Long way from Conway (59/?)

Sep 03, 2011 11:46

Thanks to groffiction for this lovely banner <3

A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS IN LIKE, FOREVER. Between school, volleyball, tumblr, friends, and writer's blocks like heck, it's been almost impossible for me to work on this. I REALLY am sorry, 'cause I know how so many people were waiting for this, including you, James ;) I will try harder to get this back on track. But, as I hope you all understand, this story is FAR from over. I just tok a break, I guess. My muse did, too :P So...yeah, I'm really sorry. I love you guys <3333


Two weeks later...

"Come on everyone," Adam says cheerfully as he carries his one month old Jessie towards her stroller, "we can't be late! We have to drop off Jessie with nurse Melanie before getting to the courthouse for the verdict!"

Running up from their room fixing his tie, Kris lets out a loud sigh and kisses Adam's cheek. "I think I'm ready. Gosh, how in the world is it possible that we oversleep the day of the end of this stupid trial?"

Adam shrugs. "Beats me. Mom, Dad, time to go!"

Leila quickly runs from her room, putting on her last earring out of breath. "Okay, okay, I'm here! Eber!"

"Coming," he shouts, adjusting his tie as he enters the room. "Neil, come here please!"

Trotting out in his pajamas, Neil comes and quickly stands at attention. "Yeah Dad?"

"The trial should be over in an hour or two. Stay at home and don't let anyone in. Oh, and if Melanie calls and needs us, call us immediately. Understand?"

Neil nods. "Yup, loud and clear."

"Okay, well, see you later. Be good."

"Will do."

Kris pats Jessie's head. "Come on baby girl, it's time to head off to your babysitter's house. Papa and Daddy have a little business to take care of."

"And hopefully," Adam says with a smirk as the group heads out, "get rid of."


"So your parents are gone?"

"For a little bit," Neil says coolly into his cell phone, combing his hair as 80's radio plays in the background. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over and maybe...you know...hang out?"

He can almost hear Ella smile through the phone. "That'd be amazing. I'll be over in ten. Love you, babe."

"Love you too, sexy."


"This place scares me," Kris whispers to Adam as they enter the courtroom. "Do you know how many convicts there probably have been in here?"

"Might be another one in a few minutes if we are lucky, " Adam replies. "I hope she gets life in prison."

Kris smiles. "I hope so. Can you imagine it, Adam? We....we've never not had her in our lives together before. If you think about it...she kind of brought us together...."

"Yeah, that's true. I think we'll be just fantastic without her, though, don't you think?"

Rolling his eyes, Kris playfully taps Adam's arm and then sits down with him in their seats, awaiting the judge. Suddenly, two court doors open, and Crystal is led in in handcuffs to her place in the room, her defense team all ready. The judge then comes in, and soon, everything is ready.

"Everyone," he says in a very loud and booming voice, "I have been notified that the jury now has come up with a verdict. As I said last week, if found guilty, I will sentence Ms. Crystal right here and now due to a need to save up money for the jail. I ask you all to remain calm and not react much to the verdict, whatever it may be. Now, may we please have the verdict, jury?"

Adam gulps loudly and grabs Kris's hand tightly under the table.

This was it.

This moment, here and now, would effect the rest of their lives.

This decision would shape how their future would turn out later on for their daughter and them.

So much rode on this moment...

A short, skinny guy quickly comes to the jury's podium immediately and sets a few papers down on it. He takes a deep breath and then opens his mouth.

At that moment, all is quiet.

All is peaceful.

And then, it came.

"We the jury, on this day, find the defendant Ms. Crystal.....guilty of all charges, including two attempted murder charges and many charges of endangerment of a minor."

"NO," screams Crystal, standing up from her seat before cops can stop her, "IT'S ALL LIES!"

"Excuse me," the judge yells, banging his gavel loudly, "this is a court room and you are a guilty criminal. If I were you, I'd be quiet and not lash out again before I give my sentencing young lady! We will have a short break until I give my sentence. Until then, everyone may mingle, but no one may leave the room."

Kris looks over at Adam, tears in his eyes, and mouths 'we did it' with a small chuckle. Adam smiles and gives him a big hug, understanding his feelings almost perfectly.

Because yes, they did do it.


"Mmm," Neil moans as he kisses Ella passionately on the living room couch, "you're so sexy, Ella."

Ella giggles. "Oh stop it. Hey, have you told your parents about us yet?"

Neil shrugs, a little disappointed that she brought them up during one of the hottest make-out sessions on the freakin planet. "I told my mom that I met you, but not much after that."

"You should tell. They should know about us before we get serious. And just to be clear, you're not getting me in bed until they know about us, okay?"

"'Kay," Neil hums, exploring her mouth again. Suddenly, his phone rings. With a groan, he checks it.

It's Adam.

"Yes," he snaps, bringing Ella close to him, "what do you want?"

"Just wanted to tell you that Crystal just got told she's guilty, Neil! She's guilty!"

Neil rolls his eyes. "Marvelous. Now is that all or is there anything else I don't care about going on?"


