BGRT2: And then, a circus happened.

Feb 12, 2012 23:59

Today was St. Louis. We started off at the Riverfront, specifically the stairs that lead from the Gateway Arch down to the Mississippi, which is one of my favoritest places in the world. I'm not sure why i love it so, but that chunk of land totally satisfies, like, all of my needs: a)water and boats b)large field c)crazy feat of human ingenuity. We went into the museum below the Arch, which was an amazing 'hey look at how awesome Westward Expansion was for the white dudes, and while it sucked for everybody else, check it out - it totally ended up with us on the moon and that's awesome!' narrative. Soooo yeah. But we got to play with Jacob's Ladders, and we each bought jaw harps, which starlingthefool's gonna teach me how to play. I'm pretty excited about that.

After that, we went to the City Museum. And it was amazing. I took a bunch of pictures but didn't get the chance to put them on flickr yet. Suffice to say that the City Museum is an awesome playground-slash-art-slash-recycling project, full of things to climb and slides to slide down (sooo many slides!) and stuff to touch. It was the coolest place ever, and we were kind of tempted to, like, hide in the nooks and crannies and stay there forever and ever.

And then, a circus happened.

No really! Because the St. Louis circus school (which has a better name than that, i just can't remember) is totally based out of the City Museum. So we got to watch a bunch of kids do some pretty fabulous stuff - tightrope walking and acrobatics and juggling and even a trapeze routine. It was also awesome.

We wandered some more, stumbled across a firepit and roasted marshmallows (still at the City Museum - did i mention it's awesome?), and then headed out of town.

We're holed up just outside of Memphis now; i was, in fact, correct when i told starlingthefool that we'd be sleeping in Arkansas tonight (it was worth it for the look of horror on her face). We're within spitting distance of a Waffle House, which i'm pretty excited about. And tomorrow, GRACELAND. *happydance*

But for now, sleep all the sleeps. Because while i managed a solid sleep last night (HOORAY) i'm still pretty exhausted, especially after all the literal running around and climbing we did today.

awesome sauce, road trip, aw yes indeed it's fun times fun times, queer as a three dollar bill

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