Feb 24, 2010 20:20
I really don't have anything worth while to say. This week has been stressful piled on top of more stress with a side of stress. And then some. Work is in pure and utter chaos, which surprisingly, I am *not* in the middle of. Which is always shocking.
It does feel good to know that the drama is not centred around me for once. And it's also good to know that my boss not only recognizes the work that I do, but is very supportive of me and appreciates me. So yay for that \o/.
I'm getting closer to my surgery, and granted, it's still a month away, but it's going to be a short month if I really think about it. I've got all of my pre-op appointments to go to, and pretty much, as much progress that I've made in the past 6 months to now on my knee and leg, it's pretty much going to be all shot to hell. And then I'll be back to where I started when I initially fell. Of course, the recovery time will be longer (we're looking at about a year until my knee is even remotely back to where it was before I fell) and that is going to be a year of rehab and knee brace and just being careful. But hopefully, when it's all said and done, I can go back to walking and not worrying about every step and whether my knee will give out and I'll be curled up in a heap in the fetal position, rocking back and forth. Because that four months after the fall? Not fun in the least.
This friday is also my last knitting class. I think that I do want to continue though. So hopefully the place I'm going to will hold an intermediate course and I can further my knitting potential. I'm almost done my third scarf and I finished the hat we learned to make last week. And then all I need to do is learn how to darn the scarves and \o/ SUCCESS!! And we're supposed to be getting this humongous storm this weekend, so perfect timing for my scarf!!!
Buzz on the street is that Jared's wedding is this weekend. *awkward shrug* He was in my dream the other night. Oh goodness.. someone else was in my dream a few nights before that.. oh, hahahha.. *smacks forehead* Michael Rosenbaum. *that* dream was very nice. There was some hugging and cuddling. Jared's dream, not so much. He was very cold, despite us having to work together in the kitchen at the party we were at. So I'm not entirely sure what is up with the amount of CW folk in my dreams lately, and wondering where the eff cmm has been.. because if there is anyone that needs to be making an appearance in my dream, it's cmm! But I'll definitely take some Michael Rosenbaum. *giggles*
Okay. We have some lemon gelatto with my name on it in the freezer. It's too damn cold for frozen deserts but god knows I can throw another blanket over me if necessary!!!
jared padalecki,
michael rosenbaum,
torn acl,
i dreamed what?,