One and Only (Klaine Drabble)

Aug 21, 2011 14:08

A/N: For the LOVELY Louisa on tumblr <3 Luv you!

"Hey Kurt, could you please come down here for a minute?"

If you'd asked Blaine Anderson a week ago if he'd ever do something as...well..risky as this, he would have laughed in your face and called you crazy. Today, though, was a different story.

Blaine had met the love of his life in a time period where he really didn't think he'd be ready for love. He'd just transferred to Dalton less than a year before and was still shaken internally by the ruthless beating he'd recieved at his old school. The last thing on his mind was love and a future with someone, especially in the little, dinky town of Westerville, Ohio. But the split second his eyes caught glimpse of Kurt Hummel, well, let's just say all his fears were whisked away.

He never expected, didn't even dream about Kurt becoming a close friend of his, but he did, and it was great. The company he brought was something not even romantics could think up. It was like having a clone of his with him all day, everyday, whenever it was convieniant for him. Blaine would call him from his room at Dalton and invite Kurt to watch TV or play a few games with him on his roommate's Wii, and Kurt would always come, eager no matter what. He joined the Warblers nicely, even though he never was able to sing much, and brought a new light to the gradually dimming Dalton Academy Warblers' performances. Sectionals was tied not because of Blaine's vocal ability in his eyes, but the added help his friend Kurt gave the group. It helped Blaine himself become more confident because as soon as he looked into Kurt's eyes, he instantly had no nerves. Just excitement and the joy to sing.

Singing 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' with Kurt was risky, and Blaine knew it. He knew that it could lead Kurt on considering they were both gay and Blaine only wanted to be friends, but nevertheless, he went on. It went fairly smooth like he had hoped in the end, and right when Blaine was thinking Kurt would lean in and kiss him, he was saved by Mr. Schue.

He noticed that look Kurt gave him as he left the room.

"Blaine, can't it wait? I'm swamped with work and if I don't get all of this finished, I'm sure to be fired!"

"Kurt, please," Blaine pleads as he looks at the shiny ring in his hand, hoping and almost praying Kurt would stop his stubborness and just let him get this over with, "I don't think this can wait!"

Kurt had given Blaine too many chances, Blaine thinks with a chuckle. Jerimiah was the first thing that he clearly should've been ditched for, better yet murdered by him for. He was so dumb to not notice, realize how much Kurt really cared for him already in the short time they'd known each other. Lucky for Blaine, Kurt was there the whole time for him and stuck around while he was an idiot, and their love was able to last.

The second time had to have been when he kissed Rachel and then went out with her. Now, as he remembers it, he realizes that Kurt had every right to be mad. He realizes how stupid he was to just go with her. He nearly kicks himself for it right then and there, nearly thinking about wripping off his ring and returning Kurt's. Then, though, he remembers their first kiss.

That kiss, man.

It made Blaine nearly fall head-over-heels for Kurt. it opened his eyes to Kurt's beautifullness. It made Blaine fall, and fall hard. Kurt's soft, angelic lips against his, their bodies so close to's hard to even believe it happened. But it did, and now, Blaine feels ready to go, to ask Kurt to take this huge step with him.

To marry him.

"I'm sorry Blaine, I'm so bus-"

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, get down those stairs now and come to me, please!"

Kurt was a stubborn little thing, Blaine's realized in his time with him. He didn't want to learn about sex, he didn't want to change for others, and he didn't want to go home and not face his haters when it was the easy thing to do. He amazes Blaine sometimes with this stubborness. It's so him. It's so...well....courageous, if you can forget the pun. It's one of the many things that Blaine just adores, and frankly, he gets jealous sometimes.

But hey, who couldn't be jealous of a man like Kurt?

The day their first time happened is one Blaine will never forget. Kurt was blushing and self-concious and nervous as Blaine had been slowly undressing him as if he were unwrapping a present. He'd freaked out when they'd started doing anything, even when they kissed before it all went down. But, it'd been the best first time Kurt and Blaine himself could've ever wished for. Why, you ask? They were brought together more through their love during their first time. It was sexy and sweet and so filled with pure love and, in the moments after Kurt fell asleep in Blaine's arms, his thoughts of Kurt being his forever were finally confirmed for him. He knew it then and he knew it now. It was forever for them, and as he watches Kurt come down the stairs and come towards him, Blaine's heart flutters knowing it was about to be made official.

"What's so important that I had to mmmmph!"

He immediately kisses the sour look off of Kurt's face, trying his hardest to make him forget the work and anger he had only a few seconds before and replace it with his love for him. A few seconds later, he pulls away from Kurt and stares directly in his eyes, seeing him lightly panting but comepletely taken by surprise from his actions.

"What was that for?"

"Kurt," Blaine says quietly, flashes of the day he told Kurt he loved him running through his mind, "I love you so much. make every day simply the best it could possibly be by just giving me a silent smile or a whisper of 'I love you' before we go to sleep. Without you in my life, I don't know where I'd be. I don't want to know where I'd be. You know why?"

Kurt shakes his head, not a word escaping his mouth. Blaine sighs. "Because I love you, and anything without you would be like hell to me. I want to spend every moment of every day knowing that you are mine until the day we both leave this world, Kurt. I want to be able to die knowing that you are mine and no one elses. I want to wake up in the middle of the night and see you next to me with a smile on your face and my ring on your finger. Kurt Hummel, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

It takes Kurt almost a minute to even move to look down at the beautiful diamond speckled wedding band with a cursive 'K' sitting as the centerpiece. His heart is stopped. His eyes are clouded over with tears. He looks simply stunned from Blaine's eyes, and he's nearly two seconds from crying when suddenly, he hears the words he'd been waiting to hear ever since the day he saw those grey-blue eyes.


Blaine immediately takes Kurt into his arms and lets out a simply joyous laugh, kissing Kurt's cheek as much as he can while Kurt giggles through tears. It's the best moment of their relationship so far, Blaine can assure, and knowing their past, there's only better things to come in the future.

Right now, though, he's going to live up every single second of this moment.

The first moment he's forever Kurt's Hummel's one and only.
The end <3

gleeeeeeeee, haters gonna freakin hate, fun fun fun, they kissed, my heart, forgive me gaga, i cannot even, falling slowly, everything is klaine, dcriss, cuteness overload, i don't even know, cchris, canon, love, now i'm feelin so fly like a dcriss, klaine! oh my gosh, the group whose name includes a bird, blaine mc. clueless, drabble, kurt the kutie, klaine, hugs, i am way too bored today, the beauty-it burns

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