Gargleblasted app

Jan 08, 2010 10:16

Gargleblasted app

Character name: Shihouin Yoruichi
Fandom: Bleach
Timeline: Manga chapter 315, as Aizen and company arrive in Karakura. She'll also have knowledge from the Pendulum arc, as it consists of flashbacks 100 years before the main storyline.
Age: Canon never states, but I assume between 200-300. She appears to be in her late 20s/early 30s

~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Yoruichi is a former Captain, as well as former Commander of Special Ops, putting her in the upper ranks as far as powerful shinigami go. Her hand-to-hand combat is said to be unmatched, to the extent that she can take out a group of Special Ops officers in seconds, as well as fight captain-level opponents and and the Espada (Aizen's elite forces) unarmed. While we generally see her fighting barehanded, she's also highly capable with a sword. She carries throwing knives, and is capable of launching them with either her arms or legs from their hidden sheaths. As a former captain, Yoruichi has a zanpakutou (soul-cutting sword, a shinigami's primary weapon), although she has never been seen with it in the main storyline. Presumably, she is capable of both shikai and bankai (initial and final release, a zanpakutou's more powerful forms).

High-level shinigami can use a technique known as shunpo (flash-step), which consists of gathering energy to their feet in order to cross large amounts of ground in a single step. Yoruichi can move so quickly she looks as though she's in several places at once. This mastery has gained her the nickname Shunshin--Goddess of Flash.

She is also proficient in kidou (demon arts). There are three types of kidou spells: binding (used for restraining targets, casting barriers and blocking attacks), destructive (used for offensive purposes) and healing. While she doesn't use them all on-screen, given her former rank and the fact that she's successfully nursed Ichigo through some serious injuries, I presume she's moderately to highly proficient in all three types.

Yoruichi can also use a technique known as shunkou (flash-cry). It's a mix of hand-to-hand combat and kidou, which concentrates spiritual energy around the arms and legs for offensive and defensive purposes.

Despite her small build, she's much stronger than she appears, able to easily carry both Ichigo and his enormous sword while running. She can also throw Yammy with one hand, despite his much greater size.

Something exclusive to Yoruichi is the ability to transform into a black cat. She can still speak (sounding like an old man) and channel reiatsu in this form, although it does limit her speed and physical capabilities. Like many Bleach characters, she's able to gather spirit particles in the air, allowing her to move about on it as though it were solid ground.

Her ability to suppress her own reiatsu (spiritual energy) as well as track others by their reiatsu is excellent, enough to remain undetected for 100 years. She's also able to leave an afterimage of herself that appears to take damage from an attack, diverting her opponent; this is known as Utsusemi, or Cicada.

Appearance: Yoruichi stands about 5'1". Her waist-length hair is thick and black, and her large golden eyes are striking against her brown skin. She holds herself with relaxed confidence, and often wears a faint smile. Her build is slender, but curvy, and shows the obvious tone of someone in excellent physical condition. She' finds being nude to be more comfortable than being clothed, but she will wear clothes, sticking to comfortable, slim-fitting pants and tops that cover (but not necessarily conceal) everything. She often wears a backless undershirt, due to the fact that when she fully activates shunko, it causes any fabric on her back and shoulders to disintegrate.

Background/Personality: In Bleach, Soul Society is the afterlife. Whenever a human dies, a shinigami performs a soul burial, sending their spirit to the part of SS known as Rukongai. This is where most souls live out their lives until they're reborn into the human world. Seireitei is where the shinigami themselves live, and is separated by a guarded wall which keeps 'undesirables' out. Seireitei is also the home of the force known as the Gotei 13, the military organization responsible for the defense of Soul Society, ferrying human souls to the afterlife and purifying the evil spirits known as Hollows.

Yoruichi was born to one of the great noble houses of Seireitei, but you'd never know it by interacting with her. She's one of the best warriors her clan has ever produced, becoming the 22nd generational head of her clan (the first woman to do so). In addition, she became head of both Special Forces/Covert Ops and the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13.

