Oh, man. A wedding cake sampling. That looks amazing. I didn’t do that with my wedding cake - I just gave her recipes and told her to make them. *snicker* I’m a bit controlling sometimes. Shocker.
Okay, why is she tasting cake in someone else’s bakery? Isn’t Sookie making the cake? Hehehe - Rory asked the same question.
Lorelai’s obsession with cake reminds me of Stephanie Plum in the Janet Evanovich books and her obsession with birthday cake. These two would get along very, very, very well. Somebody needs to write a crossover fic with Lorelai and Stephanie Plum.
*spends way too long reflecting on the possibilities and wondering if I can bribe someone into doing this. I wonder if Iwanna would..?*
My hubby just got home and he brought me TWINKIES. This is why everyone should get married. So that when they have irrational and unhealthy cravings as the result of a chick show, their hubby can bring them the remedy and then not laugh when their hips blow up.
Hehehe - they’re hiring Kirk as the photographer!
I’ve just had to kick my son out of the room. He came in to find me with Twinkies and asked if anyone had put together a flow chart tracking the average weight gain of a Gilmore Girls fan as they watch the entire series. I may shoot him.
Okay, Lorelai’s offering Max a “trial run,” so he can stay at her house while his place is being painted. Any chance this is going to end in disaster?
Yay! Rory and Dean like Monty Python!
It’s cute how romantic and obsessive Dean is about anniversaries.
Hehehe! I’m adoring how shocked Rory and Lorelai are about the existence of the broiler.
Uh. Oh. Lorelai is looking weirded out about having Max in her bed. Hehehe - I love that she promptly goes downstairs and wakes up her DAUGHTER for a girlfriend talk. “I’ve got a boy in my room!”
“I’m gonna call you funny bottems from now on.” Somebody needs that for their screen name.
Okay, Luke’s version of being nice to Max is creepy. “Top of the morning! Brown is your color, my friend!”
Okay, this discussion between Dean and Max is a scream. “Answer the pepperoni.” “After awhile, their thinking becomes clear. But by then, they’ve already done two other things that you can’t figure out.” Looooooove this!
Okay, this is a good and important conversation Lorelai and Max are having about his role in Rory’s life and in their family life. He’s right to be concerned about this. He ought to know what the ground rules are around there. And as much as Lorelai is saying that Rory’s done being raised, she’s not! And Lorelai knows it, or she wouldn’t have had a few parenting freak-outs the previous season.
“It’s like Hitler’s Germany!” I LOVE fights between Taylor and Luke. They are a SCREAM! I also love that in the middle of ranting at Taylor, he’s able to keep up with Sookie and Lorelai’s argument and offer a surly opinion, “You’re idiots if you don’t eat first.”
Does nothing ever happen in this town? They’re having a big meeting (and fights!) over the new crosswalk. Hahahahahaha!!! “I hate being infantilized.” Go, Murray!
“Stick your hand down some guy’s pants for me.” “I hope you’re talking about a stripper!” “Whatever!” Hehehehehe! Is everyone in this town a bit slutty?
Luke’s rant about how people don’t mate for life (“Well, duke’s do. But who the hell cares what dukes do?”) tells me this is his way of coping with Lorelai getting married. By telling himself it won’t last.
Okay, I’m already dying laughing at Lorelai sneaking her daughter into this club with Michel tagging along. But then EMILY is in there already? HAHAHAHA!
Aww, Emily’s romantic story has all the women contacting their sweeties.
Uh, oh. That’s not Max that she’s calling. She’s calling Christopher. What the heck!
Okay, I love that they’re judging Max’s character based on his CD collection. That is so something my husband would do! (He’s still horrified by the fact that I really don’t have one.)
I’m worried, though, that she’s calling Christopher. I think Christopher realizes, too, that this is not a good sign. It seems to indicate Lorelai is freaking out. Also, I’m sorry, but wth is she doing calling Christopher, who proposed last time she saw him, and announcing that she’s getting married? And the fact that Lorelai couldn’t even admit to Sookie who she called is not a good sign.
Okay another bad sign: this argument about the keys. And oooooouch: “You need to think about someone other than yourself for a few minutes a day.” WOW.
Long Island Iced Tea = Fair Weather Friend discussion. Hehehe! I love LongIslands. One of those and I’m under the table.
