Gavino & I (Rough Draft)

Jul 01, 2013 23:20

Title: Gavino & I
Author: glambertrock
Pairing: Gavin Free & You (The Reader)
Rating/Warnings: This right here is totally PG, but the finish product may be more! And I guess cuteness and Roosterteeth in   general? :P
Word Count: 3053 It's meant to be in parts, okay!
Disclaimer: I don't own Gavin Wow I wish, I don't own Roosterteeth, and none of this is real :)
AN: So, recently I became invested in this little group called Roosterteeth on youtube and realized I freakin adore them all, including Mr. Gavin Free! Being a writer with a bunch of feels, I decided to come up with a little something where not only myself but also you (the readers) can pretend you are within the story. Oh, and I had some parts italicized and in bold, but my writing program glitched and took that away, so forgive it for now (it's a rough draft anyway)! Also, I wrote this between 2-4am last night, so forgive other little mistakes please! This little bit is in your POV, but it may go into Gavin's later on :3 Posted early for Hannah, my bff and favorite RP partner ever! And away we go!

The day you meet him isn't really different from any other day. You had started the day out with a good work out, went shopping around lunch time, and had most recently sat near your laptop watching the newest Roosterteeth video with a trusty pint of Ben & Jerry's at your side. You had only started watching them but a month or two before, but could understand almost all of their inside jokes and already had your favorites from the cast. Most notably would have to be the man under the name of Gavin Free. It wasn't anything big, you swore constantly to yourself in your head as you scrolled through their videos. It was just a little fan crush like the ones you had on some of the hotties of your pre-teen years. Gavin might as well be just like them, and as you grabbed a good spoonfull of cookie dough, you nearly convinced yourself thoroughly that this was true.
It worked only until Gavin made his first corny joke that led to him being killed in a way only Gavin could be. Now, as you go around your house trying to go on with your daily life like every other human being, you find it harder and harder to keep that notion of a school-girl crush that you had desperately convinced yourself of before. You think of his face and his voice, that strong British accent enticing you even when you try to tell yourself that you are above the stereotype of 'girls swoon over British men for their voice'. It gnaws at you all the way until you head to bed that night. Behind your heavy eyelids, his dorky face and sweet gaze still remains, and it keeps you up way past when you should be long asleep until you finally pass out in exhaustion. As you wake up the next morning, you now realize just what needs to be done to cure what you now have come to accept as a full blown obsession over Gavin Free. You have to meet him. And fast.
It takes about all of your pay from the past two months of being a barista and a lot of begging to your parents, but you eventually score tickets that will for sure bring you close to a cure for your obsession. The entire Roosterteeth group was going to be showing up at a gaming convention in Austin, Texas at the end of the month, and you now were on schedule to be right there with them and hopefully a hell of a lot closer to meeting your long-distance crush.  After thanking the right people, you run home and jump on your bed in excitement, anxiety and adrenaline fueling you through a celebrational riot of your own making. The excitement fades soon though, and your mind starts to function again by spewing out your worries collectively.
"What if he doesn't find me to be anything other than a fan?" "What if I scare him off when we meet?" "What the hell am I supposed to say when I see him?" "What if I can't speak?!" "What in the world am I supposed to wear?" Your brain starts to hurt as more and more thoughts flood it, and you resort to throwing a pillow over your head and hoping that the dark will force you and most importantly your mind to sleep. It doesn't work, but does provide quiet time to think over a few of these things. I'll respect him regardless of what he thinks of me, it's a long shot he'll even have a thought of me other than that I'm a nice fan. I can't rush things, and if I get too crazy I'll just have to calmly stop myself and hope he doesn't freak. Things will happen naturally, and if I'm meant to speak to him I definitely will. You will wear whatever the hell looks sexy on you, ya' idiot.
The next few weeks before your trip go by smoother than you thought they would. You chock up the sudden brain and nerve silence to the aknowledgement of the fact that every day passed is another closer to the trip, but don't question it much otherwise. In your free time, you start to plan, and in your plans with a gold star to mark it as your top priority was your outfit. First impressions are everything, and a pretty face wasn't going to be too appealing to a guy who saw thousands of them at conventions on a constant basis. You need something special that will catch his eye and make you stand out while also not making you seem desperate. Lucky for you, your budget for the trip included a little room for splurging on clothes in Texas. As you look into your closet and notice how thin it is of striking clothing, you determine that Texas clothes can wait until your next trip.
