5 times Jessie Allen-Lambert knew Ryan was amazing & the 1 time Ryan thought she was just as amazing

Aug 06, 2011 11:43

Author: glambertrock
Characters: Jessie Allen-Lambert, Ryan Allen-Lambert, kradam, and a few characters I
Rating: PG
Summary: Five times in Jessie's life where she really found how amazing her little brother truly is, and the one time Ryan realized the same about her. From my Kradam universe of LWFC.
A/N: Written for the most awesome writer ever, Sarah (aka: saar_fantasy) ;D Happy late birthday bb <3333 I know this came so late and it's probably not that good but I love you SO SO SO much and have been using all my spare time for this. I hope it's good, minus the crappy title lol :)
Also, if you like LWFC, you can easily read this to get a sneak preview of some of the things I have planned. I may tweak them a little, but this is happening. :)


It comes faster than Jessie had expected.

Just an hour before, she was brutally woken up from her sleep-at three in the morning, mind you-and yanked into her parents' car, pajamas and all. Her tangled blond hair wasn't even noticed, same with how her pajamas were all twisted oddly around her due to her rolling in the small bed. Unnoticed and out of mind at the moment.

The car ride is filled with rambles of near incoherent words by her fathers, Adam and Kris, and all she can do is either listen or fall asleep to it. She stays up, her eyes lazily staring out the window at all the cars passing by them, as her fathers freak out in front of her. She hears her named mentioned about three times, but not once was she called upon or told about what was going on.

All Jessie wants is to know why in the world she was pulled out of her sleep.

Ten minutes later, her and her family finds themselves at the local hospital, and before she can realize it,  Jessie is yanked once again from the car and rushed into the bright building.

"Daddy," she finally asks as Kris rushes them to the elevator, "what's going on?"

It takes him a minute to respond due to the rush of the moment, but as soon as he has a breath, Kris responds.

"You're about to get a baby brother or sister today," he announces, and it takes all Jessie's energy to manage to say a simple 'cool' to him.

By the time the elevator door opens, she's dead asleep.


"Hey, baby, wake up."

Jessie wakes up in a daze, her blond curls falling into her face and her eyes weighed down by sheer sleepiness. She looks up at her father, Adam to be exact, and lets out a giant yawn.

"I'm too tired."

"I know sweetie," Adam whispers in understanding, "but something big just happened. Do you remember what Daddy told you when we went into the elevator?"

"What elevator?"

Adam laughs. "That answers all that, I guess. Sweetie.....you just got a baby brother."


Pulling back her curls from her eyes, Adam nods slowly and kisses his daughter lightly. She just stares up at him with the occasional flutter of the eyelids, too tired to pay full attention. "You just got a new brother. Remember Ms. Edmen?"

"The lady with the golden retriever and the big pool?"

Adam laughs. "Yes, that's her. Now Jess-"

"Ilikeher," Jessie cuts off in a slur. "We should get a dog. A big St. Bernard with lots if fur."

"Will a brother be enough?"

"Is he hairy?"

"He may be-"

"Is he fluffy?"

"Not really, but-"

"Can I throw him in a pool?"

"When he's older, but Jess-"

"Then I don't want him," Jessie concludes, yawning loudly into Adam's shirt. "I'd rather have a big puppy. One that slobbers and barks loud at squirrels."

Sighing deeply, Adam begins to make his way to the room and towards his new family, some sense of relief washing over him.


Now, Jessie could be Kris's problem.


The final time Jessie wakes up that dark night, her face comes face-to-face with two unfamiliar yet not too alien eyes staring straight back at her from the arms of what seems to be Kris.

Yup, Kris.

She stares at the small creature for a second unaware of her or its surroundings, but then, like a flash, it hits her.

Oh. That's my brother.


"Papa," Jessie loudly asks, worry evident in her voice, "what's going on and what is in Daddy's arms?"

Adam laughs and kisses the top of her head. "Silly girl, it's your brother."


"Yeah," he says with a slight chuckle, "whoa is right. You want to hold him, sweetheart?"

Jessie gulps. "I don't want to drop him."

"You won't. Your Daddy and I promise. Now here, sit up and take him."

