And to think, I don't do drugs...

Aug 12, 2011 09:54

Miki: I just told Laura about the rambling concern about the Iron Cross this morning, and I ended it with, "I'M NOT HITLER!" She said, "Good, I didn't have to ask." She then added, "You would be a pretty Hitler."
Miki: I replied, ".....I don't know how to take that."
Miki: That's got to be one of the worst backhanded compliments ever.
Miki: I really don't know how one could top it, but I allow for the possibility, as I am an open-minded individual who still has much to learn about the world.
Bindah!: You could have a finger mustache.
Miki: I want a handlebar finger mustache.
Miki: Freud was wrong. It's not penis envy. It's ridiculous mustache envy.
Miki: Okay, so I've fleetingly had that too. I don't want one. But if I had one, I'd do dumb stuff with it.
Miki: Stuff that no man actually does.
Miki: Like imitate Mork and his trick with drinking fluids with his fingers. But.... not with fingers. I'd have no friends. It's best that I don't have such a thing.
Miki: I have more random examples, but I want you to respect me.
Miki: ...Okay, one more. I'd find a guy as silly as I am, and we'd sword fight. But there'd be NOTHING SEXUAL ABOUT IT. It'd just be ridiculous. And we'd tell no one.
Miki: ....And I'd make it dance and sing.
Miki: Okay, so I've told you just about everything I'd do that isn't supposed to be done with one.
Miki: Friends don't judge, Bindah. Friends don't judge.

*pasted to Laura*

Laura:  Hahaha!

me:  He's all crazy busy with work, but maybe he'll giggle later.

Laura:  I'm sure

me:  AJ said I wouldn't really do that because penises are sensitive. Whatever. I do random crap with my boobs. Sometimes, they're a sideways Pac Man.
I almost told Robert that but then thought better of it. "That's too much to tell an ex-boyfriend. Let's not let him think about my boobs. Allowing him to imagine my non-existent penis is okay though."

Laura:  Haha, yeah, distract him from thinking about your bresticles by talking nonstop about your nonpenis

me:  hahahaha


In other news, I have my second interview with the counseling agency this afternoon! I'm nervous about it. My contact really enjoyed meeting me the other week, but when she spoke with me the other day about scheduling this second interview with her and the director, she asked about providing a copy of my counseling license. I then reminded her how I do not have a counseling license (we had spoken for a few minutes about that: I'm two courses short for the state of West Virginia and many surrounding states, and I need a ton of supervision hours, which I could accrue while working there-- but many places don't like bringing on someone without a license due to insurance purposes, so it's a catch 22. She said they'd be able to work something out with the supervision for me), so she said she'd have to speak with the director. Two days of intense waiting, and the interview is still on. The director has some questions in regards to my qualifications, as I gather, and if they line up with the guidelines instilled from their grant that allows them to hire a counselor. Hopefully I meet these qualifications. I should have a better idea when I get home this evening.

My last day at the pharmacy is next Wednesday. They're throwing a hot dog roast at Donna's house Sunday evening. I'm gonna bring a s'mores pie. I made one for my family reunion on Sunday, and it was wonderful. Did I talk about that? I met my dad's side of the family for the first time and saw my dad for the second time in my adult life (the first time being on my wedding day two years, two months, and some weeks ago). I belong with those people. They're just as kooky as I am. My backup plan for employment is transferring to a pharmacy near where we're moving. The pharmacy manager seems interested in meeting me, so at least I have that going for me.

AJ's internship ends today, which is the last thing he needs to complete for his doctorate. So when he comes home, he'll be a doctor! We're celebrating by having a relaxing weekend, as that's what he wants. We'll probably go out to dinner.

We sign the lease on Monday. I work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We make a couple of trips to the house Thursday and Friday. We're off to Staunton Friday afternoon through Sunday morning. More moving. And we'll move all the big stuff that following weekend and say good-bye to Maryland. But we'll still visit.

That's everything. I think.

laura, interview, im, counseling, silliness, robert, bindah, counselor

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