KASF weekend update - Part II

Mar 09, 2006 13:21

So much for continuing my KASF update the same evening . . . I think I will have to go back and post-date this one.

Alle Psallite performed "Ave Regina Coelorum." It seemed to go over well. Actually, someone said that listening to our piece gave them goosebumps. I think they meant in the nicest way possible, that's how I took it anyway.

Lady Cassandra - inducted, Order of the Golden Dolphin
MelanieSuzanne - inducted, Order of the Coral Branch.

belfebe won the Bardic - Vocal competition
Lady Cassandra won the Bardic - Performing competition with her juggling

So much to see and do - Fun looking at all the exhibits and attending afternoon court.

Went to dinner with Cassie, psalite, Ilse and Iustinos. Dinner conversation was very fun. I think I did as much laughing as I did eating. --> My nefarious imagination invented Nakid' Clogging after a story Ilse told. (Nakid'd Clogging - It's going to be a demo sport in the next Summer Olympics.)

Attended Post Revel/Bardic Circle. A good time. I've never been to a bardic circle before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Lots of medieval songs (some original compositions by the person signing them) and a few pub ditties sung by some amazingly talented people. I think 'nakid clogging might have been brought up at the bardic circle.

Got home way late, but enjoyed every minute of it. Did the reverse carpooling thing back to Leesburg. Laid my head on my pillow around 2:45am-3am. Almost pulled a college-up-24-hours thing. (Question remains, "Why did we do that in college anyway?")

The next day was Sunday and I was planning on sleeping in, but I got a phone call from my Mother at 8:30am. She called to tell me that my 18-month-old niece had spent the night. Mom wanted to let me know Ally would be there for the morning/early afternoon if I wanted to come over and play with her. 'K, lets clarify. This would be the only thing she could of said, at that time of the morning, that wouldn't have been met with a very grumpy me on the other end of the phone.

I dressed quickly and spent a very fun morning with my niece, who happens to think I am absolutely fabulous. (She is the only person I know that actually squeals in delight, when I walk into the room.) The feeling is mutual, so we reveled in each other's company. Came home, showered, met the family at Howard Johnson's and had a wonderful 3pm pancake breakfast. Sometimes pancakes taste soooooooo good.

So to sum up: good time had by all; learn and saw lots; there was the invention a new dance form; time with my niece - good; pancakes - also very good :)

family, sca, ponte alto

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