Fic: Surprise, Surprise!

May 11, 2013 16:58

Title: Surprise, Surprise!
Rating/Warnings: PG, adorableness?
Word Count: 5,535
Written For: laureltastic on tumblr for the klaineweddingminibang!
Summary: After becoming engaged to marry Blaine, Kurt comes up with an out of the ordinary idea for their wedding that involves a party, a lie, and a surprise. A bunch of adorableness and love piled into one fic.
Author’s Note: Ironically, through the klaineweddingminibang, I saw laureltastic and went to her geeking out that we have the same name, Laurel. A couple days later, I found that it was her that I was to write this for and once again geeked out :P Hope you enjoy this as much as I loved writing it! Oh, and special thanks to tumblr user crystalchances who was the BEST beta ever <3 Enjoy guys!

The original plan was never to have a surprise wedding. In fact, the concept was not even remotely in Kurt’s or Blaine’s mind until the day they became engaged to marry each other. Blaine had stolen Kurt from work that day, promising him a day of nothing but fun and romance to represent their four year anniversary of being boyfriends. They went to an amusement park, one of Kurt’s favorites, and rode on rides all day until the sun fell. Blaine then treated the love of his life to a wonderful dinner in one of their favorite New York restaurants, encouraging Kurt past his many protests to get whatever he wanted off the menu no matter what the price.

Of course Kurt still chose the least expensive thing he liked, but Blaine didn’t say anything against it.

The night ended at their shared apartment they had bought a year after Blaine had followed Kurt to New York. Blaine escorted Kurt into the building’s elevator and waited until they were in front of their front door to make his move. Pulling out a small red box when Kurt was trying to unlock the door, Blaine got down on one knee and waited for Kurt to turn around. When he did, he received one of the best and most amazing surprises he ever would get in his life.

A bright, shiny silver band with diamonds studded into it was sitting there, waiting for him to take it and wear for the rest of his life. Blaine knew Kurt’s answer the moment he saw his beautiful baby blue eyes light up and his soft, loving hands move to cover his mouth in shock.

It was a resounding yes.

After tons of kisses and many tears to go along with them, the two newly engaged men spent the last part of the night lying in each other’s arms in front of the television just enjoying each other’s company and watching as many happy movies as they could. Halfway through Crazy, Stupid, Love, the idea was brought up.

“Hey, Blaine, what do you think our families would do if we surprised them with this wedding?”

Blaine only laughed, thinking Kurt was joking. It took him a few moments of dead silence and a questioning gaze from Kurt’s baby blues to realize that it had been a serious question. “You mean like, not tell them about the wedding? Wouldn’t that kind of be like eloping, only more formal?”

“No,” Kurt said slowly in a bit of frustration, “I wasn’t implying eloping, even though that’d be really interesting to try and get past our family. I was saying that we should plan the wedding, but not tell our guests that it is our wedding. We can just say it’s some party we decided to throw, invite them all there, and then surprise them saying they came to a wedding, not a party. It sounds amazing, right?”

Blaine raised an eyebrow. “Amazing? Kurt, your family is going to kill us if we do that.”
Kurt also raised an eyebrow. “And yours won’t?”

“Kurt, your dad could kick my dad’s ass any time, any day. Plus, he owns a gun...and can shoot it well, mind you! I know, he showed me before we moved in together!”

“Just think about it,” Kurt pushed. “It’ll be a social event no one will ever forget! Our wedding will make memories that are not equal to anything else anyone’s ever enjoyed in history. We will get to make that statement we’ve always wanted to make with our love. Besides, this means you won’t have to confront my dad about marrying me for months now.”

Blaine chuckled. “That does sound nice. But what if-”

“Shh,” Kurt whispered, tenderly kissing Blaine on the cheek. “It’ll be perfect, I promise it will. Just let me plan it all, I promise it’ll be the best day ever, okay?”

Blaine whimpered softly and laid his head on Kurt’s chest, defeat evident in his expression. “If your father kills me, I will so not do it with you for a month.”

Kurt grinned. “Oh, so harsh Blaine Anderson! No sex, how could I ever manage myself?”

“That’s Mr. Blaine Anderson-Hummel to you, sir. And I’d hope you’d suffer.”

“Love you, hon.”

“Hate you too, dear.”


