Thanks to
nephele, I recently learned that geocities is closing down all their free websites. I've had my mother's home business up on geocities for years ( I've never been particularly happy with the setup, as it doesn't look that professional and it's a pain to edit (as evidenced by some typos that I've never gotten around to fixing. I am a bad daughter.).
So now I need to find her another web hosting situation. My ideal would be to go ahead and purchase the domain name we want for her and then have a hosting site that will provide templates I can easily use for her simple website. I do NOT know how to use dreamweaver or any of the other web building programs. I suppose I ought to, but I'm not particularly interested in stumbling through teaching myself those programs right now.
Any suggestions as to what I should look at and what is reasonable to pay? I've seen sites listing $5/month fees, but I don't know what it costs to get the domain name. Her site will require the lowest possible bandwidth.
In the past, I've set up hosting services for my company, but that was for a major company website with us keeping a web designer on staff. So any suggestions y'all could offer about a web host for dummies would be excellent.