She almost gasps loudly when her new brother's warmth hits her arms, that little face staring back at her kindly and his little eyes studying every movement of her own face. Looking up to her parents, Jessie smiles a bright, goofy smile and then turns back to her brother, cuddling him close.

"You're a cutie pie," she coos with a giggle. "You look like a prince from those princess movies."

"Well, then his name shall be Prince Ryan Thomas Allen-Lambert," Kris tells Jessie, seeing her eyes light up.

"His name is Ryan?"

"Yup! Do you like it?"

Jessie laughs. "No duh, Daddy! I love it! Prince Ryan....all my friends will be so jealous. That mean girl Tina will be so jealous. She always says that she wants a little brother, so she can be sad now that I've got one!"

"Don't be mean," Adam warns. "That won't make you any better than her."

"Can I at least show him off?"

"Do it nicely and you've got a deal."

And with that, the concept of having a brother really set into Jessie's mind of being cool.



"Papa, guess what?"

Adam smiles as his daughter comes running up to him from her classroom. Her blond hair is pulled back into a beautiful braid thanks to an early visit from Brad and she's wearing an adorable spring floral dress with white tights. She looks wonderful, and her smiling face only makes her look more radiant.


"Tina invited me to her pool party," Jessie replies, a huge smile on her face. "But that's not even the best part. She said I could bring Ryan along!"

Frowning, Adam looks at his daughter and sighs. "Sweetie, I thought you hated Tina."

"Well duh, of course I do, but at least I wasn't not invited! I swear, that's like, progress!"

"Jess," Adam says sternly, "you remember what me and Daddy said to you about how it's not good to be a conformer?"

Jessie nods. "I know, I know. But I don't want to be a complete outcast! Now that Keri and Tabbitha switched schools, I have no friends in my class. I'm ten years old and the daughter of two of the newest superstars in the music world and I have no friends. I don't like that and I want to be able to share how cool you guys are with some of the kids in my class, so going to this party is like, perfect. Plus, Ryan will really make me popular with them since they are so obsessed with little kids."

"What if they don't like him?"

"Seriously Papa," Jessie answers as she joins Adam in their car, rolling her eyes, "they'll love him. They nearly died when Tina brought her four year old cousin to class for that family project we did."

Adam bites his lip and starts the car, all the while looking at his daughter nervously. He knows how much she wants to be like the others and can so easily relate to her, remembering his own childhood and how hard it was to be a kid. He also knows how bad it is to conform and to try to be something you are not and fears inside for his little girl. He doesn't like it. At all.

He hates that she has to even deal with this crap.

"Fine. You can go."

Jessie's face immediately lights up. "Yes!"



Adam smiles. "But, I want you to really look after your brother and not take any of Tina's mean words, okay sweetie?"

Jessie nods. "Okay. I love you, Papa. Thanks."

"Love you, too."


"Well if it isn't Jessie Allen-Lambert," Tina says loudly as she sees Jessie and Ryan standing on her front porch. "Welcome! Who might this little cutie be?"

As Tina ruffles up Ryan's dark brown hair, much to his dislike, Jessie replies with a very kind smile.

"This is my little brother, Ryan. Ryan, say hi to Tina."

"You messed up my hair," Ryan spits at Tina, a pout on his face. Jessie laughs nervously when Tina pulls a face.

"He's just a little sensitive about his hair and most likely nervous," she quickly says, already spiraling into damage control. "He's never been around other ten year olds and he kind of wants to look older and nicer for them."

"No I-"

"Do," Jessie snaps, pulling a fake smile for Tina. Tina just keeps her frown and then motions them into the large house, not a word said. As soon as the group makes it just a few feet into the place, loud yelps and laughter can already be heard, blaring just slightly over the sound of the radio playing the newest Gaga hit. Ryan quickly grabs onto his sister's hand when they enter the back porch, coming face-to-face with a bunch of wild fifth graders. Being just a meager pre-k kid, it was overwhelming.

Looking to his sister, Ryan shifts uncomfortably. "Sissy, I'm worried."

Jessie laughs. "Why in the world would you be worried? Look at all the kids! I'm sure they'll love to play with you!"