A year later, just a day before their five year anniversary, the plan was finally falling into place. Even though it at first had seemed impossible to pull off, Kurt had worked his magic and had found a way to set up the perfect surprise wedding. Thankfully, some of his connections from Vogue still held strong and had been able to hook Kurt up with perfectly tailored suits that could be ready on hand at any time for the two to slip into and walk down the aisle in. They also had come up with a DJ who could do their reception and a referral to a wonderful caterer who worked near Times Square for some of the best. Once again, Kurt’s connections had helped out. This time, it had been the price. Somehow, he had been able to weasel the price down just below his secretly kept budget, which had allowed more money to be spent on renting the location.

The venue was a nice hotel not far from their apartment, and it held three grand rooms perfect for the occasion. The smallest room was made into the actual ceremony’s location due to the fact that only close friends and family from the two families were going to be invited. The second room was made into the dining room, tables of food secretly hidden away waiting for their time to be presented for all to see. Lastly, the final and largest room of the three became the reception area, which fit well considering it opened up into the second room with the food. There was a large dance floor on one side of the room, and then more tables in the rest of the space. One long table separated from the common tables sat between the two spaces in waiting for the grooms and their families to sit and enjoy the evening. Everything was going smoothly.

And then the guests had to be invited.

Blaine had called up most of the guests himself, obviously being known for being a very charming and eloquent speaker by many including Kurt. Almost all of those they had chosen to be guests had said they could come, a few having had plans they couldn’t escape on that day. Kurt brushed it off as nothing, knowing they’d still send gifts once they found out the truth about their ‘party’. Blaine had felt a little saddened by it all, but hadn’t sweated it too much. He’d had better things to work on like his part of the wedding to plan and worry about.

An hour before the guests were to arrive, Kurt and Blaine went into hair and make-up courtesy of Vogue. Isabelle had been the only one out of their friends and family to know about the wedding, so she constantly kept an eye on the two while they were apart on their last stretch of being single men. She gave their stylists tips and hints on what the other person looked like to ensure that they would perfectly complement each other no matter where they were, even when they were apart. She also made sure that their outfits worked out, telling the designers little things such as giving Blaine a blue bowtie that matched Kurt’s soft blue eyes and making sure that Blaine’s suit accented Kurt’s suit while still encompassing his own unique personality. It sounded incredibly jumbled, but Isabelle was confident that it would be perfect and would work out fantastically.

The first people to arrive were Kurt’s parents, probably the most important people there according to the man who had asked their son to marry him without their direct permission, and then came in Blaine’s. All of the guests were to be held in the lobby until further notice, so the two families spent some good quality time together while waiting, something that unbeknownst to them would be helpful to them later on. After an hour or so, all of the guests, friends and family alike, that were supposed to be there at their party were in the lobby and patiently waiting for the party to start. Little did they know, the party they came for would never begin.

Instead, it was time for a wedding.

“Attention everyone,” a voice- Kurt’s voice -suddenly announced from across the room. He was standing on one side of a wall decked out in his full-blown wedding attire, looking more amazingly beautiful than he ever had before. “Thank you for coming, thank you. Blaine and I want you to know that we both are really excited you all came. We have something else though to tell you in addition to this. We lied to you.”

Immediately, the guests began speaking in confusion, all curious to know what was going on and what Kurt meant by ‘lied.’ Blaine suddenly appeared on the other side of the wall, out of sight from Kurt but in full view of the guests. He too looked stunning as ever, hair somewhat gelled and eyes shining brightly in his building excitement. “Calm down everyone, please. It’s a good lie, actually. You see, this is not the party you expected to come here for. However, this is a celebration of some sort.”

“A celebration of Blaine and I’s love for one another,” Kurt continued, love pouring out in his words even though the faces in the crowd were turning less supportive by the second. “We wanted to surprise you all in a way we thought would leave a lasting impression on you all forever. So, we came up with a surprise.”

“It was Kurt’s idea, mind you,” Blaine clarified, watching Burt’s expression darken in his direction, “I only went along with it.”

“Welcome, all of you, to... our wedding!”

The room was silent. For the longest moment, it seemed as if no one was going to support him, and their risk had not paid off in the slightest. And then-


It was none other than Noah Puckerman, standing way in the back of the room with the brightest smile in the crowd. Everyone turned to look at him, including Kurt’s father who was looking more uncomfortable by the second. Then, another person spoke out.

