AU History

Jul 12, 2009 10:53

Yoruichi was born on January 1, 1843, in Porto Novo, a former Dutch colony on the southeast coast of India, in what is now the state of Tamil Nadu. Her mother was Indian (Nilani Vinnavan), and her father the eccentric youngest son of an old noble Japanese family (Shihouin Makoto). Despite his intelligence, Makoto never quite managed to settle into the family business, and his family was getting desperate. The Shihouins' Dutch business partners had begun trade in India as well, and in a last-ditch attempt to find some sort of suitable occupation for him, Makoto was sent to Porto Novo, the source of some of the iron used in the weaponry made by Shihouin craftsmen.

To everyone's surprise, the work suited him, and he decided to stay, even marrying the daughter of his one of his business associates. His family recalled him to Japan five years after his arrival, and he returned to Nagasaki, bringing his wife and small daughter with him.

The Shihouin family had been long known for making weaponry, and had produced many skilled and celebrated warriors. Her father was determined that his daughter would be no different. She took to fighting easily, shocking and pleasing every single instructor brought in to train her. Skilled in both armed and unarmed combat, she showed ability beyond her years.

Mixed marriages were uncommon, and generally looked down upon, but Yoruichi enjoyed a rare type of protection from much of the scorn of the outside world. The majority of her interactions took place within a certain social strata, none of whom would dream of offending one of the most powerful families in the region. However, she was a perceptive child, and knew her parentage set her apart.

Despite her privileged background, she was a very down-to-earth child, counting the children of servants and lesser nobility as her closest playmates and confidants, even into adulthood. While devoted to her friends and family, she did have a habit of slipping her guardians and venturing outside her family's property. Her roaming never took her too far, or away for too long; while a free spirit, she was still practical enough not to be foolish.

While she spent most of her life in Japan, Yoruichi was sent back to India at the age of 15 (1858), in order to gain exposure to her mother's side of the family. She took to the warmer weather, especially loving the less restrictive clothing.

Shortly after she returned to Japan at the age of 17 (1860), she was married off to an associate of her family, a widower, who was confident he could reign in the young woman's free spirited ways. During the time that they were married, Yoruichi maintained the illusion of being a dutiful and demure wife, but it was obvious to the observant that the fire in her was not doused--merely banked.

When Yoruichi was 23 (1866), her husband was killed by a robber while traveling home from Edo. His business ventures went to a brother. As she had never gotten along well with either her husband or his family, she moved back home with her parents, reveling in her relative freedom as a widow as well as assisting her father behind the scenes in his business.

After a suitable mourning period, her mother began to hint at getting Yoruichi remarried, but her mixed parentage, bold nature and fighting ability meant offers were few and far between. The rumors surrounding her husband's death didn't help, some going so far as to imply she had something to do with his murder. It was no secret that her husband had found her lacking, often cursing her for not having born him an heir (this despite the fact the neither his first wife nor any of his many mistresses had ever reported becoming pregnant by him). However, while Yoruichi was certainly capable of having killed him, she had an airtight alibi, having been back in Nagasaki when her husband died.

She gave the appearance of staying in mourning for as long as custom dictated, but that was more for her parents' sake, not her own.

Her disinterest in remarriage frustrated and exasperated her mother, but her father didn't really mind--she was his only daughter, his treasured child. In addition, she had become quite instrumental in handling security for his business; a new husband might object, depriving Makoto of her expertise. Yoruichi was in no hurry to lose what freedom she had--any man wishing to convince her to do so would have quite the uphill battle on his hands.

Yoruichi has received training in martial arts, including training in how to hone and manipulate her life energy. This gives her the ability to sense spirits, as well as to some extent, the ability to sense other people approaching. She's able to move quickly and silently, easily escaping detection from the average person. She has knowledge of pressure points, and can use them to incapacitate and restrict an opponent's mobility. In combat situations, she can force energy into her arms and legs to shield and enhance them for battle for a short period of time. But it's a very dangerous technique; as she does not have full control over it, she only uses it under extreme duress.*

Despite her extensive training, personal history with her husband, and navigating through complex and often unforgiving social webs, she's been relatively sheltered, and in many ways is rather more innocent than her canon self.

Age: Canon doesn't specify, but I'm guessing at least 200 years old. For purposes of this AU, I'd play her at 27.

Appearance: Yoruichi stands about 5'1", with a curvy, well-toned figure. Her waist-length hair is thick and black, and her large golden eyes are striking against her warm brown skin. She holds herself with relaxed confidence, and often wears a faint smile.

Personality: Down to earth and disdainful of formalities, Yoruichi is laid-back and playful, with a sly sense of humor. She's very self-possessed, and can go from complete relaxation to laser-sharp focus in an instant. She doesn't seem the type, but she's taken on quite a few pupils over the years. Yoruichi manages to be very open and friendly without actually sharing much about herself. She's rather independent, sometimes disappearing to roam--but she values her friends, and is always up for being spoiled. Her practical outlook and careless manner can make her seem callous, and she's been shown not to fully realize the full extent of someone's regard for her--her dawning realization of just how bitter Soifon had grown during their fight is a prime example.

Yoruichi is intelligent, but unlikely to let on how much she picks up, or the full extent of her knowledge on a subject. She's quite all right with being underestimated, as it will generally help her reach her goals in the end. Despite her genuinely kind nature, given that she used to be an assassin, I think it's fair to say she can be absolutely ruthless when the situation calls for it.

Many consider her to have no respect for duty and responsibility, which is not true at all--she simply defines them for herself, and doesn't allow anyone else to dictate what she should find important.

ooc, history

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