A walk in the hills

Oct 06, 2012 23:03

I've taken Cash out for a few walks over the last few weeks, just leading him out in a halter. Today, in the absence of herecirm who is off playing shires, we went up the hill from the yard to our house.

Dapple abstract.

A palomino pony in the dappled woods.

I felt like we really reached a milestone in our relationship.

We certainly reached a high point.

After this we went through a busy car park where Cash was anxious then brave, and the neighbouring picnic area where he charmed some small children with his velvetty nose and whiskers. Then back to our house, where I had a cup of tea while he helped mow the lawn, pausing from time to time to come over and pester me for a biscuit or some tea ( not for ponies! ) and to say hello to the strange palomino pony living in the window.

After that we took the more direct route home.

I don't know if he was aware that the towers on the distant horizon are London town. Maybe he doesn't even care. Take that, London!

Then we went back to the yard.

Cash is being so sweet at the moment. He squeaks out at me when he sees me and trots over whickering if I come over to his field. In general he is just a very good natured and sweet horse. All this adds to my feeling that there is a physical root to the problems we have had under saddle. He is a neurotic and anxious character, but I don't think that is enough to explain his outbursts earlier in the year.

photos, cash

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