“CONGRATS, YOU GUYS,” shouted Sam across from Puck, obviously sticking up for his best friend and his future husband. Before Kurt and Blaine knew it, their entire group was clapping and cheering in excitement for the boys, walking over to them and hugging them in congratulations. Finally, everything was going as smoothly as the boys had hoped for it to go, and it seemed as if the wedding was a sure fire thing.

Then Burt stepped up to the boys, and things got a little nerve-wrecking.

“So, which one of you wants to tell me why you thought this was better off being a surprise rather than something we could know about in advance?”

Blaine turned to Kurt. “You wanna’ tell him?”

Kurt deeply sighed. “Dad, I just thought it would be interesting to try this. I mean, it’s not like you see a surprise wedding every day!”

“Probably because no one is crazy enough to try it,” Burt grumbled, eyes still focusing on Blaine. “So I guess that explains why you didn’t ask permission?”

“Mr. Hummel, I-”
“Don’t yell at Blaine,” Kurt snapped, getting Burt’s attention immediately. “He didn’t plan this Dad, he only supported me like any fiancé would. I love him, and he loves me, and I just wanted to do this to maybe show you all how amazing our love feels. It’s exciting and a risky adventure, just like this surprise wedding is. I wanted to make everyone here enjoy our union in the same way we will. Is that so bad?”

Burt’s expression softened a bit at Kurt’s tone. It was obvious from the start that Burt wasn’t exactly mad at the boys for making the event a surprise. He just was sad he hadn’t known about it sooner and didn’t get to go through all of the normal wedding preparations. He didn’t get to give Blaine the blessing to marry his son, he didn’t get to pay for the wedding as a loving first gift to the grooms, and he didn’t even get to give his son a pre-wedding speech like he had planned to when he was a little boy. Hearing his son get so worked up about his disappointment though stopped all previous objections he had had before. If this was going to be Kurt’s wedding day, then he didn’t deserve to be stressed out or saddened by anything, regardless of how he felt.

“I just want you two to make sure that you aren’t making a mistake by getting married just for the thrill of it,” Burt said tenderly, Carole appearing at his side and placing a hand on his shoulder supportively. “You two are so good together, and I don’t want your special day to be turned into an attraction that you go through just for fun.”

Kurt nodded. “I understand that, and I can promise you that we are definitely not doing that.”

“Sir,” Blaine began, “I chose to ask Kurt to marry me because I love him more than anything in the world. He is my everything, and I don’t know what I’d do if I could never have him as mine. We did this purely to show that love we have and have had for these past few years to everyone else. We never meant to cause anger to you, I promise.”

Burt nodded and let out a deep breath. He seemed to have finally been defeated. “Thank you for being honest, Blaine. Just please, don’t any of you start getting ideas to something like this again. I’d rather not go to some party and figure out it’s the birth of one of my grandkids.”

Kurt and Blaine laughed and jumped to hug Burt, both wrapping him up in love and thanks. Had he not approved, they probably would not have gone through with the wedding at all. But they weren’t going to think about that.

No, they had a wedding to attend.

After a quick pep talk from his parents and a dress up session, Blaine made his way out to the wedding room. In the crowd, he immediately spotted his brother, Cooper, sitting next to his parents happily as ever. His face seemed to light up as Blaine came up to him.

“Hey bud,” he said, clasping Blaine’s hand in his, “I see you’ve learned a couple tricks of putting on a show here. Maybe you are my little bro after all.”

Blaine blushed. “It was mostly Kurt’s idea, but I’ll take the compliment from you regardless, Coop. Anyway, since we kind of planned this out of the blue, I didn’t have time to settle a few last-minute needs. So...I was wondering if you could help me out with something.”

Cooper nodded. “I’ll do anything, shorty. What do you need?”

“I was wondering if you could be my Best Man.”

Blinking slowly, a small smile grew on Cooper’s face. He had been dreaming of hearing Blaine say those words to him forever, and to finally hear them was simply a dream come true. Finally, after all these years of taking the spotlight from his little brother, he was going to get to help him shine in front of many, including his future brother-in-law. The feeling was amazing.

“Of course I’ll be your Best Man,” Cooper replied with a warm grin he saved only for his little brother. “I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. There’s just one thing though that may be a problem.”

Blaine frowned. “What’s that?”

“I’m wearing a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. To a wedding. In front of people.”