"Or feed me to lions."

"You are too funny," Jessie replies, taking off her cover up. "Now come on, we should swim!"

"I don't want to," Ryan announces suddenly, his feet stopping dead in their tracks. "Jessie, I don't want to."

"Hey Jessie," Jake, a boy in her class, calls from the other side of the pool, "come on in already!"

Smiling excitedly, Jessie quickly yells 'coming!' and then gives her brother a tight squeeze of his hand before ditching him altogether and cannon-balling into the sea of people. For a moment, Ryan's all alone, nervous and practically three seconds from peeing himself in terror, but then, suddenly, he feels a tap on the shoulder, startling him profoundly.

"Awww," the voice says seductively, coated in a hint of venom that even Ryan's young mind can sense, "your mean sister left you, huh? For a stinky tough boy, too."

Ryan frowns. "I'm tough."

"You're tough in a different way than him," the voice coos, sending a chill up his spine. Jessie will hate me for this. "You have a sense of fashion. The better things in life. You actually care for your sister."

"Go away, meany," Ryan growls weakly, turning around to see Tina smirking a devilish smile. "You hate my sissy."

Tina chuckles. "Silly boy, I don't hate her. In fact, I want to throw a little surprise for her tonight. But I need you to help me."

"You'll hurt her."

"Trust me," Tina whispers in the little boy's ear, gazing at Jessie from afar, "if you help me with this, your sister will have a night she'll never regret. So, you in?"

His gut tells him no, same with his heart, and he even can remember his parents talking to Jessie and telling them that Tina was no good, but he still has some bit of trust for the older girl. She was a friend of Jessie's, right? Otherwise, she wouldn't be invited.

So, with that thought in mind, he gives his answer.

"I'm in."


"Kris," Adam calls as he re-enters his home, "Kris, I think something's wrong."

Staring up from his magazine and beer, Kris sighs and pats the spot next to him on the couch.

"Sit. Tell me your troubles."

Sitting down, Adam takes Kris's hands into his and gulps. "I have a feeling Jess is going to be embarrassed horribly tonight."

"Adam," Kris soothes calmly, "she's a very strong girl and I think she'll be able to handle any crap heading her way. Especially since she's so in love with her outfit. A confident girl is a strong girl."

"I know, but she has Ryan with her and I just have this feeling that something will go wrong and cause him to see her hurt. The last thing she needs is to be humiliated in front of Ryan. The boy looks up to her."

Kris frowns and wraps his arms around Adam, understanding his worry. "She'll be fine. You want to go watch a movie to get your mind off of this? I'll get a nice bowl of popcorn for us and we can cuddle all throughout it."

"Could we make out?"

"Only if you want."

"It's a deal."


"Okay everybody! Pinata time!"

The whole group of fifth graders, including Jessie, run up immediately to the Pinata, smiles all around and giddy cheers everywhere. Somehow, Jessie gets fifth, a good position in her eyes.

Maybe she might break it and get the candy first!

Suddenly, though, Tina's at her side, wrapping her arm around Jessie's shoulders.

"How would you like to take the first go at the Pinata, Jessie?"

Jessie frowns. "I'm fifth, though. What about the other four?"

"Who cares? It's my party and I can do whatever I want. Now, let's go!"

Walking to the front, Jessie is quickly given a blindfold to put on. It's an old shabby fabric-one her Papa would highly disapprove of-and it itches, but she puts it on anyway and takes her bad gladly, loving the feel of the wood.

It reminds her of playing baseball with Grandpa Neil.

"Okay Jessie, now take a good wack at it!"

Smirking, Jessie taps the bat to the pinata lightly and then, giving it her all, slams her bat into the pinata.

What happened next was not what she planned, though.

"AHHH," she screams as she gets covered in mud, worms, and a few twigs from the somehow broken pinata, her suit ruined and her hair now smeared with dirt. Everyone laughs and watches uncaring as Tina takes out her phone and films it with a devilish laugh.

Out from the bushes, Ryan appears, a horrified look on his face.

"HEY," he says, catching Tina's attention.

"I told you to stay there until I told you not to."


Tina snorts. "Yeah, duh. How else would I get you to do this for me?"