"Last call for Flight 143 leaving for Texas!" A steady, fast-pace rhythm begins in your heart as you make a mad dash for your flight's gate. The morning you experienced had definitely been one for the record books for being the most stressful and anxious period of your life. Nothing had gone right for you. At first, you realized that you forgot to prep your outfit. Normally it wouldn't have been a problem for you, but considering you planned the day out so deliberately, it was equivelent to a meteor crashing and blocking you from Texas. Next, after your clothes were perfect, you accidentally hit over a bottle of neon green nail polish and spilled it all over your bathroom's rug. Cleaning it and making sure it did not stain took up a valuable chunk of time and pushed you back, allowing for less time to do things and less room for error. Lastly, traffic had been purely horrid, and it took you twice the normal time for you to get to the airport from your house. Now, finally ready to get on the plane and land in Texas, you are running to barely make it to your goal. Thankfully, the flight attendant at the gate is sympathetic and lets you slip through just as she closes the gate. Thank God.
The flight is a little long for your taste and some of the people around you are annoying, but you hold your head up and put on a smile regardless. Your mind is focused only on the end result of the trip, not the hecticness around you in the present. As you land, you can feel your excitement growing. In a few hours I'll be at the convention! Soon I'll get to see if that accent really is as attractive as it sounds in person. Soon I'll get to see if his eyes really are that enticing. You practically skip out of the airport to a cab set to take you to your hotel. You become so giddy along the ride to the hotel that you tip the cab driver a bit more than usual just out of the joy in your heart.
Your hotel is nice, one of the best in Austin, but you start to have a bit of trouble with enjoying it as the clock ticks by. So much needs to be done, and you only have about two hours to get it all done. Dropping all of your bags down except for your makeup bag, you sprint into the room's bathroom and go to work. Not wanting to go overboard, you lay the makeup a little lighter than usual, only putting a soft eyeshadow and mascara to accentuate your eyes. Gavin most likely was the type of guy who liked to look people in the eye when they spoke, and you are defnitely not going to put yourself at a disadvantage. After the makeup and a quick hair check, you move on to your outfit.
Knowing that the convention isn't exactly a formal one, you choose one of the nicer casual clothing options from your recent shopping trip and throw it on. It's a soft black shirt with a circular neckline and fairly measured sleeves that go a little less than halfway to your elbow and tight, flattering white skinny jeans with a belt that had a diamond covered belt buckle. It was certain to catch an eye, but still not too much for your liking. Lastly, you choose to wear your black converses, finding it to be the piece that made the outfit the perfect mix of being a gamer and attractve at the same time. With the addition of a necklace, earrings, and a pair of dark shades, you feel confident and ready to try and hook your man.
You go back down to the hotel lobby and meet a cab outside. It's oddly the same driver as before, and you get a bit worried that he may be wanting a tip like you gave him before. Feeling a bit guilty, you give him the same tip as before and then high-tail it out of the cab towards the convention center. All around you are people decked out in various cosplay outfits and Roosterteeth gear, and it makes you a bit nervous. What if I'm the only one not dressed up? What if Gavin and the rest of Roosterteeth tink of me badly for it? Taking a deep breath, you push your thoughts aside and run to the large building with your tickets in hand. Fuck it.
It doesn't take long after making it into the center for you to find where Roosterteeth was set up. A long, long line of people already were waiting to talk to the group, and you start to lose a bit of hope just by seeing their immense gathering this early into the festivities. It doesn't stop you however, and you quickly take your place in the line. Gavin was on the other side, and you were willing to do anything to see him.
About thirty minutes and only a few feet later, you start to rethink your devotion once more.  The line is moving so slow, and you are not only tired, but also conflicted by your bladder constantly nagging for you to not torture it and run to the bathroom. How bad would it be to go only a few people back and feel good while waiting instead of being where you are and slowly dying inside? Giving up, you run to the bathroom as if it were a safe haven. You leave it feeling much better, and you even consider buying some food before you suddenly walk into someone. You start to apologize profusely when, as if on cue, you see their face and lose all your words in a gasp. It was Gavin, and he was only inches away.
"Are you okay, love? I'm sorry, I didn't look to see where I was going." You look up at Gavin in a moment of awe before brushing yourself off and fumbling to not look stupid. "I'm okay...I-I wasn't looking either, so um...I'm sorry, as well. Please tell me you are okay." Gavin chuckles to himself before looking you in the eye, and you feel an instant blush appear on your cheeks as he does so. "It's nothing, really. Michael and Geoff have done way worse to me in the past. So, are you a fan?" You stare at Gavin for a moment as if he should know the answer, but then quickly nod when you sense him becoming a bit uncomfortable. He immediately goes back into the bubbly Gavin you know as soon as you nod, a bright smile gracing his face. "Wonderful. I'm guessing that means you know who I am then, if I'm not mistaken? I mean, I know people have favorites and all..."
