Sep 05, 2010 17:53
Yesterday went pretty well - the new location is a huge, spankin' new house and the host went above and beyond. We all had a grand time (esp. the Stone Age group, we're havin' behbehs here) and I got in quality time with the home guinea pigs, Oreo & S'Mores. Poor things were scared to death of all the people there. Little comment at the crab feast according to Mom, but apparently the kids were in full swarm, all 41 of them. Yikes.
Today, the stereo apparently called it a career. The audio cut in and out of its own accord constantly. Some years ago I bought Mom a $300 Crosley stereo, which she never figured out how to work and thus it was banished to the basement. Seems to be working to me, so I tried to swap it out with the cranky one. But the only plug is behind a 500lb dresser, and the composite backboard got pulled out of the back of the dresser, so there's even less space behind the dresser. I unplugged the old one but managed to get my elbow caught in the process. After a lot of pulling I finally got my arm loose, but then had to plug in the new stereo. I loaded a lot of grease on my arm this time, but it didn't help much - got stuck again. Five minutes of squirming later I had it plugged in and my arm loose, but my arm is raw, bloody in spots and badly bruised. I hope I never have to do THAT again. Went and got my own crabs (best prices I've seen in years on them) and I'm taking a break now. Wonder what my arm will look like tomorrow.
stone age