Hey LJ! Here's some positive stuff!

Aug 08, 2008 01:26

Sometimes even LJ deserves something a little less emo...

I suppose it really started last night after Ma'ayan, Edan and I (they are friends from Jericho) spontaneously canceled our original plan to drive up to Caesaria and watch Rear Window on a big screen (they're having some summertime Hitchcock marathon, Na'ama and I saw Vertigo a few weeks back). We realized we were too sleepy to see a movie and I was kind of too sleepy to drive, so we ended up eating really yummy food and then biking around Ramat Gan in the middle of the night. I'm sure Rear Window must be great, but we had a lot of fun.

Then today I did a little bit of work (wow!!!), I exercised a bit at the new gym on my base, I bought a new guitar case, I made a dumb/silly gift for a friend, I ate more yummy food, and I went to two friends' parties and enjoyed myself a rather lot.

The first party was awkwardly entertaining in that I was on average about 10 years younger than everyone else there, and I'm not sure it's a good thing that people think I'm older when they first talk to me. What is happening to my youthful years?? The second party though was bombtastical. I forget sometimes that I'm totally capable of entertaining people, even if it's in a "ha ha look at her go" kind of way, although sometimes it is just me and the silly boring stories I tell over and over again. Maybe I'm good at meeting people but less good at keeping them close? Well that's something depressing to think about. And it doesn't even make any sense...

But do not be misled! My point is that I'm happy! I'm really happy. There is a word in Hebrew that for some reason is translated as blissful, but I think of it more as being "wholesomely and completely happy", and I'm feeling something pretty close to that right now. Just a nice solid belief in the good of the universe, and no fear of the unknown.

Except the Olympics. I have a bad feeling about these Olympics. :(

Stay positive, everybody. Life is great and I'm going to Rome for three days. Yay!
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