(no subject)

Aug 14, 2011 10:47

I think I need to talk more about my family reunion from last weekend. It was my first-ever reunion on my dad's side. It was my second time seeing my dad in my adult life, and it was my first time meeting everyone else in person (or at all-- but I knew quite a few people, thanks to the wonders of Facebook). My cousin Bonnie (who is my dad's first cousin Bonnie, so I think that makes her my cousin once removed?) made hats for everyone about the reunion and gave us markers so that we could decorate the hats. As it was my first time meeting everyone, I decided to put brackets around "re" in "reunion." People loved that. I met a lot of cousins and got to talk to my dad for a bit. As it turns out, everyone there is just as kooky as I am, so we all got along wonderfully. AJ and I got to my cousin Sue's house right at 2:00 with the quiche and s'mores pie that I'd made, and everyone loved both of them. Sue said that my pie was hands-down the best dessert there! And to think, a little over a year ago, I didn't know how to make desserts (beyond brownies straight from the box).

Recipes of what I made for the reunion:
I'm trying to maintain an online journal of my cooking adventures. So far, I only have three entries. The other one is of a recipe for a peanut butter and Nutella cheesecake. It's just a slightly altered recipe I found online for a Nutella cheesecake. My alteration makes it taste just like a Reese's cup.

I'm going to make another s'mores pie for tonight. People from the pharmacy are throwing me a going-away shindig at Donna's house. Greg is bringing hot dogs. Bridget is bringing chips and soda. Krista and George bringing brownies and No-Bake cookies. Abby is gonna whip up something awesome but was undecided last I heard. Christa isn't able to make it. Not sure what David or Sharon are bringing. I'm excited. People are throwing a going-away party for me! And Abby plans to make tiramisu cupcakes for me on my last day in the pharmacy on Wednesday.


My transfer for another pharmacy was approved, and I'll call the pharmacy manager there soon enough to let her know, but I want to wait a few days first because I had the second interview for the counselor gig for the domestic abuse agency, and it went well. Better than I could have imagined actually. I've made ridiculous mistakes in interviews (some documented in here... others documented in later, abandoned online journals...), but I made NOT ONE this time. I interviewed with the outreach director just as before, a lady that I assume is a counselor or some kind of advocate, and the director herself. Despite it being three people, I was not intimidated. The setting was welcoming, in a large but somewhat cluttered office with comfy seats and what appeared to be a comfy couch. The interview began with idle chitchat about changes in the agency and carpeting. I feel like that was helpful, seeing them in a human way and not in a solely business manner. Anyway, I was at ease and was able to talk about my experiences through my internship and even had visual aids from my support groups, which seemed to impress them. They loved me and flat-out told me, "We're interested if you are," and I reiterated that this is my dream job. When they told me the salary and spoke in a somewhat regretful tone about it, I replied, "I work at Walmart. That salary is delightful," and explained that AJ's salary will be enough for our bills (which is such a blessing), so I just need to get paid something. It's what I'd mentioned at the first interview, but I felt it was good for the director to be aware of in the second interview, in case she was worried I'd leave for better pay elsewhere. If all I'd cared about was my paycheck, I'd gone into IT (which I don't knock! I just know IT folks get paid well, as y'all deserve because that area is stressful. Just saying that it was something I had a tiny bit of interest in, but I knew it'd be a lot of trouble that I didn't want to deal with, and my heart is elsewhere. If I solely needed a paycheck and had thicker skin, I would have toughed it out in your area instead.). Getting paid is nice and essential, but since we'll be able to make ends meet with AJ's salary, I thankfully don't have to worry about being the breadwinner with the job I acquire, which means all I require is that I enjoy my job. And I would enjoy this job. The only snag is that they aren't sure if my national certification is enough, but they're looking into that. If I am legally able to have this job, then I will have this job. I will be incredibly saddened if I learn that we couldn't make it work, but I'm happy to know that I am good enough for the position and that they are able to see that.

