Feb 27, 2010 12:18
An utter shit show. That's what it is outside my window. Yes I know I live in Canada, and yes we get copious amounts of snow. And yes it's still TECHNICALLY winter, but come on *pouts and whines* We've gone all winter thus far (thankfully) with no snow, it was guaranteed that we were going to think (really, that I was going to think) that we'd be done for the year and we could chalk this up to a very fortunate winter for us.
Except not so much. It's ridiculous out there. And granted, it could be worse... but at the same time, we could have no snow. And that would be better!!! *sigh*
I just have to keep reminding myself that there is only 30 more days until my surgery, and then I'll be forcibly housebound and won't have to worry about what is going on outside of my window. *cheers* Granted, I am terrified (I have this 'issue' with hospitals and anasthetic and you know, having my knee opened up and cameras and scalpels being insert into it) of the actual surgery and the aftermath of 3 months of intense physio... but I have to keep reminding myself that September, October and November was definitely not a cake walk. And I know I can work through the pain, I know I can do what I need to do to get beyond it and strengthen the muscle and build the ligaments back to where they should be.
I just kinda don't want to! LOL! I mean, I do, but it just took so much out of me the first time, to start over again is going to be a total drag.
On the upside though? A month of free time. Beyond physio, I'll be able to catch up on the fic I have saved.. knit some.. watch the tv on dvd I have lined up and be refreshed.
My Knitting 101 class is over, which I'm actually a little sad over. I've really enjoyed the people in it, the projects and just the fun I've had. I'm obviously going to continue, and might take more classes with them, but for right now, it's done. In all, in the time I've been knitting, i've made 3 scarves and a hat. I made a little measuring error on the hat and instead of knitting for 6 inches, I only did 5... so it's small.. but it's funny and cute. And I'm going to keep it as my first completed hat! \o/
Now, to maybe weed through some of the stories I've got saved. I've noticed that some of my favourite authors have updated (and if you're looking for any amazing fic to read, check out my memories...
And then to curl up under a blanket (or ten) and just snooze the day away!!
torn acl,
eff you snow,
whiny julie