"Yeah? Sure. Whatever kid."

"I said," Ryan says, running up to her, "STOP VIDEOING MY SISTER!"

With that, Ryan reaches up and swats her phone to the ground and steps on it, breaking it immediately. Tina gasps and stomps her foot hard into the ground, silencing the group of kids. Ryan gulps.

"You better get your STUPID sister, your STUPID body, and your STUPID ugliness and get OUT OF MY PARTY!"

"STUPID IS A MEAN WORD, AND MY SIS DOESN'T NEED YOU. Come on, Jessie. Lets go watch Lion King and not be by this meany."

And with that, the two left, leaving Tina with a broken phone and the class with a good story to tell.


"I'm sorry."

Looking up from her bed covers, Jessie's surprised to see her little brother out of bed and at the foot of her door.

"Ryan, why are you up?"

"I couldn't get what happened off my mind. I helped Tina with that trick. I didn't think that you'd end up like that! She tricked me!"

Jessie sighs. "Ryan, come here."

Getting up on her bed, Ryan gulps and looks down at his feet, scared of what to come. Jessie pats his leg and then gives a small chuckle.

"Ryan, I don't blame you for what happened over there. Yeah, I'm a little concerned about how you still listened to her after you knew she was bad news, but I don't blame you for what happened to me. Besides, even if I did....I can't help but be proud of you."


Jessie giggles. "Yes, proud. Ryan, you stood up to her perfectly. Okay, the phone breaking thing was a little overboard but nevertheless, you were so brave. I told Papa and Daddy about it."

"You did?"

"Yeah. They're proud just like me for sticking up for yourself and me like you did. Not to ruin the surprise, but I think I heard Papa say something about going to get ice cream tomorrow..."


Laughing, Jessie gives Ryan a big hug and places a kiss on the top of his head, resulting in him nearly gagging.

He secretly liked the extra love from his sister, but he'd never tell her that.



"Jessie........can I talk to you?"

Looking up from her laptop and piles of work, Jessie immediately motions Ryan in, seeing him nearly shaking in his spot. He closes the door quickly, locking it, and then runs up on her bed, landing right in front of her on it.

"So," Jessie says as her brother fiddles with his fingers, "are you going to just sit there and shake like a wet dog or are you going to tell me why?"

"I.....I think I'm....gay."

She regrets it immediately, but a gasp slips her mouth at that, and the pained look that results on Ryan's face makes her feel like she wants to cry, it's so pained and troubled.

"Ryan...a-are you sure?"

"Did you not hear the think in that?"

Jessie sighs. "Did you talk about this at all with Papa? Or even Dad?"

Ryan shakes his head. "Too scared."

"Papa told us never to be scared to talk to them, Ryan. This is a thing that you especially shouldn't be scared to talk about. They're experts!"

"I'm worried that they'll be disappointed."

"Ryan! Why would they be disappointed? Think about it. They had to tell their parents. They know what it's like. I....well....I'm a fifteen year old who has no clue how the heck to tackle this!"

Shakily exhaling, Ryan runs his hand through his hair nervously, his hand still shaking in fear. Jessie sighs and pats his knee.

"If it makes any difference to you.....I don't care what you are. You're so badass, Ryan. You're very courageous and....and if this is true and you really are gay....I bet you'll shine past any haters with flying colors. I mean......you do have a very good singing voice. Maybe one day you could be like Papa or Dad and become famous! You can be anything, to be honest. You're that amazing, Ryan, and if you ever feel scared, come straight to me anytime. I'll gladly spike my big ass volleyball at whoever is causing you crap for being who you are. Understand?"

Wiping a tear from his eye, Ryan nods. "I love you, Jessie."

Jessie smiles. "I love you too, shorty."

"When will you stop calling me that?"

"Probably the day you hit a big growth spurt and grow as tall as Papa. Unfortunately for me, I have Dad's genes, which means I'm probably not getting much taller."

"Then I can call you shorty."

"You do that, and I'll call you rainbow sparkle."

"Okay, I won't call you shorty."

"Good brother. Good."



"Excuse me...um, Ryan, is it?"

