Title: Spirit
Pairing/Characters: Tommy, Cassidy, Kris
Rating (Word Count): T (3x100)
Warning(s): pre-story character death
Author's notes: zombie apocalypse AU. Had to get there eventually :p And because I've also been on an
Afterlife With Archie reading binge I'm picturing everyone as slightly younger.
"You really think those things can still have spirits?" Tommy leaned over to light his cigarette with the end of Cassidy's, holding his breath until the tip finally glowed red in the dark. Risky enough they had already wasted one match, didn't need to get rid of two.
Cassidy took a drag, pulled his thin substitute for a blanket closer around his shoulders, and laid his bow across his lap. "Don't see why not. They're human. Humans have souls."
"While they're still in breathing bodies, maybe. We don't know what the hell's keeping those bastards alive, but they're not breathing."
Tommy took light puffs to make his cigarette last, smoke disappearing as quickly as it came. Glowing embers in a dry forest in the middle of the night could've been a neon "FOOD HERE" sign for those creatures, but nothing had interrupted their watch so far, and the group had already taken a long enough trek without breaking.
"You wanna tell him that his brother is a soulless bastard?" Cassidy swept an arm behind them to motion to their sleeping group. 'Him' was Kris, who had finally cried himself to sleep after he'd recognized his brother in today's disposed horde.
Tommy furrowed his brows, even if his glare wasn't visible in the dark. "Everybody's lost someone, Cass. I'm just calling 'em as I see 'em."
"You're getting too jaded."
"And maybe some people in this group are getting too weak." He tucked his cigarette in the corner of his mouth and stroked across the smooth-with-age handle of the axe across his lap. "Think I know which way I'd rather be if I want to survive."
"Wouldn't surprise me if you decided to leave us 'weaklings' behind."
Tommy shook his head. "I'm not a dreamer like you, Cass, just a realist."