Robot and Frank

Sep 18, 2012 08:40

I used to do these mini reviews all the time. I think I should start again!

Robot & Frank: ****
Plot: In the near future, a cranky old man (Frank) is letting himself go, so his son buys him a robot to help take care of the house and get  Frank in mental and physical shape. The robot decides Frank needs a project, and Frank, a former cat burgler, decides to plan a heist.
Characters: Believeable. I particularly liked Frank's daughter, Madisen, who is vehenemently opposed to using robot labour, until she comes to take care of Frank and realizes how difficult it is.
Dialogue: Good, natural. The part where the two robots are trying to socialize is pretty funny.
Kinda like: The Alziemer's part in Rise of the Planet of the Apes crossed with your typical heist movie.

It was a very cute movie, but some parts were quietly but almost unbearably sad. One of my biggest fears is losing myself to Alzeimers, and whenever I'm confronted with the possibility it makes me scared and uncomfortable. However, most of the movie was about a cantankerous old man training his robot to pic locks and generally be awesome. I love a good heist movie, and this delivered, while at the same time being very thoughtful.


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