Turning to his left, he can barely believe his eyes. The guy interrupting his morning locker time is actually....in his eyes....the hottest guy he's ever seen. Sandy brown hair, beautiful green eyes, body with not too much but just enough muscles scattered on it, nice torso....

He was perfect.

"I'm Ryan," he replies back, shoving the butterflies down and away in his stomach. "You are?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Josh Walter. Today is, um, my first day. I was wondering...do you know where French is?"

Ryan smiles at Josh. "Of course I do. Ms. Tyler loves me."

Josh smirks. "Tyler? She doesn't sound too French, in my opinion."

"It's because she isn't. I think honestly that she's Australian, if you could believe it."

Laughing, Josh leans up against the locker and just watches him mess around in his locker, his eyes practically assaulting him from afar. Suddenly, the two minute warning bell sounds down the hall and everyone immediately sprints to their classrooms, leaving them and only a few people straying behind in the almost vacant and echoing hallway. Ryan clears his throat and slams his locker shut, seeming to wake Josh from his daydream.

"Um, class starts pretty soon," Ryan says quietly, shyness taking over. "I can take you to French...that is, er, if you want me to. It'd be nothing big, if you decide for me to take you, because Ms. Tyler could easily write a slip or something for m-"

Before he can even react, Josh's lips are up against his, not too forceful but very...desperate? Needy? Ryan can barely tell as he slowly slips his eyes shut and gives in. Josh now has cupped his cheek, and just from that mere touch, Ryan can tell he's warm and almost naturally inviting in a way. He lets Josh take control of the kiss, and in that moment, he feels a sense of...rightness? Perfection?

He feels like it's where he's meant to be.

And then...it happens.

It's like getting a huge slap in the face, a cold liquid hitting both him and Josh in the face, abruptly ending the kiss. Then before they can breathe or even get a solid thought through their brain, the two of them are slammed against the cold and harsh lockers, the sound startling the stragglers back a bit. One of the guys, Ryan can hear, is laughing his butt off, and if he wasn't so scared and shaken at the moment, he'd gladly run to him and punch him the way his Dad Kris's boxing shows would show punches. But no, instead, he's clutching Josh's cherry-red slushie stained shirt tightly and not letting go, shivering as the slushie drips down his face and down his back.

Josh doesn't let go, either, thankfully.


It's an all too familiar voice, and if he had his voice, Ryan would scream for it to flee as soon as possible.

One of the jocks, Nolan, smirks, looking at the source of the voice unimpressed. "Well well well, if it isn't Jessie Lambert."

"That's Jessie Allen-Lambert, thank you very much," she fires back, voice coated with venom. "Now, tell me what the hell you just did to Ryan."

"That fag has a name," Tye, the other jock, laughs, "can you believe that Nole?"

"You best be shutting up now," Jessie growls, and with a swift shift of her feet, she deals a hard punch to Tye. He stumbles back a bit and then falls into the lockers behind him, almost falling down to the very ground.

She then turns and gets blindsided by a punch from Nolan that Ryan never ever thought would happen or was possible to deal out.

As Jessie lands on the ground with a loud thump, Ryan quickly breaks away from Josh, runs up to Nolan, and then with all he's got, punches Nolan square in the jaw.

"Josh," Ryan says quickly before Nolan can get back up and regain his senses, "take her outside. If she's not doing well, call 911, okay?"

Josh gulps. "Ryan, you-"

"I'll be fine! Get her out of here!"

It takes him a few seconds, but Josh soon moves from his spot and picks Jessie up into his arms, wrapping her limp and unconscious arms around his neck before getting out as fast as he can.

He can't help but wonder if Ryan is okay....


"Hey.............hey Jess.........Jess, you up?"

Eyes fluttering, Jessie wakes up to the sight of Ryan and her two fathers eagerly sitting at her side. Licking her lips, she has to ask something.

"R..Ryan...are you-"

"I'm fine, Jess," Ryan assures quietly, petting her hand gently, "I'm fine."


"Nolan and Tye are both suspended from school for three months. After telling the principle the truth, he sided with us and got them to confess."

"Are you okay," Adam asks, "do you need anything?"

"I can go get something if you want, love," Kris adds, patting her knee. "Do you want ice cream or something?"

