Music ahoy

Oct 20, 2012 23:41

Today we were playing as part of the Oxjam multi-venue festival in Reading. We played the first show of the weekend at Pavlov's dog, after a brief delay while the engineers found some extra bits so that we could plug our acoustic instruments in ( we're a nightmare to engineer in that respect ) we were off. It was a good fun set with a decent sound and we felt like it went pretty well in terms of sound. I took my kit back to the car and we hung around to catch the next band. Our bassist ( who is a legend ) vanished off to another venue to see what music was going on there and it turned out the next band hadn't turned up and weren't going to. A moment later it was back to the car and on to the next venue to play another set. We weren't as good second time up- partly because the sound was less good in the venue, partly because we had already played one set with full commitment- but it was still good to play.

As we finished up one of the organisers came over and asked if we might be able to play a third set in another venue, who were also down a band. Just as we were setting to leave, the other band turned up, which was probably as well for Stu's voice and my fingers, but three sets in one day would have been quite legendary.

Instead we went off for lunch and then back to the car park to find that it cost fifteen quid to park in Reading for the day. For that money I would want my to be resting on a bed of caviar when I returned.

Anyway, the outcome is: Band still awesome. Playing two gigs in a day is fun. And if you somehow missed them before, you can listen to or download our songs here. You should do that if you haven't already.

music, the patient wild

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