Title: Light in his Darkness ~ Part 4
Author: cunningdeb
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: adam/kris
Summary: WIP. Kris is a rehab therapist who finds himself falling for his student, a rock star lost in a world of darkness.
Warning: angst
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone involved. I am not a rehab therapist; the information I share is from internet research and may or may not be accurate.
Part 1 ~
http://cunningdeb.livejournal.com/80872.htmlPart 2 ~
http://cunningdeb.livejournal.com/81380.html Part 3 ~
http://cunningdeb.livejournal.com/81579.html For the purposes of this chapter, I’ve condensed how long it takes to learn how to use a cane.
Flashbacks or recollections, I hope it’s not confusing when I switch from one to the other.
Part 4: Kris looks back on their first week ~