A dream called England

Sep 27, 2012 22:13

So one thing that I have done a bit more of in the last year and a half is writing sentimental songs. I thought I might share the lyrics to the most recent one, but out of regard to those of you who enjoy reading their friends pages I will drop it behind a cut.

I would burn the cakes for you were I a saxon king
Invent a place called england to give you somewhere to live
I would build a navy to keep pirates from your shores
Guard you with a linden shield, with justice and with law.

I’d set my throne beside the sea, if I were a dane
Command the tide to turn from me, to tremble at my name
To show the power of earthly kings salt water fills my shoes
I would lay down my golden crown and head back home to you

And did our feet, in ancient times, walk these pastures green?
Did we sail upon a longship down through England’s history?
Did we stride the pennine moors, ride under downland skies?
I think each time two lovers kissed, that was you and I.

Your eyes reflect the circle sea that wraps our island home
I’ll wrap you in these arms as strong and warm as english stone
You hold all my attention, you are the very dawn of spring
I would burn the cakes for you were I a saxon king

writing, less than three

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