And don't be alarmed if I fall...

May 27, 2006 23:56

I just thought I should let y'all know that my boyfriend just clicked around on his playlist to find Alanis Morissette's "Head Over Feet." "This is Miki's song," he says to me. "Oh, really?" "Well, it is kinda relevant," as in relevant to the origin of our relationship. "Well, yah." So he starts mouthing the words to me while he writes a journal entry for one of his classes, and then he sets down his pen and gets up from his chair, approaches the bed, where I am playing Snood and making vain attempts to access the internet, and he moves the laptop from my, ya know, lap, and he helps me onto the floor where we dance, deliberately stepping on one another's toes, and mouthing the words to one another. I remember having Jagged Little Pill recorded on a tape for me from a best friend (Kaitlyn) in middle school, and I would just listen to it so much. Then I got the CD in 8th grade when I finally got a CD player ("finally," since I had been asking for one for years). Whenever that song would play, I would imagine it being applied to my current-at-the-time crush, even when a line or two wouldn't entirely apply. I didn't realize how well the song fit us until AJ pointed it out moments ago. Ha, I actually cried about it.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that.

Oh, and I forgot to post six facts about me, as I was tagged by Megan. They may be things you know, but I'll try to not be repetitive if at all possible. So here we go.

1. Many people have said to me that I should be a voice actress.
2. I think my feet are so cute. Look at 'em. So little.
3. I don't shave very often. It has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with not caring.
4. I forgot how to program the radio stations in my car, so the first button still goes to 94.7, which is a country station. It was set there because I was in the process of mending a broken heart when I got the car two years ago, and you know how country goes. But I never really clicked the button. So I've programmed myself to not click the first button.
5. I used to have this princess-looking bed, with the large bedposts when I was little. And I used to use the left one at the foot of the bed as a fireman's pole... that is, until it broke. Then we had to take down the right one just to even it out.
6. One weekend when I was a toddler and my dad had the weekend with the kids, I was unsupervised long enough to climb a big hill outside of his workplace and try out what I assumed were nice, tasty orange rocks. So I now know what rocks taste like. At least those kind. And if you wanna know, they're chalky.

I'm supposed to tag six people, so I tag AJ, Amanda, Olivia, Candice, Laura, and Harleen. And whoever else wants to take it.

Oh, and I s'pose I should say that I watched X-Men 3 with AJ, Megan, and KC last night. As I'm not a comic geek, I can't compare it to the comics. After talking to AJ though, I'm aware of the indiscrepancies, but I appreciate the efforts made and understand the need to tweak things here and there. The theater experience was interesting, to say the least. There was an annoying guy in the audience, but I didn't mind him before the previews, since that time isn't important anyway. He was yelling out one of the answers to the trivia questions on the screen. He seemed very enthused with knowing the answer Big Momma's House 2. "I saw that!" But him seeing Beast on screen and calling him Papa Smurf was uncalled-for. Like I said, I'm not a comic geek, but I have respect for those who were going to see the movie to compare it to the comics as well as those who simply appreciate the storyline the films have. And then there was a girl somewhere who yelled, "SHUT UP!" and sounded like she was shaking uncontrollably afterwards in a comedic way, so I thought that was funny.

Today has been loverly. AJ and I have pretty much stayed in the apartment all day, aside from making a run to the grocery store. We slept in 'til 11:30, and then we watched the first two discs of season one of Huff, which is a show from Showtime starring Hank Azaria as a psychiatrist. I was saying to AJ earlier that I love shows that show how complex people are, making our complicated lives look beautiful, in that they imitate real life. It's kind of ironic that in reality, we don't see the beauty, because we're too absorbed in the now. It takes an outsider to really appreciate it I guess. Sometimes I'm able to step outside of myself and appreciate the beauty and the fun and the everything. Like moments with AJ today, like when he was resting his head on my chest while watching the show. I was running my fingers through his hair and thinking of the things I needed in life to be happy. Like, a house, a job I love, my love of my life/soul companion/lovah to share it all with, children. And there are times when I'm so absorbed with the now that I don't realize the fullness of what I have, with what I no longer need to look for.

Blah, sappiness. I should have warned you. ;)

And I'm out.

soul companion, six facts, a to the j, head over feet

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