Laughing, Blaine hoisted Cooper up out of his seat and began dragging him backstage to the dressing room. “I’m marrying a guy whose second passion behind singing is fashion. Do you honestly think we’d let you go up next to us in anything but a fashionable suit and tie?”

“I love you two together already!”


Their wedding song came on just as Blaine and Cooper had finished getting ready backstage. Blaine had on a traditional black suit fit with a black bowtie and shiny black shoes, while Cooper wore a silky black suit with a light blue bowtie and light blue undershirt to distinguish him from the grooms. Everyone in the room stood as the piano played the soft, familiar melody of a song not many people had trouble recognizing. Teenage Dream, by request of Kurt and mostly Blaine, was softly humming in the background as pre-arranged couples of their invited friends and family walked down the aisle. Mike and Tina, Finn and Rachel, Puck and Quinn, Brittany and Santana pushing Artie, and Sam and Mercedes all made their way in, Finn and Sam taking their places near Blaine as Honorary Best-Men according to Blaine. Rachel and Mercedes, who became Kurt’s groomsmaids, also made their way to the group, standing on the side of the stage that Kurt would stand on soon enough with Finn, Kurt’s own Best Man. Lastly, Blaine’s parents went with Kurt’s parents down the aisle, both smiling and walking as a shocked but pleasantly surprised new family until the moment they took their seats and were allowed to try and take the moment all in.

The music hit the chorus and crescendoed as soon as Kurt took his first step on the isle.

He was stunning, a true masterpiece of a man, as he walked down the aisle. Hair done up in an attractive up-do and eyes brighter than ever before, Kurt took the entire room’s breath away. He wore a simple yet beautiful black suit, completed with a white bowtie and white corsage that he had chosen to wear himself but the day before. The suit was silky and glimmered in the lighting, making Kurt seem even more radiant than he was. Add the loving look in his eyes and the bright, bashful smile on his face and it clearly was the best Kurt Hummel had ever looked.

Blaine was speechless.

“Kurt sure looks good tonight, doesn’t he?” Cooper whispered as Kurt took a moment in his walk to kiss Carole’s hand.

Blaine nodded, feeling a tear threaten desperately to fall from his already love-stricken eyes. “Yeah. He sure does.”

Finally, Kurt reached Blaine and kissed him on the cheek. Blaine noticed that his eyes, just like his own, were tearing up.

“You ready for this?”

Kurt nodded gently, eyes looking into Blaine’s with all of the trust in the world. “Couldn’t be more ready if I tried.”


It was then that their wedding minister began the ceremony. She was a very sweet lady in her early fifties that they had met through looking up wedding plans, and it was clear from the first time the couple met her that she was the best choice to marry them. After going through the usual wedding motions such as the completely unnecessary ‘if there is anyone who feels that these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace’, it was now time for their vows.

It wasn’t a surprise to anyone in the room that the boys chose to say their own vows.

Blaine went first.

“Kurt,” he began, looking at him with those puppy dog eyes of his, “we’ve spoken about tons of things throughout our relationship. We’ve talked about just about everything from heartbreak to a long, fruitful future together, but one thing though that I distinctly remember having a long discussion about was if true love really is real. After knowing you for all these years and getting to this point in my life, I now can truly say without a glimmer of doubt that, yes, it is true and it is possible. Kurt, when we first met at Dalton on the staircase, something inside just clicked between us. The moment I looked into your eyes, I knew something was special about you. You weren’t just another shadow at that school who had no idea where he was going. You were someone to watch. During the rest of the time that we were together there, things just...happened. I fell head over heels for you, and I got to spend some of the best moments of my life with you at my side. I had my first major kiss with you, and I also got to experience my first true feeling of love with you. Even when you went back to McKinley, our bond grew closer and closer every day, and it eventually came to a point where I summoned up the courage to say that I love you, which I still feel butterflies in my stomach about. I know we had some ups and downs throughout the rest of our relationship, but we ended up stronger because of it, and I ended up getting a second chance to love you that I promise I’ll never take for granted. I love you more than anything, Kurt, and I want you to know that I will never hurt you ever again. I-I promise to love you as much as I did when I first told you in the Lima Bean all those years ago, Kurt Hummel. Forever.”

The room was silent after Blaine’s words minus a slight sniffling coming from Kurt. It was obvious to everyone in the room that his sappy yet adorable boyfriend’s vows had moved him enough to cry, which was sure to prove an awful challenge for Kurt while saying his own vows afterwards.

