Gavino & I (Rough Draft Part 2)

Jul 04, 2013 01:29

Title: Gavino & I
Author: glambertrock
Pairing: Gavin Free & You (The Reader)
Rating/Warnings: PG 13 for language...?
Word Count: Now 6076 collectively!
Disclaimer: I don't own Gavin Wow I wish, I don't own Roosterteeth, and none of this is real :)
AN: So, recently I became invested in this little group called Roosterteeth on youtube and realized I freakin adore them all, including Mr. Gavin Free! Being a writer with a bunch of feels, I decided to come up with a little something where not only myself but also you (the readers) can pretend you are within the story. Oh, and I had some parts italicized and in bold, but my writing program glitched and took that away, so forgive it for now (it's a rough draft anyway)! Posted early for Hannah, my bff and favorite RP partner ever! This has a part where I stray from 2nd person into Gavin's POV, so forgive me if it flows weird at all! I'll fix it later :P Plus my program doesn't spellcheck, so sorry for now! Away we go anyway! (OH AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY)

Two years after that fateful day when you met the man you swore you were never going to get over, he's not that big of a thought in your mind. Of course, you still watch Roosterteeth videos religiously and smile when you walk into your room and see your picture with him pinned to the wall, but it's not as strong of a feeling as before. You finally graduated college during the past two years and got a more stable job that not only kept you busy, but also kept your mind from drifting off as much as it had before. Less time was spent thinking about Gavin, and your obsession dipped down into a small crush once more. Your meeting was now just a very pleasant memory, plain and simple.
Hopping into your car, you rush off to your job and pray you'll make it in time for your important business conference with your boss and the rest of your building. You somehow by the grace of God snagged a job as a fashion designer, and it was so suddenly given to you that any meeting between you and your boss sent you into a bit of paranoia. You can only hope as you make your way to your building that the fact that your coworkers are going to be there also in the meeting is a blessing and not a bad omen. By the time you make it to the building however, you just hope that you don't get yelled at for running behind.
Entering the room where your boss said the meeting was to be held, you're a bit relieved to see your other coworkers with smiles and welcoming looks on their faces. Either your boss hadn't gotten down to business, or whatever news he had was incredibly wonderful. Sitting down in your seat, you quietly wait for your boss to speak. "Hello everyone," he greets but a few minutes later. He waits for everyone to greet him back before continuing, which gets a bit awkward until people start to speak up. "I have wonderful news to tell you, and I felt like the entire lot of you guys should hear it in person. As of last night at six, we scored a deal that will allow us to open up a branch of our company in...wait for it...Texas!"
While everyone around you claps and excitedly whispers to each other their thoughts, you can only think about just where in Texas he was talking about. Your crush may be dwindled for Gavin, but if you were to live near him...the entire game would change. As if to almost read your mind, your boss continues and gives you your answer. "This new place is located in a nice little town just twelve minutes from the big city of Austin! It's called Sunset Valley, and I'm proud to say that it will be a wonderful extention of our company." Twelve minutes from Austin. Twelve minutes from the city Gavin and the rest of Roosterteeth lived in. You have to force yourself not to show your boss your excitement as he continues.
"Don't get too excited yet my friends, this isn't even the best part! Our partners over in Sunset Valley called me and asked if they may take some of you guys to try and not only help train new employees there, but also to try and bring some of our crowd familiar with you here over there. I told them I would definitely do it, and I've already picked a few of you whom I definitely trust to do well. If your name is read off by me in a moment, you will get an all-expense paid trip to the new site, a raise, and a gift of $10,000 to make sure you don't walk into this new town helplessly. It truly is the dream job of a lifetime, so best of luck to you and away we go!"
The names get read off one by one, seeming to hit every other person. You try not to lose hope as the group of unspokens grows smaller and smaller, but also try and prepare yourself to take disappointment if it were to come your way. It was the dream job of a lifetime, and you see it as being almost too good to be true, especially you see your boss looking near the bottom of his paper. Closing your eyes, you prepare, feeling  a loss coming soon. I won't get it. I know I won't. I never get that lucky. Well...
"...and {Y/N}! That's all! Your checks will be in the mail and you leave in a month! Best of luck and it's been a pleasure to have you here. Off to work!" You sit in shock while in your seat for a few moments as your fellow workers file out of the room one by one.  I got the job....I'm going to be near's going to happen... The thoughts flood your mind as you sit, and it takes a few of your friends to shake you out of your dreams. Pats on your back and words of praise make you realize that you still have to go to work and wait for a month. You have to pack up your things from your appartment and move to an entirely new place within a month. You no longer were going to be able to be near your parents who lived about thirty minutes from your work and an hour from your house. Your entire life was going to change, and even though your excitement is definitely the most prominent emotion within you, you begin to feel a bit of nerves start to make their way in.  What am I going to do?
