sos group...

Aug 31, 2004 12:43

i have been very very quiet on the sos email group that i belong too... lots of reasons perhaps... none needing expression...

but i always try and remember one important thing... i am representative of Master Dennis... he owns me... by choice... he does...

although i do not need to send him any long written detail of my doings in respect to that group... i do chat with him and i do let him know the thoughts i share... and at times... i do share with him some thoughts that i find interesting...

recently i voiced this on that group:

"the way our M/s relationship is set up... my life... my children's
lives... the lives of people in my life... i can at times see so
clearly how me and mine have benefitted by his ownership of me...

the difference in my life... within me... from before i started
serving him to who i am today is of great magnitude...

but i dont see how his life has benefitted by owning me tho...

i do not serve him real time anymore... dont cook for him (ok, i was
never one to cook but i sure can microwave, lol)... i dont do his
laundry or massage his feet or body... i do none of those things
anymore... yet, he wants to continue owning me...

so for the longest time i just havent understood what he "gets" out
of owning me..."

one of the others on the group shared the following with me... it gave me food for thought... i was thankful...


first of all, it's great to hear from you again. What does he get out of owning you? I'll bet Master Dennis gets a huge amount of pride watching you improve your life by following his rules. He gets the satisfaction of seeing something he is doing work out right. Where he probably can't control all of what goes on in his work, or control the amount of traffic on the drive home, or the line at the bank, he can control your happiness by helping you improve your life. He also knows there's someone out there who
cares enough for him to get up at 5:30am every morning so he can be greeted with "Good Morning Master" every single damn morning!"

it would be nice... if it was true...
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