Down to earth and disdainful of formalities, Yoruichi is playful and laid-back, with a quick wit and a sly sense of humor. She's very self-possessed, and can go from complete relaxation to laser-sharp focus in an instant. She doesn't seem the type, but she's taken on quite a few pupils over the years. Yoruichi manages to be very straightforward and friendly without actually sharing much about herself. She's rather independent but values her friends, and is always up for being spoiled. Despite her casual manner, she's a capable leader, favoring caution and tactics over rushing in half-cocked.

Not much is known about Yoruichi's youth. We know she grew up with her best and oldest friend, Urahara Kisuke, and they spent quite a bit of time testing and improving each other's skills before they each entered their respective branches of the military. In the current storyline, she appears to live with him whenever she's in the living world.

During her time as Commander of Covert Ops, a young fighter named Soifon joined Yoruichi's personal guard. Soifon was in obvious awe of her new mistress, and Yoruichi took her under her wing, taking every opportunity to draw the girl out of her shell. She could see her potential of course, but frankly--she just liked her, and wanted to see her lose some of her shyness.

About 100 years before the start of the manga, Urahara and Tsukabishi Tessai were framed for crimes committed by Aizen Sousuke, a lieutenant in the 5th Division. They were both convicted; Urahara was sentenced to have his powers stripped from him and exiled to the human world, while Tessai was to be imprisoned. Yoruichi broke them out of the trial and helped them escape, as well as saving the eight people who had been subject to Aizen's experiments from execution. In punishment, she was stripped of all her ranks and titles. While a free spirit, Yoruichi is extremely loyal to those she deems worthy, even to the point of giving up almost everything she's ever known.

After the escape, she went into exile, leaving Soul Society without a word to anyone else.

In the main storyline, she's served as a mentor for many of the younger main characters, helping them develop and hone their individual gifts. She trained Inoue Orihime and Sado Yasutora in the use of their newly-born spiritual powers, and also took charge of training Kurosaki Ichigo to reach bankai, the highest level of power for any shinigami.

She led the mission back to Soul Society to rescue Kuchiki Rukia from execution, meeting many of her friends and former colleagues for the first time since her departure. She was introduced to the rescue team while in her cat form, and none of them knew it was just a disguise until she revealed herself to Ichigo. She transformed in front of him, fully nude and showing obvious pleasure in flustering him. She then blew off his surprise with a casual, "Cats can't talk, idiot. That's just common sense."

When Ichigo stormed out to save Rukia before having fully recovered from serious injuries, Yoruichi went after him, knowing he was unable to win a battle against a captain-class fighter in his state. Showing her tactical mind and a surprising pragmatism, she prevented Ichigo from fighting by pounding a powerful anesthetic into his open stomach wound, causing him to pass out. She then proceeded to outrun their pursuer while carrying both Ichigo and his enormous sword, showing that her speed was still unmatched even after having been away from battle for a century. While she wasn't conceding the battle, she recognized that the odds were currently against them, and they needed to pull back to regroup and face their opponents another day.

Later, she entered into a heated fight against her former protege Soifon, who was understandably bitter about being left behind. Soifon was determined to beat Yoruichi to punish her mentor for what she saw as the worst sort of betrayal. While Yoruichi eventually won, showing that she was not to be taken lightly even after all this time, Soifon at least got to show her how far she'd come in her absence. After it became clear that Yoruichi's strength had not degraded to the extent she'd assumed, Soifon halted her attack in frustration, breaking down in tears and asking why Yoruichi hadn't taken her when she left.

They apparently patched up their differences, as Soifon has since been shown to have returned to her former hero worship. There is no sign that Yoruichi herself ever bore the other woman any ill-will.

Yoruichi returned to the human world after Aizen revealed himself as a traitor and Rukia was rescued. Since then, she's been shuttling back and forth between there and Soul Society as everyone readies for the war against Aizen and the Arrancar, the fighters he created by blurring the line between Shinigami and Hollow. One more battle against two of the Espada (Aizen's elite forces) further demonstrated Yoruichi's abilities; while she sustained fractures to her arm and leg in the process, she was able to beat her opponent barehanded. She later states that she could have avoided taking any injury if she had activated shunko to shield her arms and legs.

