To wench, or not to wench . . . .

Mar 09, 2006 21:32

Ok I feel really dumb asking this question but I truly don't know the answer. So I will throw it out to LJ, and the wind, and see what comes back.

(Jeez, InertiaKitty says I always have a long winding explanation before I ask any question. I think he exaggerates a bit.)

(*the word you are looking for is*) ANYWAY,. . . .

Is there anything saying I can't wear wench clothing to the St. Patty's Day Bloodbath?

I just think I would be more comfortable. It an outdoor event and I would not worry as much if I get any mud or anything on my outfit. I have a wealth of skirts and bodices and shirts to choose from (I worked the MD Renn Fest for three years in a booth that sells nothing but clothing for peasants). I actually know how to wear the outfit, and what goes with what. Ok, and here is the really sad part (*wait for it*) . . . . I miss wearing a bodice.

I have only one noble/SCA-type outfit currently (Although I hope to amend that sometime in the near future.) And I have worn said outfit at the last two SCA events. I think there is a chance that it could be cooler than everyone is saying and I have all the necessary accoutrement's to stay warm as a wench. Where as a early 14th century French Noble, . . . . not so much.

Thoughts, comments, ascertainsions as to why I am even stressing over this, all are welcome.

sca, ponte alto

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