If I *do* get the job, I will have to take two extra courses and start getting supervision for licensure. I am eying an online program that Walden University has. I've been dying to be Dr. Miki for a long while now, and Walden University has a PhD program (that meets national standards) in Counselor Education & Supervision with a specialization in Trauma and Crisis. This makes my mouth water. I could round up a couple of courses in there for licensure and then continue pursuing my doctorate. Or maybe I should solely focus on those two courses and then later pursue the higher degree. I'll need to contact them about what classes they offer for students-at-large and then look into FAFSA.

I'd gotten a bit lost on the way to the interview, as it wasn't in the same location as the first one. I was given landmarks to go by, like, "Look for the blue building. You'll find parking next to the building." (It wasn't blue, but I don't want you to know.) And there were multiple blue buildings. I found one with parking and parked there but learned that that was not the correct place. I knew I had to be close though, so I kept my car there, as there were no signs indicating that I could not do so, and I walked around. When I still couldn't find the place, I called my contact, and she was on her way, so she just picked me up and drove me there. Turns out I was just walking in the wrong direction and was parked maybe one block away from where I needed to be. I met everyone at the organization, had the wonderful hour-long interview, and walked back to my car, where I saw it was blocked in by a white vehicle. A woman had just parked her car and noticed my dilemma and asked if I knew what that was about. "I'm not sure, but now I can't leave..." She said she'd go to check it out and went inside a nearby building. A man came out and said, "You can't park here. This is a federal lot," and went on to tell me about the $1500 fine for parking there and that they'd called a tow truck that was on its way. I explained that I was told to park near the building with that color for an interview in said building, had been lost and was uncertain where the interview was, did not know that I couldn't park there, and hadn't seen any signs indicating that. Oh, and I apologized two or three times while saying all of that. He moved the white car and called the tow truck to cancel the towing. He then told me to have a nice day. I thanked him and apologized again.

So that was almost a bad day. But then it wasn't. Therefore, it remained an awesome day.


AJ is now Dr. AJ! His internship ended on Friday. We have been celebrating with a relatively quiet weekend watching our shows on the DVR, occasionally leaving the house. Friday evening, we grabbed dinner to go at The Chocolate Cafe, where I've been their unofficial photographer (photographing their truffles, and they're going to frame my prints within the cafe-- no actual payment, but we get the occasional free chocolates, so it's a win). Yesterday, we had an official celebratory meal at a nearby steakhouse that we'd managed to never try in the past 14 and a half months we've been living here. Later, we met up with Krista and George at the movies to see 30 Minutes or Less, which was silly and an amazingly good movie-watching experience for an opening weekend. (We'd had 1408 ruined for us a few years back on an opening weekend, so we've been wary about watching movies when they first come out ever since.) And this evening is my celebration. So we're having a hoppin' but not too busy of a weekend.

Tomorrow is AJ's interview for the new job. A bit cart before the horse with us also signing the lease for the new place tomorrow, but the job is pretty much in the bag unless something goes wrong with the paperwork. We commence moving this week. I work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so we'll make a trip to the house on Thursday. Possibly on Friday as well, before we make the drive to Staunton and see The Tempest before Robert, Jodie, Jonathan, baby Lili, Matthew (I've had the urge to call him Matthew and not Matt. Let's see if it sticks.), KB, and Matthew's homies arrive for a weekend of shenanigans. Then more moving the following week with the big move next weekend (of the 26th). Sue and her daughter Eleni have offered to come this way to help us with the move. It'd be nice to see them again, and so soon. AJ and I are just concerned about there being "too many cooks in the kitchen" with AJ's parents coming up and us having a few friends coming to help load up here and unload at the new place. We shall see though.

I can't believe we'll be out of this place in two weeks. I've been taking my camera to work to get photos of my friends, since I don't have many opportunities left to do so. It's amazing how fast time is going now...


I may have more news, but it may also be unnecessary wishful thinking, which is very like me. If I do have news to tell though, you'll know almost when I do because I'm bad at keeping things to myself... which I suppose is a given, having a mostly open online journal.

culinary science, walden, quiche, interview, dr. aj, counseling, phd program, brown/manos reunion, aj, recipes, [re]union, chocolate cafe, staunton, wishful thinking, s'mores pie, reunion

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