Names and Common Words in Pandora Hearts

Nov 03, 2010 10:44

If you're like me, you get the Japanese raws of Pandora Hearts each month and wish you could read them. I've got something that might help you: a list of names and common terms, spelled out in hiragana, katakana and/or kanji. I was doing this for myself, and thought I'd share. Some of these are straight from Wikipedia. But Wikipedia is missing at least a dozen names (like "Bandersnatch" and "Kevin Regnard") and doesn't have common terms you might encounter like "sealing stone," "idiot" and "useless." Here's where my handy dandy list can help.

I will make changes, corrections and additions to this list as needed. If you see any corrections needed, please let me know. And if you have any word/name requests, tell me and I'll see if I can dig them up.

Oh and I recommend you copy and paste this into a text editor that will allow you to increase the font size, so you can see all the diacritical marks. Otherwise you may find yourself half blind, like I did, poring over lists of kanji radicals.

Pandora Hearts (パンドラハーツ)
Jun Mochizuki (望月淳)

Chains (チェイン )
Contract (契約 )
Contractor (契約者)
Abyss (アヴィス) or 深淵 orしんえん (first appears to be most common)
Intention of the Abyss (アヴィスの意志 )
Four Great Dukedoms (四大公爵家 )
Tragedy of Sablier (サブリエの悲劇 ) (Saburie no Higeki)

People, alphabetical by first name:
(the = sign appears between first and last names)
Ada Vessalius (エイダ=ベザリウス )
Alice (アリス )
Arthur Barma (アーサー=バルマ )
Doug (ダグ )
Echo (エコー )
Elliot Nightray (エリオット=ナイトレイ )
Fang (ファング)
Gilbert Nightray (ギルバート=ナイトレイ )
Glen Baskerville (グレン=バスカヴィル )
Isla Yura ( イスラ=ユラ)
Jack Vessalius (ジャック=ベザリウス )
Kevin Regnard (ケビン=レグナード) (the kanji ssociated with this name is sometimes translated as 'red-eyed ghost' 紅眼の亡霊) 眼 = eye, 霊=ghost)
Lacie (レイシー)
Leo (リーオ)
Lily (リリィ)
Lottie (ロッティ )
Marie (マリー)
Miranda Barma (ミランダ=バルマ )
Oscar Vessalius (オスカー=ベザリウス )
Oz Vessalius (オズ=ベザリウス )
Phillipe West (フィリップ=ウェスト )
Rachel Cecile (レイチェル=セシル )
Reim Lunettes (レイム=ルネット )
Riitasu (リータス)
Rufus Barma (ルーファス=バルマ )
Sharon Rainsworth (シャロン=レインズワース )
Shelly Rainsworth (シェリー=レインズワース)
Sheryl Rainsworth (シェリル=レインズワース)
Sinclair (シンクレ)
Vanessa Nightray (ヴァネッサ=ナイトレイ)
Vincent Nightray (ヴィンセント=ナイトレイ )
Xerxes Break (ザークシーズ=ブレイク )
Zai Vessalius (ザイ=ベザリウス )
Zwei (ツヴァイ)

Albus (アルブス)
B-Rabbit (血染めの黒ウサギ (ビーラビット)
Bandersnatch (バンダースナッチ)
Cheshire (チェシャ猫 (チェシャ)
Dodo (ドードー)or 愚鳩
Doldum (ドルダム)
Dormouse (眠り鼠 (ヤマネ)
Eques (一角獣 (エクエス)
Gryphon (グリフォン)
Humpty Dumpty (ハンプテイダンプテイ)
Jabberwock (ジャバウォック
Leon (リオン Rion, lit. Leon)
Mad Hatter (イカレ帽子屋 (マッド ハッター)
March Hare (三月ウサギ) or(マーチヘアー)
Owl 梟 or (アウル)
Raven (鴉 (レイヴン)
Queen of Hurts (or Hearts) (ハートの女王)

Other helpful terms:
Fiana (the orphanage) フィアナ
rabbit ウサギ (usagi)
memory 記憶
headhunter 首狩り or クビカリ or くびかり (kubikari)
stupid rabbit バカウサギ (baka usagi)
idiot, stupid 馬鹿 or ばか (baka)
brat がき or ガキ (gaki)
master 旦那 
precious thing 大事な 
important, precious 大切 (taisetsu)
noisy, annoying (or 'shut up' if used as expletive)うるさい (urusai)
Princess, Miss お嬢様 (Ojou-sama) (term of respect for) another's daughter; daughter of a high-class family
useless 役立たず or やくたたず or yakutatazu
coward, useless, good-for-nothing へタレ (hetare)
clown ピエロ (pierrot)
knight ナイト   
shadow 影 or かげ  (kage) (relevant to Eques)
owner 飼い主 (kainushi) (what Oz tells Echo that he is to Gilbert)
I (pronoun), or manservant 僕 or ぼく (boku)
manservant (archaic) 下僕
drain rat 溝 ネズミ(Break's nickname for Vincent)
Duchess 女公爵 (Lady Duke)
Duke 公爵
sin, crime, transgression 罪 or つみ
servant, valet, attendant 従者
snake, serpent 蛇
seal, stamp, incuse 封印
hand, needle (on clock) 針
sealing stone 封印の石

learning japanese, japanese, pandora hearts

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