The Primeval drinking game!

Mar 28, 2012 00:34

Because i probably shouldn't spam twitter. @hayeager and i came up with these tonight; i think this is probably her revenge on me for introducing her to Primeval in the first place.

Without further ado,

Here it is, the Primeval Drinking Game!

Every time we see Helen's cleavage
Every time the team splits up and goes off alone
every time they investigate an anomaly w/o bringing a weapon
(2 shots if they are alone AND unarmed)
Every time they lock the anomaly before getting the creatures through
Every time they say there are no creatures before they finish looking
Every time they think there is only one creature and stop looking
Every time Connor does something well intentioned and fumbles it
Every time Abbey rolls her eyes at him
Every time Cutter refuses to tell someone important information
Every time Danny jumps in and takes over for no reason
Every time Connor is in his boxers
Every time someone does something because they secretly love that person
(2 shots if someone dies because of it)
Every time a member of the public sees a creature and makes things (infinitely) worse
(2 shots if they die as a result)

Feel free to add more in the comments!

(Also, something of a GIP, it's true.)

funny ha ha, drinking

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