“Damn you for making me cry,” Kurt teased as he wiped his eyes, making the entire room chuckle. Blaine just tenderly kissed Kurt’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze to urge him to move forward. “Okay...whew, that...was something else. Here we go. Okay. Blaine...Blaine Anderson...Blaine Devon Anderson...”

“Blaine Warbler,” Brittany suddenly yelled from the crowd, causing Kurt and Blaine to smile, “don’t forget Blaine Warbler!”

Kurt giggled. “Thank you, Brittany. Blaine can I ever be able to tell you just how much you mean to me? You saved me, you made me strong, and you taught me not only how to love others, but how to love myself. Yes, we went through some bad times like you said, but you’ve done so much more that was good for me that I’d much rather think of that when I think of the story of us. When we first met, I was a scared, alone teenager that was lost and feeling like crap because of a bully who used me to let out his anger and frustration on. Within a year, you gave that personality of mine a 360 degree make over. Blaine, you gave me the confidence to be proud of who I am and the courage to stick up for myself even when it seemed as if it was impossible to do. You showed me how love is supposed to be without asking for anything in return, and that alone deserves more than I could ever give you. I remember that day when we had our first kiss. You told me in that ever so charming blazer of yours that I ‘moved’ you, and I remember thinking in my head, ‘How is that even possible?’ I didn’t know how someone could think that way, especially about me. Now, I understand what you meant because I’ve felt it with you. Every time I see you smile, I feel like I never want to leave you. I can honestly say that you move me, Blaine Anderson,” Kurt announced with a bright grin. “I love you so much, and I can’t wait to see just what else you have in store for the rest of our lives.”

A tear fell from Blaine’s eye, causing Kurt to beam through his own tears. “You’ll see.”

With that, their minister moved forward with the ceremony and went on to the rings. Considering neither of them really knew any young kids who could step in at the last minute as ring bearer, Puck became their man. He jogged up to the boys and, with an encouraging look, presented them his wrist which carried a small pillow with their rings on it. Nodding graciously in thanks, the boys both took their respective rings and then waited for the minister to say the next words.

“Please repeat after me,” she said to Blaine as he took Kurt’s hand into his. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

Blaine took a deep breath and then slid Kurt’s beautifully crafted ring onto his finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

Then it was Kurt’s turn. He slid on Blaine’s silver ring with a diamond-encrusted infinity sign on it with ease. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

Their minister smiled. “Wonderful. Now for the big moment. Blaine Anderson, do you take Kurt Hummel to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for as long as you both shall live?”

Blaine nodded, his glowing brown eyes staring deeply into Kurt’s with all the love in the world. “I do.”

Kurt felt more tears come to his eyes at hearing Blaine say those two words in such a vulnerable, loving tone of voice. His emotions ran rampant.

“And do you, Kurt Hummel, take Blaine Anderson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for as long as you both shall live?”

Kurt took a deep breath to calm himself. These two words would forever seal him and Blaine together. This was their big moment. “I do.”

Their minister delightfully smiled. “Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husbands. You may kiss!”

Barely skipping a beat, the boys immediately kissed, long and tenderly to a huge round of applause by their tearful guests and a whistle or two by the ever-animated Noah Puckerman. Once their first kiss as a married couple ended, the piano once again played their song only faster and serenaded the two as they walked down the aisle.

It was a picture perfect moment, and one the boys were sure never to forget.


Not much longer after dinner ended, the reception area was full of dancing, happy guests jamming out to the DJ that the lovely people at Vogue hired. Kurt and Blaine were sitting happily in their seats at the large table especially for them, their families sitting at either side of them. Everyone was happy, and the night was clearly a success so far.

Then came the sound of a toast. Obviously, Cooper was ready to say something.

Blaine hid behind Kurt.

“Attention everyone,” Cooper yelled as the DJ lowered the music and everyone came to their seats, “it’s come to my attention that it is time for I, the Best Man, to give you all a speech about the happy couple here. Now, I could start out with some embarrassing stories about my bro Blaine here, but those I think should be saved for later when there is much more alcohol in my system and in his, mostly.”

Blaine let out a breath of relief. “Thanks Coop.”