Oh, gosh! I can’t believe this thing (hoopa?) that Luke made Lorelai! This must’ve taken him forever!!!
“God would probably have to get a license from Taylor to do any smiting on a weekend, so I’d say you’re probably safe.” HEHEHE!
Okay, how many icons are out there of Lorelai and Luke standing under this Hoopa thing?
Oh, oh, oh, oh. The road trip discussion. Oh, poor Lorelai. And smart, smart Rory. No questions after she establishes the wedding is off, she just starts frantically packing.
This stoplight in the middle of their empty town is a hoot.
Okay, very interesting that we didn’t see a breakup. I’m fixing to watch at least part of the next episode, so I guess I’ll know in a minute, but did she actually break up with Max off-screen, or is she fleeing without telling him?
“Christian Rock, there’s an oxymoron!” Hehehehe! I have so many Amy Grant records in my background. Not to mention Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman (his poor daughter!), Wayne Watson, First Call… And yet, I absolutely agree with Lorelai. ;-p
Okay, earlier I commented that Lorelai was an excellent friend for not telling Sookie about how she caused that fight between Lorelai and Emily. Sookie is also an excellent friend for not telling Lorelai about the bazillion-tiered cake that is nearly done here. *sigh*
Hahahahaha! It’s funny they opened up the episode bashing Christian Rock, because the woman running the inn is like something from one of my childhood nightmares.
Hehehe - I love how they are hiding from the chit-chat hour! I sooo empathize!
Wow. They’re actually having as creaming fight! And yet they managed to fit a David Lynch reference in the middle of it! How long till LaDawn comes in and tells them to hush? Aww, so sad. She really wishes she could love him.
Okay, this scene with the guests quizzing Lorelai about being in publishing is awesome. “The horse that learned to bark” and then died - *snort*
OMG, I’m loving this argument between Luke and Kirk about the coffee and the service in France.
…OMG, so he finds out the wedding is off and now he’s in a good mood and treating everyone in the diner to coffee? HEHEHE! And Sookie’s just shaking her head. She so knows.
Now, big question is, when will Lorelai tell Emily?
Okay, so they’re at Harvard. And I’m looking at this campus and thinking of
earlgreytea68’s fic. I think I’ll keep my eyes open for Brem. Thanks to EGT’s recent
picspam, I know what his dorm looks like!
LMAO at this college guy trying to pick up Lorelai. “Oh yeah, Shef’s class!”
Aw, the library. Not the one that got blown up, of course. EGT likes that one too much.
When Rory starts her freak out about how she doesn’t read enough and she’s been “frittering away” her life by sleeping too much, I had this urge to start quoting “MusicMan.” “Frittering away their Noon time, chore time, suppertime too!”
Oh! Oh! They’re walking into Hollis! That’s Brem’s dorm!
Hehehe! Lorelai’s trying to talk College lingo using 80s terms. I don’t think anyone’s said “gag me” in quite awhile.
Okay, when Lorelai started posing Rory in that girl’s dorm room, I was so expecting them to get busted mid-pose!
Oh, this is a really interesting scene. Lorelai sees who was the valedictorian of what would’ve been her class (is that the rude chick from Rory’s birthday party?), while Rory is in her element arguing fatalism in class!
“I love college! I love fatalism!” Bwahahaha!!!!
Aw, the entire town is gesturing and waving sympathetically at her as Lorelai drives back into town.
My computer is not happy about me switching back and forth between the DVD player and MS Word. So forgive the sketchy notes. But this scene with Emily and Lorelai when she tells her mom she’s not getting married is better than I expected. I’m glad her mom kept her comments to herself for once.
Lane’s back!
Okay, this conversation with Luke is interesting. I like that he immediately asks the right question. Lorelai says they’ve been to Harvard and he asks how it was for Lorelai to see Rory fitting in so well. Well spotted, sir. He sure does love those two girls and knows them well.
The conversation about the chuppa (I had subtitles on so I see how to spell it!) was sweet, too.
I’m glad to see she’s looking into going forward with her dream about opening her own Inn! That’s so awesome that Luke wants to help her with advice. He’s very supportive.
This was a surprisingly uplifting episode, considering the wedding failure!
(I just watched a deleted scene from Sadie, Sadie, btw. It had Kirk show up in a postal uniform. Isn’t his job working at the market??)