Jessie smiles. "I'm okay, guys. Yeah, my head hurts and...well...I'm still a bit dazed but...I'm okay. And Dad, I'd love some ice cream."

"Mint chocolate chip?"

"You know me well," Jessie replies softly, and with one last pat of her knee, Kris is off and away to the cafeteria. Looking past Ryan, Jessie sends a wink her Papa's way and blows a quick kiss his way, making him smile.

"What was that for?"

Jessie shrugs. "You looked sad. I wanted to make you look happy again."

"Jessie, you didn't have to-"

"Can I have a moment with Ryan, Papa," she interrupts, almost whispering, "alone?"

"You sure you don't want-"

"Papa, I'm fine. Go be with Daddy. That's what I want you to do. For me."

Adam swallows hard. "I love you, baby girl."

"Love you too, Papa."

As soon as he's out of the room, Ryan immediately turns his attention to Jessie, getting a huge smirk from her. He chuckles.

"What's so funny?"

"You're the best brother in the world."

Ryan frowns. "Are you okay? Did Nolan hit you too hard and like, knock out your brains?"

Jessie giggles. "Ryan, shut up. You heard me before. I meant what I said."

"But...I've caused you so much trouble lately!"

"You've stood up for me, though. You've also stood up for yourself. In my eyes.....you're amazing, Ryan. The best thing I could ask for."

Blushing, Ryan playfully hits her shoulder, laughing soon after with his thankfully healthy sister. The day so far was scary, but now, he felt at peace and right again, not worried like how he was when his lips were against Josh's earlier.

Yeah, Josh.....

"Um.....I'm going to go send Papa and Dad back in," Ryan quickly says, hopping up from his seat and practically running to the door, "see ya' Jessie!"

As he gets out the door, he hears one thing shouted to him from her, and it makes him nearly stop in his tracks.

"Tell that Josh boy I'll kick his ass if he breaks your heart!"



"Knock knock!"

"Jessie," Ryan gasps in shock, seeing his sister decked out in the beautiful red, strapless "bride's maid" gown he chose with her hair wavy and her lips painted in a crisp cherry red lipstick. In his opinion, she looks like she could be in Miss Universe and easily place in the top five, if not become Miss Universe herself.

"Well, how are you feeling, wedding boy?"

"You look beautiful," Ryan numbly says back, looking his sister up and down. Jessie just laughs and hugs her brother tightly.

"Not exactly what I was going for, but thanks!"

Ryan chuckles. "I feel a lot better now knowing that your dress I picked out for you and the others is simply stunning!"

"How could you feel worried about that? We all told you that it looks fantastic!"

"I guess I needed to see it with my own eyes on my wedding day to know for sure."

Jessie giggles. "I love you."

"Love you too, Jess."

".....want me to tell you how Josh looks?"

"No," Ryan shouts, immediately covering his ears, "don't you dare! I don't want to know! It's bad luck!"

Jessie smirks. "Okay, okay, calm down. I'm not going to tell you. You're too nice for me to do something so mean, even though you are my brother."

"Yeah. So...um....how's your guy handling the.....well.....loss."

Jessie now frowns and looks down to her feet, crossing her arms self consciously. "I guess as best as any of us."

"Are you okay?"

"As good as I can be considering I lost my baby. B-but let's not focus on that. I-it's a happy day. You're getting married to a wonderful guy who I bet is going to make all your dreams come true in just a few minutes. You need to be excited."

Ryan sighs. "Jessie-"

"I'm okay," she assures with a heart-felt smile, "I swear. Now, come on. Forget what happened in the past with me and go make a happy start for the future with Josh. Trust me, that'll make me and Tony happier than any sympathy you or Josh or anyone will give us towards losing our baby."

"I love you so much, Jess."

Jessie smiles and kisses Ryan's cheek. "Love you too, shorty."


Vows had been said, tears had been shed on both sides of the family, laughter had ensued, and a new couple was now wed. The ceremony had been amazing, but now, it was time for the after-party and celebration.

The Lambert-Allen family couldn't be more excited.