“So, while we all are sober and can remember, I’ll be nice. Blaine, I have known you since you were born, and you have always been someone who’s not been afraid to go out and get what you want. Whether it was more time in the spotlight over me or something you fancied, you’ve always been a spitfire when it comes to getting what you want. When you focused your sights on Kurt, I knew it’d only be a matter of time before I had a new brother-in-law. I couldn’t be more pleased that I was right about you two. You two complement each other really well. Kurt, you balance out Blaine’s puppy dog ways, and Blaine, you balance out Kurt’s sometimes fierce, cat-like nature. You two just are an amazing match, and I’m so glad that I can call you two both my brothers. Best of luck to you two love-birds, and I know that you guys will continue to be so perfect together for many years to come. To Kurt and Blaine!”

“To Kurt and Blaine!”

Everyone took a sip of their drinks and then clapped as Coop sat down. Next, Finn stood up, awkwardly grabbing everyone’s attention again.

“Hey everyone. I-I’ve only done this ‘Best Man’ thing once before, and I’ve never been co-Best Man, so I apologize in advance to Kurt and Blaine if I screw this up.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Just get on with it, Finn.”

Finn smiled. “Kurt and I have only been brothers, well step-brothers, for a couple of years. In that time, I have not only gotten to know him, but also Blaine better than a lot of friends of mine, which happens when you see people a lot. Kurt, as I’ve said before, is one of the most interesting and amazing people I have ever met. I’ve gotten to see him really impress me and everyone else with his sense of fashion and determination that not many people have had over these years. I’ve also gotten to see him fall in love with Blaine, which is something I feel almost blessed to have seen. I remember you guys taking each other to prom and falling in love after going to New York that first time. I remember seeing Kurt sneak you two in the house late at night and I remember seeing you guys heartbroken during your break up in Freshman year of college. I’ve gotten to see you guys come back from that and become a couple that is rivaled by none. You guys have no idea how meant for each other you are, and I am so glad that you are now married. I’m almost one hundred percent confident that you two will be that old couple who can look back on their lives together and not have one regret. I love you guys, and I am incredibly happy, just like Cooper, to be your brother. I’m also happy to be the first to formally give you your couple name,” Finn teased, winking at Kurt and Blaine as they blushed together. “To Klaine!”

“To Klaine!”

Giggling, Blaine and Kurt drank, each holding the other’s glass. They couldn’t have looked more in love if they had tried, and it showed all throughout the reception. If the boys had looked in love before, then now was just an explosion of it.

Suddenly, the DJ took the mic and called the loving couple onto the dance for. It was their turn to have their first dance, to Come What May, like they had planned.

Flashbacks to one of Kurt’s best dreams ever during his freshman year at NYADA started to fill his head until he was brought out of the reverie by Blaine, standing and holding out his hand for Kurt with his signature smile.

“Excuse me. May I have this dance, Mr. Anderson-Hummel?”

Kurt blushed and took Blaine’s hand, pulling himself up so that as he stood tall, he was only inches from Blaine’s face. “That’s Mr. Hummel-Anderson to you.”

Pecking Blaine on the cheek, Kurt ran to the dance floor and dragged his love along, laughing as he struggled to follow. Blaine was definitely shorter than Kurt, and with Kurt’s long leg span, he hurried to follow him up to the stage. Nevertheless, they got there just in time for the first words of the song to be sung. The boys chuckled as they caught their breath and got into place, resting their heads on the other’s shoulder.

“I love you so much, Blaine. I’m so glad today worked out.”

Blaine happily sighed into Kurt’s shoulder. “Yeah, so am I. I’m really glad I didn’t get killed by your dad when he found out.”

Kurt chuckled fondly. “He wouldn’t have killed you, Blaine. You know he was just being a dad and trying to scare you. He loves you. I’m just glad that everyone is happy and is having a good time.”

“I’m glad I’m finally married to the most beautiful man in the world.”

Kurt gave Blaine a blissful smile and a soft, tender kiss to his lips. “You know what? It’s cheesy as hell Blaine, but I’m glad that I am married to my teenage dream.”

“It’s not cheesy,” Blaine whispered. “In fact, it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard you say.”

With that, Blaine captured Kurt’s lips and wrapped his arms around his neck.

For the first time in their lives, Kurt and Blaine were truly and utterly content.

~The End

gleeeeeeeee, they kissed, love, my heart, klaine! oh my gosh, fanfic, kurt the kutie, blaine anderson, klaine, kurt hummel, laureltastic, klaineweddingminibang, everything is klaine, shameless promotion, cuteness overload

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