Finally, Yoruichi is intelligent, but unlikely to display the full extent of her knowledge on a subject, or how much she notes and files away as a situation unfolds. She's quite all right with being underestimated, not only because she can use it to her advantage, but also--she really doesn't care what most people think of her. Her practical outlook and careless manner can make her seem callous, and she's been shown not to fully realize the full extent of someone's regard for her--her dawning realization of just how bitter Soifon had become is a prime example. Despite her genuinely kind nature, given that she used to be an assassin, I think it's fair to say she can be absolutely ruthless when needed.

As strong as she is, Yoruichi isn't the type to fight for no reason, and she's fine with taking a supporting role. Many might consider her to have no respect for duty and responsibility, which is not true at all--she simply defines them for herself, and doesn't allow anyone else to dictate what she should find important.

1st person sample:

[Voice] [The female voice sounds relaxed and composed, while the male voice sounds nervous and harassed.]

--so it's like this, hmm?

Ahh, Miss, that button will--

--but what if I want to--

--really no need to be so r-rough--

[She snickers] I've got no use for anything that can't take a little rough handling~ So what else can this thing do?

It's got video capabilities as well--

[Switch to video--A large golden eye appears in the feed, before the shot pulls back to show the rest of her face and upper body, with a frazzled looking NPC in the background. Yoruichi herself simply seems relaxed and curious, wearing her customary fitted orange jacket, black undershirt and pants.]

Hoh~ So it does. Thanks for the help, guy.

[A hint of petulance is starting to break through the NPC's overwhelmed expression.]

You didn't give me much choice. I didn't think you'd let me leave unless I did.

[Yoruichi raises an eyebrow, her lips twitching as she looks over her shoulder.] Oh, did I give that impression? Of course you're free to go. [She turns her attention back to the guide in casual dismissal. Her faint smirk gives her a nonchalant air, but the more observant may note her gaze is steady and alert.]

'Don't panic,' hmm? Always good advice, but I suspect many aren't inclined to listen in this type of situation.

In any case~ If anyone from my home is here, don't be afraid to say hi. As you can imagine, I've got a few questions.

3rd person sample:

Yoruichi supposed, having a mad scientist for a best friend, that the idea of destruction on a massive scale shouldn't have fazed her. However, it was one thing when Kisuke's tinkering led to walls (buildings, lives) crumbling, but even he'd never blown up an entire planet.

To her knowledge.

She wasn't generally much of a drinker, but in her opinion, the situation called for it. She'd found a bar, using some of the money she'd been given upon arrival and settled at a small table in the corner, eyes hooded and thoughtful as she made her way through a glass of plum wine. The people and setting were completely alien--literally, in many cases--and so far, there'd been no sign of anyone she knew. With an enormous ship full of refugees, there was at least a chance that she hadn't been the only one to escape.

Her stomach churned and her fist tightened around her glass. She wasn't one to lie to herself, but still--she couldn't get her mind around everyone and everything she'd ever known being gone. It was worse than going into exile; at least then, she'd known home was still there to go back to. Soifon, the kids, Kuukaku, everyone else back in Soul Society--could they really be gone?

Tessai and Kisuke had been constants in a time of upheaval, and the idea that they could be dead was just--the loss was too immense for her mind to process; she couldn't even grieve.

She took another pull of her wine. It was sweet and tart and the slight burn quickly mellowed to a warm glow, pushing back the cold in her belly.

All right.

First things first--she'd go exploring, searching for familiar reiatsu as she scouted the layout of this place. Then she'd find her room and monitor the communication device she'd been given, noting the content of the transmissions and who made them.

With any luck, she'd figure out what to do from there.

Questions?: Lemme borrow that top.

!application, !gargleblasted

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