[GB] we laugh sometimes, we have to

May 13, 2010 20:35

: I'd like to put you in a sack and toss the sack in a river and hurl the river into space.

: Let me know if they ever find a use for you.

: You are probably of value to someone, somewhere.

: Not bad~ Let's see what we've got here.

: I'll look out for you if you need it.

: It's good to have you around.

: You're never getting rid of me now.

Abarai Renji

"Kurosaki stripped, world ends."

Renji puts her in mind of a rougher, older version of Ichigo, and the idea of him being Byakuya's vice-captain amuses her to no end. She likes him well enough, finds him fun to tease and respects him for (eventually) standing up to Soul Society during Rukia's rescue.

Aragaki Shinjiro

"Th' hell kinda teachers are you guys?"

A good kid, if taciturn, and she can't help but approve of his desire to grow stronger to protect his friends. They haven’t interacted in a while, but she’s still fond of him, and would help him out if he needed her.


Ayasegawa Yumichika

"I'm sure everything will be fine once he's sober"

They haven’t spoken much, but she has a generally favorable opinion of him. His fussiness is hilarious when contrasted with his BFF, and it’s always good to have another ally around.

Inoue Orihime

"Kurosaki-kun is taking me to see the dolphins!"

Yoruichi was glad to see her arrive safe and sound. She may not always be able to follow Orihime's train of thought XD but she's fond of her, and would look out for her without question.




Her puppy. Lol. His sincerity keeps her from dismissing him outright, even though she's never seen him fight. The teacher/mentor in her can't help but respect his drive, even if that drive is...less than productive at times. He obviously has a good heart, and is willing to take correction well. She’s very fond of him, and incredibly glad to see him back on the Thor.

Madarame Ikkaku

"pretty sure you're not afraid of anything but i'd rule out rolling around in the dirt unless you specially want to."

He’s chill, fun to flirt with, and helpful in a crisis. There aren’t many people she can just joke around with and know they won’t take it seriously. Thinks he’s fun all around, and is grateful for his help when Kisuke was sick.

Ran Fan

"Miss Yoruichi, you seem completely unfazed by this."

Yoruichi thinks she's smart and driven and reminds her so much of Soifon at the same age. And like Soifon, she feels Ran Fan could stand to be a little more selfish as opposed to devoting so much of herself to others. Is looking forward to continuing their lessons.

Shiba Kaien

"Geez, at least you haven't changed.."

It was more than a little shocking when Kaien arrived, but it was a happy shock, to say the least. Like Ukitake, he’s someone she’s known forever, and it’s comforting to have him here, even if it’s odd that he’s from so far in the past.


"If you want me to, I will be her godmother."

Yoruichi is very glad to have her former student back, despite how seriously she’s taking her bodyguard duties. She wishes Sui-Feng could learn to relax some, and to spend more time worrying about making herself happy instead of serving Yoruichi. She does what she can to help her lighten up, but knows that some lessons have to be learned on one’s own.

Ukitake Jyuushiro

"Y-Yoruichi-san, please!"

A trusted friend as well as an ally, his presence was immensely reassuring during the shock and difficulty of settling in. Despite how much she likes to tease him, she respects him greatly, and there’s very little she wouldn’t do for him. By this time, she pretty much considers him family.

Urahara Kisuke

"It's my uniform, Yoruichi-san. I appear to have been objectified."

Despite being fully aware of his flaws, there's no one she trusts more than Kisuke. He spoils her, she grounds him, and while she would have managed without him, having him here has gone a long way to provide her with stability. Their recent monogamy is odd, but it hasn’t worn on her the way she might have thought. Bottom line, he’s her partner, and while she’s less demonstrative than him, she’s no less devoted.

codes by yuanru, modified by goneonenight
background image by digitalart

Last updated: 6/16/11


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