Oct 02, 2010 09:49
I sat in "urgent care" at the student health center for two hours yesterday, at which point, they called me in to talk to some random dude. I told him about my symptoms and he promptly made me an appointment...for several hours later. So I went home for about half an hour, then left again to run some errands, and finally made my way back to school, where I saw a real doctor. She was very nice and sympathetic and did some tests right there with me to determine if I was functioning neurologically the way I'm supposed to, which I was (but I could have told you that)...
and the final outcome of all of this is that they can't help me with anything. Do you know what the doctor said to do the next time I get a headache like that?
Take ibuprofen.
If that worked, I wouldn't have had a headache for a week, now would I? So I'm on my own with this, which is pretty usual when it comes to doctors and my headaches. Her theory is that I had some kind of muscle contraction related to having a headache for a week, which is logical, but she didn't tell me what to do next time. This is what I think: I need to employ some stress management techniques and learn how to relax my body in a better way, which I've known all along. My mom's suggestion was to go back on some OTC allergy and sinus meds that I stopped taking several years ago at the request of my doctor after my mom had her heart attack. My mom's suggestion probably makes the most sense since it requires the least amount of work on my part. My other thought is that it may be time to look into acupuncture or reflexology (during all of my spare time because I have so much of it) and hope that some of it may be covered by the crappy insurance plan that my parents are paying for until I'm done with grad school.
Anyway, that was all a big waste of my time.
Last night, Dan and I had dinner with my parents and my sister and brother-in-law and nieces up in Auburn. It was delicious and fun but everyone is stressed out to the max, and I had some conversations with my parents that made me feel that I was the adult in the situation...and I don't necessarily like that feeling. I want my parents to be the ones with all the answers, who are there to guide me, etc...but I guess that's childish of me. It can't be like that forever.
So I really need to get to work on this massive school assignment that I've been putting off forever. I know that I'm going to end up feeling useless and frustrated because it involves a lot of research and I have a really hard time searching through journals and yielding relevant results. I guess I should get started on that. Dan and I were talking about going to Oktoberfest this weekend, but I'm not sure that I feel up to it. We might just end up seeing the Facebook movie instead. Oktoberfest goes all weekend though, so we still have time to change our minds.