Walking back to your office and designs, you flop down into your chair and stuff your face into your hands, letting your thoughts fill your mind willingly. Hopefully, something smart would pop into your brain and give you some incite on what to do next, or at least give you some sort of comfort. Nothing comes though, and you start to break down from your nerves within thirty minutes of deliberating with yourself. Desperate for some help, you reach for your iPhone and scroll to find your mother's number. She always was good with helping you with hard decisions. Calling her would be exactly what you needed to sort out your head. Before you can reach her number, however, you fly by a familiar number and have to go back up to it. It was Gavin's number, still locked into your phone from the time after you met when you hid yourself in your car and geeked out for a full hour straight before going back to your hotel. You laugh at the memory for a second, but then feel compelled to click the contact. Using his number, you decide to send a text to him. If you really were going to go through this move alone, it'd be nice to have someone at the end of the journey to possibly meet and welcome you.
"Hey Gav, I don't know if you remember me but it's {Y/N}, from the convention two years ago? Sorry for not speaking for so long, life got ahead of me. Anyway I'm hoping your offer is still valid from back then to hang out with you because I'm going to be near Austin soon and would love to take you up on it. Give me a shout if you feel up to it! Thanks! -{Y/N}"
Pressing send, you let out a breath you had no clue you were holding before and slump back into your chair. Something inside you knew that your upcoming call with your mother would definitely not only consist of travel and moving talk.
                                                                           The POV of Gavin Free.
"HOW THE HELL IS THAT FAIR, MICHAEL?" Gavin immediately throws a pen at his personal resident jerk-friend, aka Michael, pissed off only ten minutes into one of their new 'Let's Play' episodes. He had just blown up his person the moment that his character had respawned in the shitty Indie game that they were exploring, and Gavin couldn't help but get mad at his now laughing friend and coworkers. Collectively, they all yell out 'MI-COOL', and it only pisses Gavin off more. Slamming down his controller, he raises his hands and walks out of the room, an even stronger commotion roaring behind him. The boys could be so freakin annoying sometimes, and having them constantly berrade him even though they had all played the game before and he hadn't was the spark that ignited the flame deep down inside him. Gavin needed to walk away and take a breather, even if it was just a few minutes long. Nobody liked him when he was mad, not even himself. It was the best thing for all of them to stay away from him until he cooled down and could think properly again.
However, with being away also came a quick sense of boredom for Gavin. No one was really around, and the silent halls didn't prove to show any signs of life that he could possibly talk to or try and tease. He truly was alone. Yawning, Gavin reluctantly finds a nice couch to sit on in the rather large hall and pulls out his phone. It was part of his daily routine to play an easy game or two on his phone before bed to calm him down, so it was only fitting that he do the same now. If worse came to worst, he'd just sleep out there for a while. The couch wasn't uncomfy, and the silence definitely would do him some good. He gets halfway through a round of Tetris Galexy before his phone interrupts him, a message showing up on the top of the screen for a second before disappearing. Gavin considers ignoring it, knowing for sure that nothing real good could happen in a conversation where he still was hot with anger, but eventually gives in from boredom and checks. He goes into his messages and finds the text within seconds, opening it immedaitely after. The number isn't familiar to him, but being the curious man he is, Gavin decides to read on.
As soon as he finishes, he couldn't be more happy with his decision to read it. The message was from you, the girl he had dreamed about for the longest time after the convention two years ago. By now, Gavin had almost forgotten you, but your text brings back in a rush all of his old feelings and memories of you. He remembers how you bumped into him and stopped his heart for a moment with your utter beauty. He remembers how your face lit up at seeing his number and how you kissed him on the cheek before leaving. For a moment, he almost can remember your lips' soft touch and rubs his cheek, grinning like a fool. The thought of meeting you again and sitting down at a proper get together with him swims around Gavin's mind for a bit, and he enjoys the sight and the giddy feelings that emerge from it quite well. Picking up his phone, Gavin quickly types out a message and sends it to you.
"Hey there {Y/N}! Long time no speak! Of course my offer is still valid, and I'd love to go out somewhere with you to talk when you arrive in Austin. Hopefully lunch would work for you? If so, call me when you arrive so we can plan further! See you soon! -Gav"
