Title: Water
Pairing/Characters: Adam, Tommy
Rating (Word Count): PG (100)
Warning(s): implied alcoholism
Author's notes: Well, it's safe to say that "canon" has certainly thrown us a loop and made writing very emotional. But seeing as I only have 22 drabble sets left I'm determined to get through them all, even if I'll often be sending these people whump-whump-whump down the emotional staircase. I'll still be sure to provide appropriate warnings when needed. I thank you all for the hits and feedback.
After several shots of whiskey and about half a bottle of cheap beer finished making their emergency exit, Adam continued to cough and spit as he knelt by the tub. Tommy stood with his back turned and arms crossed over his chest. This scene had become too common.
This has got to be it, he's got to see what he's doing to himself, and he'll quit now, he'd thought the last few times but to no avail. All he could do was get the usual cold cloth and glass of water to soothe the burning Adam felt inside and outside.