Lately and Onward

Oct 28, 2011 16:48

I'm nearing the end of my 14th week, and I'm starting to develop that baby bump. With the second trimester starting, I can consider myself lucky that I haven't had any morning sickness. I had a bad migraine a week or so ago that caused me to get sick, but that's it. I like to take pride in saying that I haven't dealt with morning sickness, as if that makes me some kind of BAMF.

I've been a bit emotional though... And now I will paste from my new Tumblr account (Laura egged me into it. Let's see how long I keep up with it.)

October 24: You know you’re pregnant when Hank Hill doing something sweet for his wife Peggy makes you teary-eyed.

October 24/25: You know you’re pregnant when your husband gets in trouble for a joke you heard a comedian tell.

The story with the second one is that we were watching a Jim Jefferies special last night, and the dude said that men aren’t big on foreplay and aren’t even into kissing. So I turn to my husband and said, “But you’re into kissing!” and he replies, “Not as much as you are.” I shrug it off until first thing this morning. No lie. The alarm goes off. We cuddle. He asks how I slept. I tell him, “‘Salright.” And then I pose the question again. “So you’re really not into kissing?” “Not as much as you are.”
And I cry. Why do I cry? Because I respond thusly… “We’ve been married for two and a half years, together for almost seven years, and now have a baby on the way, and I only now learn that you don’t like kissing? I’ve been smothering you!”

This is not what he meant. Thanks, Jim Jefferies, for ruining my husband’s morning.

So yeah. I've been fine since the 25th though... Pregnancy is a'ight, but if this is my only kid, I think I'll be okay with that. Pregnancy is supposed to be this joyous thing that everyone says to drink in, but I'm tired all the time, I'm possibly more forgetful than usual, Hank Hill makes me cry, my olfactory nerves are out of whack, I'm more prone to migraines (they cut back over the past year or two), I can't eat half of what I want, people always have their own opinions on what I should or should not be doing, I can never drink enough water, and I constantly have to pee. Now don't get me wrong: I am going to love this Lisa or Nathaniel (because those are the names we've picked: pretty sure it's a Nathaniel, but we'll know in a month or so), and I regret nothing. But pregnancy isn't fun. If you're a gal who's experienced this and believes otherwise, then you are a lucky gal.

In other news, Dorene gets married tomorrow! Jodie and I are her photographers. I'm excited. AJ and I are driving down there separately because he has a three-week training in Georgia starting on Monday. I'll get to Dorene and Drey's around 11:00 tomorrow morning, and Jodie and I will take pictures of behind-the-scenes stuff before the ceremony begins at 3:00. It's Halloween-themed, so some of us are wearing costumes. I took votes on Facebook (not via the poll option but the old-fashioned way-- or as old-fashioned as communication on social networking sites can be-- by asking, "What do y'all think I should wear?"), and the winning suggestion was Little Red Riding Hood. I already had a nifty get-up that was just waiting to be thrown together, so I just needed a red cape, which I acquired, and so my costume is complete. It would be cool if AJ were the Big Bad Wolf, or even The Woodsman. But he decided to go with something clever and not at all related to my costume. He bought a lab coat and a disembodied head to carry around. He shall be a head doctor, which is what he is anyhow. It's cute and clever. Jodie and her daughter Lili are going to sport faery wings. Jill still has no clue what she's wearing. And that's all I know about people's get-ups.

I'm kind of nervous because after all is said and done, I'm staying over at Dorene and Drey's for the night. They're getting a hotel room for privacy but have space open for some people to stay over. It was going to be me and AJ, Dorene's mom, Dorene's friend Volante (who's also my friend, but we've honestly only met once in person, so our friendship is almost entirely internet-based), and Misty. AJ has decided that he'll just head on to his parents' house that evening though, so he can spend Sunday with them before heading down early Monday morning to begin his training. It's also sounding like Volante may not be making it. Dorene's mom and I are cool, but we've never really hung out. And I still don't know where Misty and I stand. I sent her a letter a couple of months ago, by way of Dorene, and it seemed well-received, in that Misty started texting me shortly thereafter, and we had a bit of dialogue with positive vibes. She said that she was working on a letter to mail to me, but I haven't received it. (I don't know if she stopped working on it, or if she mailed it, but it got lost along the way...) I texted her on her birthday, and then three weeks later in September, she texted me on mine. But that was last I heard from her. I texted her (I feel awkward calling first) just before our high school reunion to see if she was interested and never got a response. I also sent some randomly silly message, but I never heard anything from that either. So I haven't said anything in about a month. I'm a bit worried over how the evening will go. I try to imagine worst-case scenarios, which I guess aren't even terrible really... just awkward silences. It's not like we'll bust into a cat fight. Neither of us are like that. If I get bad vibes though, I'm just going to drive back up here (I'd drive out to stay with other friends, but it'd be at least two hours east to get to people I know, which would make for a longer drive back home in the morning). It's only four to four and a half hours of driving. It's not a fun amount of time to spend in a car, especially if I've already spent that much time in the car that morning, but if it's truly that awful, I can do it. I'm sure it'll be fine though.... We'll just see how it goes. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing. That happens.

It's going to be weird with AJ gone for so long. The longest we've been away from each other since we started living together was when he went on a week-long vacation in the summer of 2008 with his family. And I think that week was really only five days. We've since spent weekends away from each other, like when I meet up with friends in Staunton or in the Raleigh area. But 21 days is obviously much longer than the occasional weekend... I've got my weekends planned out pretty well: I'm actually making two Staunton trips. At first, I was going to just go the weekend of the 11th with Carolyn, Leo, and Richard, but then Samantha and I got to talking about meeting up somewhere for a mini-vacation. At first, she had suggested going to Atlantic City. I lack the funds, and where I live, it'd be rather cumbersome to get to an airport (two hours to get to one with a decent fare), plus the two hours of waiting before the flight, and then there'd be an hour-long train ride from Philadelphia to Atlantic City. I'd spend more time in various modes of transportation than I would enjoying the pretty lights. Then we thought, "We'll just meet somewhere in the middle.... Where's somewhere in the middle?" I started looking at places along my route to NC and thought that maybe we could meet around Winston-Salem, but that doesn't seem very pro-vacation-y. Samantha then suggested Busch Gardens, which isn't halfway, but it would take me just as long to get there as it would to W-S. I was all for it. Then I remembered that pregnant ladies can't go on amusement park rides...... And then we thought of Staunton. It seems silly to go two weekends in a row, but Carolyn and Leo don't want to see all of the plays, so I can see some plays with Samantha and then others with Richard the following weekend, possibly with some overlap. Anyway, short story long, my weekends are booked. As for my weeks, I work eight-hour days with a 30-40 minute commute to and fro. AJ and I will have Skype dates every evening, I have adventures in pointless podcasting to commence with Laura, I desperately need to make some headway in my online volunteering for DAHMW, I'll surely have papers to grade for my online class, I have tons of random goodness recorded on the DVR, and I get tired by 8-9pm. I'm sure I will have no trouble occupying my time, but if I do, I can always look to you, LiveJournal, to unload my thoughts.

drey, staunton, misty, laura, samantha, aj's three-week training, pregnancy, dorene, week 14, jodie, a to the j

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