"I definitely know who you are," you blurt out, and Gavin has to stop himself from grinning too hard at you. Apparently he finds your nerves amusing. "Well," he says cheerfully, "now that you know me, I'd love to know who you are." You blush and look down at your feet shyly, avoiding his eyes at all costs. "{Y/N}," you say with a bit of a stutter only intensified by Gavin's presence. He smiles warmly and pats you on the shoulder, sending a spark through your body that makes it incredibly hard to concentrate on his words. "Well {Y/N}, now that we are aquainted and because I ran into you, I'm thinking I should get you what you came here for a little ahead of the crowd. Follow me back to the group, okay?"
You don't even hesitate to go with Gavin, your eyes trained on him in front of you as he leads you up to the long table where the guys were signing things and chatting with fans. At first glance, you can easily see Michael on the end near Gavin's seat, but with a later, closer glance you are able to see Jack, Ray, and Geoff followed by the rest of the group further down the table. Excitement once more fills your system, and you have to force yourself not to squeal as Michael notices you trailing behind Gavin and smiles.
"Who's this?" he asks Gavin as he takes you around Michael and behind the table with them all. Gavin smiles cheekily and shrugs to his best bud. "A friend," he simply says, grabbing a box near the ground and rummaging through it. Michael rolls his eyes but then winks at you as if to say 'hello, nice to meet you' without making a bigger scene than what already was being made. It certainly wasn't often that a fan was brought up behind their table up close and personal with the 'celebs'. In fact, it was almost unheard of. Whatever you did certainly must have not only worked, but excelled.
"{Y/N}," Gavin says whymsically to catch your attention, "I have something for you." You smile and move forward a bit, eager to see what it is. Before you can get too close though, Gavin spins to face you and holds up a green Achievement Hunter bag with a huge, hopeful smile. You return it and take the bag. "This is really sweet, Gavin. Thanks for-" "You didn't look inside," he interrupts, biting his lip while nervously looking at the bag. Apparently the bag wasn't what he had searched for meticulously while you dealt with Michael. It was what was inside the bag. You place the bag on the table and start to look through it, gasping as soon as you find the first few items. A few t-shirts, including all of the ones that had to do with Gavin, were in it, along with a small bear wearing a let's play shirt that Gavin had signed earlier.
"The bears usually aren't for people above thirteen years old," Gavin cautiously explained, "but I thought you might like it. D-Do you like it?" You nod happily and can't resist just standing there any longer. You go forward and hug Gavin, nuzzling into him while saying a small 'thanks' that could only be heard between the two of you.   He doesn't seem to object to your contact at all and actually hugs you tighter, bringing you close enough to hear his heartbeat and smell the gentle scent of his cologne. It's intoxicating, and it takes a minute for you to recooperate after you pull away. He really was all she had thought plus more.
"There's one more gift," Gavin says after a moment, ignoring Michael making kissy faces behind you and the whispers of his coworkers behind him to pay full attention to you. Digging into the bag, you find one last object. It's a cheesy picture of Gavin and the guys being goofballs, and normally you'd not think too much of it, but then you catch some writing at the bottom of it. "{Y/N}, you looked amazing tonight, and I'm so glad that we 'bumped' (haha get it! Bumped!) into each other. If you are ever around here, I'd love to meet up and get to know you more. Call me up some time!"  Finding it hard to swallow, let alone breathe, you search the picture for his number, only to see Gavin's hand come into view and turn the card over for you. His number was written there with a great big smiley face, and you have to mentally prepare yourself to look back up at Gavin. Just like you expected, he is grinning like the cheshire cat at you.
"I mean what it says," he says with a wink. Michael behind you snorts, and for a second you think Gavin's about to lose it and throw something at his friend, but he surprisingly stays calm and focuses back to you. "I don't know how far away you live, but...the offer still stands. It always will." You blush deeply and, with a quick glance towards the crowd of people waiting in line as if to say 'eat your heart out', you kiss his cheek. As you pull back, Gavin is blushing deeper than you were before, seeming a bit flustered and definitely surprised by the sudden show of affection by you. Michael whistles and Jack a few chairs over starts laughing, but you can only focus on Gavin, and he can only focus on you.
Taking a deep breath, you pick up all of your gifts and stuff them into the somewhat large AH bag. You turn to Gavin once more and find him staring at you, causing another mutual blushing to occur. "I'll see you around, Gavin. Kick their asses for me later, okay?" With that, you leave the table and strut off past the somewhat shocked and somewhat disappointed fans towards the exit. Behind you, you hear Michael start teasing Gavin and a stray shriek of 'MI-COOL' that causes some fans to cheer and laugh. You turn back once more and smile, seeing Gavin blush and push Michael playfully. This day was definitely a success.

au, fun fun fun, love, roosterteeth, craziness, let's play, gavin free, fanfic, drabble, gavin & reader, i am way too bored today, achievement hunters, cuteness overload

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