The first dance between Josh and Ryan was sweet and tender, an old Elvis song playing softly on the piano being their only accompaniment as they swayed and enjoyed their newly-found companionship. The next dance was for everyone, but it was mostly a shining moment for Jessie and the second of the men of the hour, Ryan. They danced around, fooled around, and acted like kids again.

It was super sweet, and there were definitely few dry-eyes in the room.

Now it's time for a toast, and by special request, Ryan wanted to speak.

It's his day-no one objected.

"Hi everyone," he says into the mic, getting a few drunken 'HIIIIIIII's from some people in the back of the room. "I just wanted to say a few things considering the crap that has gone on in my family lately. Just a few weeks ago.....my sister found out she had a miscarriage of her baby at only twelve weeks. I still remember how she looked when she came to tell me. It's not something you'd like to see, your sister crying from something like that. When I was little....heck yeah I made her cry sometimes! We were young and, I admit, I was an annoying little boy sometimes." A little bit down the table of family and close friends, Adam and Kris both nod and share an understanding laugh, memories flying at them immediately. "No matter how many times you say you don't like your sister, you never want to see them go through what she and her husband Tony went through. She could've shunned the world and done something rash, but no...she stood tall and took the news like a champ alongside Tony, and I honestly think that because of her actions, I kind of grew closer to Josh. Why, you ask? Well, her losing her baby made me realize that tough stuff happens, and you'll get hurt no matter how good of a person you are. It's going to really test your strength....but as long as you have someone close to you to go through the tough times with you and support you during your worst moments, you can make it through to the bright side. Because of how her and Tony bonded together and survived through that, I realized that love really can overcome anything. I've certainly done that with Josh many times, so....I guess it just confirmed to me that we are meant to be. Jess, I love you so much, and I kind of owe some of my success in this relationship to your example and words. Thank you, sis. Thank you, and Tony, for being so...amazing. I love you."

Suddenly, Jessie hops up from her seat next to him and hugs him tight as a round of applause swarms the room, tears trailing down her face in pure love.

Ryan was amazing. Simple as that.

She wouldn't trade him for the world.




The scene is set as this: Jessie is pregnant with her first child, a baby girl to be named Emma Nicole Jones who is eagerly awaited by her future grandparents, Kris Allen-Lambert and Adam Allen-Lambert, her uncles Ryan and Josh, and tons of friends. She is minutes away from giving birth to said child and, with her parents, her husband, and brother at her side, is enduring some of the worst pain ever, as you can imagine.


Next to his husband, Kris laughs and pets her hair soothingly. "You are such your mother's daughter when it comes to this."

Jessie groans. "Thanks Dad, compare me to her when I'm already in pain and am angry!"


"Um, Jess," Adam whimpers out as his daughter powers through another contraction, "as much as I love you and understand you need to squeeze something as hard as you can to take out your pain from this, but...well, I don't know what my hand did to deserve this..."

Coming down from her contraction, Jessie lets go with a big sigh and then pats his arm. "Sorry Papa. It...it just hurts so bad."

Adam chuckles. "It's okay baby girl. I promise you, it'll be better very soon."

"The minute you see Emma, all your pain will go away," Kris agrees, winking at his husband. "Trust me."

"I am so glad I don't have to endure that," Josh mumbles to Ryan as another contraction hits Jessie, "that looks so dang painful."

"Oh shush, Josh. You'd kill to be able to have a kid."

"I guess so."

"Jessie Jones?"

Looking away from her family, Jessie is relieved to see her doctor's smiling face come into the room with a group of nurses prepared for action. It means in her mind that the pain is almost over.

"Doctor Lyon?"

Doctor Lyon smiles. "Yup, I'm here. I also think it's time that we get ready to welcome this baby girl! Um...I am afraid, though, that a few people will have to wait in the waiting room. Due to needing space to move and safety precautions, we need to only have two people here."

"I want Tony for sure," she says, grabbing his hand tightly. "No questions about it."

"Ryan," Adam says, wrapping an arm around his youngest child, "why don't you stay here. Be there for your sister."

Ryan blinks furiously in shock. "B-but...don't you want to see your grandchild be born?"

"Your Dad and I have seen a fair share of babies be born in our lifetime. Enjoy this moment with her. We'll be just outside."

