Uncle Gentian,
Gloxinia Bayle
I know that I have implored you in the past to make your way back to Amber. I believe that it has become crucial that you do so. Deacon has gone wild. It’s bad enough that Valerian has left without a forwarding address and with matters stacking up that need attending. Does he not understand that there are obligations for those of noble blood? Aparrently he believes that he is a boy and all of Amber is his playground. He’s been bringing women home.
Before you remind me that we’ve been dealing with this problem at Bayle for some number of years, let me remind you that servants talk. One of these women was even sharing his room! I asked him if he was intending to make an announcement that he is engaged to a Mandrake. He has not responded at this time. The OTHER had the servants in an uproar. The extreme always seems to make an impression. I have reminded Deacon that some of us are actually expected to marry for duty and obligation to the house and he should keep his affairs out of the primary city residence of the family.
Do you remember father’s man Carruthers? He has taken an extreme disliking for Deacon’s companions. If Deacon tries to displace Carruthers, I may have to send him to you. The man has been loyal to this family for some number of years. It is becoming obvious that Carruthers is not the only one that does not believe that Deacon can man up and take responsibility.
The only place different social types can genuinely get along with each other is in heaven. Well, I’m a Bayle and a Feldane so I believe in ‘Spirits’ more than Heaven. I have noticed that different social types can occasionally get along in a pub providing there is a liberal amount of booze flowing.
Pray for me. I hope you will read this letter and decide to come home in all haste. I cannot tell at this time how much more trouble this ‘transition’ will be.