As soon as it's confirmed to be sent to you, Gavin gets up, fixes the couch, and then goes back to the rest of the group. He's noticed almost instantly as he walks in, especially by Michael who notices quickly that he was no longer in the crappy mood that he was in before and makes a comment about it in the Let's Play. Gavin brushes it off though and gets set up again, apologizing for a second to the future viewers before getting back into the game. After about ten more minutes of game play, the guys are done and Gavin finishes last due to his absence. He isn't too mad however, keeping his cool all the way through to the end. The guys start to call him out for it as soon as their mics are all off.
"What made you all cheery?" Geoff asks curiously, looking Gavin over as if he were some foreign being. Ray joins him in the inspection, but doesn't say anything other than a few 'what the hell's. Michael playfully taps Gavin's head, probably hoping to jog him enough to make him speak. Of course, it doesn't work. "What in the world is wrong with you, bro? Last time I saw you this dazed was like, two years ago or something." "I've only seen you act this way around girls," Jack says in a bit of agreement with Michael, waving a hand across Gavin's face that quickly gets slapped down by him. "You look either stoned or thinking about a girl." "Probably stoned," Ray snorts. All of the guys laugh for a moment and then go back to focusing their attention on Gavin. Before any of them can ask another question, Barbara walks in. Michael immediately goes up to her, almost as if he was pouncing on prey.
"Barbara, you're a girl, right?" Barbara stares at Michael for a moment. He quickly gets the clue and decides to continue. "Being a girl of your beauty, you've gotten guys before I assume? Which means that you know the look of a guy going girl crazy, right?" Barbara nods slowly, looking around at the guys curiously. It wasn't often that she was asked questions like this, especially by her coworkers. "Is Gavin stoned or girl crazy right now?"
Barbara laughs. "That's why I was summoned? Really guys? I'd assume that it'd be easy to tell the difference, but I'll humor you all this time. C'mere Gav, let me look at ya'." Gavin barely moves, his head still swimming with thoughts about the future, but Barbara still somehow manages to find a way to turn him to face her. She then peers into his eyes, a feat made easier by the fact that Gavin wasn't looking at anything in particular other than whatever was in the dream world inside his mind. "He's girl crazy," Barbara diagnoses as a matter of factly, pushing the British oaf away so that his chair hit the wall. "I definitely see what you meant by him possibly being stoned, though. The boy's a bit out of it at the moment. Might I suggest cold water or, even better, ice? And if you choose ice, can I help?"
Geoff sends Barbara a look before going over to a bag and pulling out a sandwich he had planned to eat later. He puts it right before Gavin's face, and he immediately shies away from it, screaching 'bloody hell' before hopping out of his chair and going towards the exit. "That better not be a soggy sandwich, you little prick," he threatens cowardly from the door, actual fear and disgust going through his head. Everyone in the room rolls their eyes, but Gavin still keeps away from the now laughing Geoff. "It's a normal sandwich, Gavin. Just was making sure you didn't leave us for whatever fucked up world you were in for a few minutes there." "That's horrible," Gavin replies after a moment, slowly sinking back to his desk. He doesn't once lose sight of the sandwich until safely in his chair. "And to think I live with you, you monster!" Geoff makes a kissy face at Gavin before going back to his chair, clearly losing interest in Gavin's shenanigans.
"Can you please just tell me if you are this way because of a girl so I can go and prove these people I'm right?" Barbara asks. Gavin rolls his eyes, but does nod and thus incite more chaos in the small room. The blonde leaves victorious, but the rest of the boys all crowd around Gavin like teen girls, begging for him to tell them something about her, you. He smiles proudly for a moment before pulling out his phone and handing it to Michael with a smug look on his face. Michael reads it out loud for everyone before nearly dropping the phone itself and looking at Gavin in shock. All of the guys are speechless, except for Geoff who starts to laugh.
"A person actually liked you so much that they remembered something you said two years ago? Damn man, I didn't know you had it in you!" Gavin narrows his eyes and playfully sticks his tongue out at Geoff. He'd get back at him later when they went home. Michael was next to speak, his eyes a little wide in amazement. "I knew you liked her Gavin, but I didn't know she liked you back as much as she seems to now." Gavin shrugs a bit and takes his phone back from his friend. Of course he wanted to take advantage of the moment and seem cocky. Why wouldn't he? Everyone was impressed in him for once. It might as well be Christmas! "I just know how to treat a lady right, I presume. Gavin, the master of first and last impressions on women from day one!"
The rest of the guys either pretend to be sick or go on to doing other things on their computers then, and Gavin takes the time to check his messages and see if you replied. Just as he expected, your number was the first to appear. He quickly opens it and dives into reading it, more eager and confident than before.
"Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see you again :) -{Y/N}"

achievement hunter, au, fun fun fun, love, craziness, let's play, gavin free, fanfic, hot hot hot hot, gavin & reader, i am way too bored today, achievement hunters, cuteness overload

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