"Whatever you say."

"Papa," Jessie says just before they turn to leave, "I love you. And Dad."

Adam smiles, a tear coming to his eye. "I love you too, Jess."

"Same here," Kris adds, kissing her hand tenderly. "Stay strong."

"Will do."

And with that, they left. Josh is the final one to leave, kissing his sister-in-law on the forehead before leaving the group. For a moment, all is quiet, and then Jessie lets out a loud scream, the pain getting to her.

"Jessie," Dr. Lyon says soothingly as she takes seat and preps everything for Emma's arrival, "you are going to need to push when we tell you to. Bear down like you are having a bowel movement, okay?"

"I have a feeling I should've let Papa or Dad stay here," Ryan chokes out nervously. Jessie slaps his arm and then grabs his hand tight for support. In a matter of moments,his hand is being squished like a grape and Jessie is nearly screaming, everything happening so fast. Tony is coaching her and the doctor is helping her, but all Ryan can do is stop and stare at the amazing thing in front of him. His sister, the girl who had been by his side his whole life, now was going to give life to another person. He couldn't believe it. He didn't believe things like this would be this amazing.

He never knew his sister was so strong.

"Okay Jessie, I can see the head! Just a few more pushes!"

Sweat is covering her face and yelps of pain are escaping her mouth, but Jessie is being a real trooper. Ryan can tell how hard she's working to let her little girl live and can just tell how nervous her and Tony are about her health considering the miscarriage almost a year ago.

He still can't believe this happening after all that.

"One more push, Jess, you're so close!"



Time almost stands still the moment little Emma comes into the world, her strangled cries coming repeatedly as the nurses try to clean her up and hand her over to Jessie. She's got tears in her eyes, just as Tony does, and a sob building in her as they hand her her daughter.

"Hi baby girl," Jessie cries happily as her daughter makes eye-contact with her for the first time now that the towels aren't attacking her. "Welcome!"

Ryan can't escape the overwhelming tears of joy that erupt from seeing it all in front of him.Emma's soon whisked away to be weighed and readied up for her birth certificate footprints. Jessie and Tony share an emotional kiss in the meantime.

Ryan's still frozen in place, the tears trailing down his face.

"Ryan," Jessie says calmly, kicking him out of his trance, "come here."

"Are you-"

"I'm sure. Come here."

He walks over to her slowly, but as soon as he's in reach, Ryan's pulled quickly into Jessie's arms, enveloped in a huge bear hug from his only sister. The tears are falling like waterfalls now, nothing stopping them.

"You are so amazing, Jessica Marie Allen-Lambert," Ryan sobs into her shoulder. "I've never been more proud of you."

Jessie smiles. "Oh, Ryan."

"I love you so much, Jessie. I'm so proud."

"Ryan," Jessie giggles, "I love you too, but you're kind of blocking my daughter from being in my arms, you know."


Turning around, he sees a nurse with his new niece in her arms and immediately moves to the side, making Jessie and said nurse laugh. Once safe in Jess's arms, Emma is safe and sound, all six pounds nine ounces of her, and Ryan can't keep his eyes off her. Her hair is very wispy and super gold, her eyes are Jessie's gorgeous blue, her mouth in of her father's, and her nose is a combo of her parent's. She's a perfect mix. It's amazing to just look at her from afar, let alone a foot away like Ryan.

"Jess," Ryan says, almost too emotional to speak, "I....I love you so much...I can't even...you made such a beautiful girl...you deserve her s-so much, I can't-"

"Shush," Jessie cuts off with a smirk. "Love you so much, Ryan. You're the best brother a gal could ask for. "

"Thanks Jess."

"You're welcome, Ryan."

"Can I hold Emma?"

"Can you not cry on her?"

".....No.......fine, I'll wait."



fun fun fun, they kissed, my heart, kradam fanfic, i cannot even, serious shiz, cuteness overload, i don't even know, summer, kradam, love, long way from conway, now i'm feelin so fly like a dcriss, adam lambert, summer vacation, highschool, drabble, kris allen, hugs, family, i am way too bored today, the beauty-it burns, conway, jessie marie

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