"Talk to you later, Adam. Bye."


And with that, Neil throws his phone on to the couch beside them and then leans back on top of Ella, smirking devilishly like his brother can do so easily. Ella smiles.

"Where were we?"


"So," Kris asks, looking at his future husband curiously, "what did he say?"

"Dude couldn't care less, it seems," Adam replies with a frown, shoving his cell into his pocket. "The person that caused us so much harm is going to get locked up and he acted like I told him the sky was blue."

Kris sighs. "I guess Neil will forever be Neil. Ugh, I can't wait to get home to Jessie. For once, I can look into her eyes and not feel worried she could be taken. Can you believe that?"

Adam smiles and kisses Kris's forehead. "Not at all, babe, but I couldn't be more enthusiastic about it. We should celebrate. When's the last time we had sex?"

Choking on air, Kris quickly covers Adam's mouth, looking around nervously. "Adam, shush! This is a courtroom, not the spot for a mini porno to go on."

"Why not?"

"You're unbelievable."

"Can we still have it, though?"

Kris throws a pen at Adam, hitting him directly in the face. "There's your answer."


"Mmmmm, Neil...what is it that you are doing that feels so good?"

Neil smirks smugly. "Oh nothing, just nibbling your ear. I think it's one of those...I don't know....places people have that just naturally feel good. Want me to continue?"

"Well, duh, of course!"

Just as Neil's about to once again go for her ear, the doorbell rings, and Neil can see through the decorated glass that Melanie girl, the girl who babysits Jessie. He groans loudly and, after giving a quick 'sorry' to Ella, runs over to the door and opens it. Melanie smiles, Jessie in her car seat just looking around at everything with her wide blue eyes. Neil, on the other hand, doesn't seem to happy.


"You must be Neil," she replies in an almost knowing tone. "I'm Jessie's babysitter, as you can see. Well, I'm afraid I can't watch her the rest of the time I'm supposed to. The hospital called me saying I have to fill in for this one girl in my department, so...yeah. Is it okay if I leave her in your care?"


"We'll take care of her," Ella suddenly says, appearing next to Neil. "I babysit all the time during the summer. This'll be like extra work. Unpaid for me, of course."

Melanie giggles, and almost in a flash, she quickly hands Neil Jessie with all her things and runs off, yelling 'thank you' over her shoulder. Shutting the door, Neil looks down at Jessie and glares. "You just want me to never have a relationship, huh?"

Jessie smiles, almost as if she knew exactly what he said. Ella kneels down on the ground and looks eye-to-eye at Jessie, making faces at her that Neil can't help but find a little hysterical.

"Hey, um...I never knew you liked kids."

Ella smiles, letting Jessie play with her finger. "I guess I never had the chance to say it to you. Gosh, your niece is adorable! How can you not be like, totally excited that she's here? Look at her cute face!"

"Crap, she's even an attention whore around you, now!"

Ella raises her brow, confused. "Excuse me?"

Neil sighs. "Ever since she was born, the attention is all on her. I can't speak to my brother or Kris anymore because they are too lovey-dovey with her, or each other for that matter, and I can't speak to my parents because they are too busy working or helping them with her. It's like I could just run away and they wouldn't care. Just as long as they have her. And now you're all fussing over her. Can't something be about me and me only for once? Do I have to run out and get raped  and have a child so that I can be front and center?"

Ella's eyes widen. "What?"

"You don't remember me telling you how she came along? How Kris got raped and was forced to have sex with that bitch Crystal, knocking her up with Jessie?"

"You never told me."

"Well now you know," Neil replies a bit harshly. "Now you know what I have to try to top so that I can get some form of attention in this house!"

"Hey, Neil-"

"Just go love the attention whore," Neil snaps, setting Jessie's car seat on the ground so he could storm off. "Ignore me like the rest of the group here."


"Attention everybody," the judge says, as soon as he walks back into the court room. "I now have my sentence. Will the defense please rise."

Crystal rises with her defense, glaring at Adam and Kris before looking worriedly at the judge. Taking a deep breath, the judge looks out to the room and then picks up his papers, ready to sentence.

The room is dead silent.

"Ms. Crystal, you have caused nothing but trouble for these boys since the moment you came into their lives. You have committed acts of high class criminals. So, we are going to charge you the way we charge a normal criminal who has committed what you have. I here sentence you, Crystal, to be put to death for your crimes by lethal injection as soon as possible."

Kris stares at Adam in shock, not expecting this one bit. Heck, no one did. Life sentence in prison, yeah, but not this.

Not this harsh of a punishment.

Eyes wide, the boys look over at Crystal to see her almost shaking, nearly breaking down. Plain old fear is in her eyes, and you can feel a chill in the air of the court room.

"Case dismissed."

It was all going to be over.



To be continued.....


fun fun fun, they kissed, my heart, orrrrange.....blue, forgive me gaga, i cannot even, groffiction, could strangle a chicken, serious shiz, cuteness overload, i don't even know, kradam, love, long way from conway, adam lambert, kris allen, neil lambert, jessie marie

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