shooting & stabbing

Sep 30, 2010 08:40

I failed at writing yesterday. I failed because ...

... my headache is back. Actually, I'm not sure that's a totally accurate statement. I don't know if it's the same headache or a different one. But I feel like I'm pretty confident in saying that I've never had a headache like this before in my LIFE.'s not a migraine.

It's concentrated on one side of my head (the opposite side of my head than my headache from over the weekend), all into my temple area. The rest of my head doesn't hurt at all, and this isn't aching -- it's shooting, stabbing, horrible world-ending pains that are concentrated in that tiny area of my head. If I lightly graze the area with a finger, I get the shooting, stabbing pains. Doing nothing, I get the shooting, stabbing pains.

It's not a migraine, so I'm not going to take migraine meds for it. I also am hesitant to down large quantities of anything else because of the whole rebound headache deal. So far this morning, I've taken two tylenol (because they have more milligrams than advil/ibuprofen, etc) and have been lying down with a hot rice pack on the side of my head. The heat seems to help more than anything else. The pain is mostly gone now, but as usual, I'm not convinced it won't come back.

I'm kind of thinking that I'm having some other health problem going on, but when I tried to make an appointment online with my student health center on campus, there were none for today. Or tomorrow. So that's really not helpful at all if I am trying to get rid of this headache ASAP. I guess if it gets really bad again, I can use my shitty backup insurance, but I don't have a doctor on that plan. I've never used it before.

Other than that, yesterday I had a bizarre, bizarre home visit out in the middle of bum-f*ck nowhere in Solano County. Strange house, strange people, strange experience overall. Like some backwoods stuff you think only exists in movies! I don't think I would have believed it if I hadn't been there myself. I'll be going back next week too.

ETA: the migraine meds did work. I have no idea wtf is going on with me.
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