: yeah
. Interesting: not really
. Random: i guess
. Hungry: too early
. Smart: no way
. Moody: ofcourse
. Hard working: yeah
. Organized: attempt
. Healthy: idk
. Shy: no way
. Difficult: yeah ahhahha
. Attractive: funny.
. Bored easily: depends on my mood
. Messy: depends on where i am
. Obsessed: with certain thigns
R a n d o m
. In the morning I am: tired
. All I need is: happiness
. Love is: stupid